Perfect World: Dreaming Back to Immortality

Chapter 269 The Shadow of Time

Three drops of the Immortal King's essence and blood floated quietly on Gu Wudi's chest.

They are so dazzling, even more dazzling than the sun. The fairy light is endless, and the auspicious clouds are hundreds of millions of rays, illuminating the mountains and rivers, as bright as blood diamonds, filled with sacred aura, and the fluctuations of life are as vast as the ocean.

This is not only the blood of the Immortal King, but also blood essence, which has great cause and effect and is full of fragments of the great avenue.

The three drops of blood were adjacent to each other, creating an extraordinary field. In a daze, Gu Wudi seemed to see an ancient flat peach tree with a myriad of features, rooted in the endless essence of immortality.

Is that the true form of the supreme immortal king Panwang?

Gu Wudi didn't know, he gathered his mind and put away the three drops of Pan King's essence and blood with great solemnity.

As the Immortal King who became the Immortal King in the body of the elixir of immortality, his essence and blood are more advantageous than the essence and blood of other Immortal Kings in protecting human life.

With these three drops of Pan King's essence and blood, and the Endless Bell given by the Endless Immortal King, it was enough for him to save his life in the boundary sea.

"Don't worry, Master, nothing will happen." Gu Wudi comforted him, and then said goodbye to the two True Immortal Taoists, the masters of the restricted area.

"If Qingyue returns, please master and the two of you conceal my whereabouts."

Before leaving, Gu Wudi turned around and said this.

"It's natural. With Qingyue's temper, if she knew you went to the Boundary Sea, I'd probably follow you there." The owner of the restricted area nodded.

Seeing this, Gu Wudi no longer has any worries.

This time, the purpose of going to Jiehai is no longer just to recover Senior Sister Biyu. He wants to stay in the sea and hone his skills in the mortal world until he can become the Immortal King.

Looking at Gu Wudi's back, the owner of the forbidden area sighed softly. In an instant, there was a loud noise in the quiet forbidden area. The earth cracked and the earth and rocks collapsed. Underground, formations emerged one after another, criss-crossing, like red-hot rocks. It was like molten iron flowing in the darkness, blazing and bright.

This is an ancient formation leading to the embankment realm, buried under the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone. Biyu also took this path.

Since the magic circle requires an extremely large amount of energy to penetrate the world wall, its cooling period is very long, a full hundred years.

However, to immortal beings, a hundred years is nothing, it is just a blink of an eye.

He stood on the magic circle and said goodbye to the three of them. As the iron-like formations glowed brightly, the entire magic circle was wrapped in a force. Accompanied by the fairy mist and the light of chaos, it instantly broke through the boundary wall and headed towards Teleported away in the direction of the dike boundary.

Time is displaced, space is changing, the long river of time emerges in the distance, and broken worlds rise and fall one after another, like duckweeds in the sea.

When Gu Wudi's vision became clear again, he had come to a quiet world.

It's so quiet here, without any sound, and very dark. Coming here is like coming to the end of the universe. Desolation and dilapidation are the eternal truth of this world.

Gu Wudi looked wary. He knew that this was the dam boundary. The most obvious feature was the majestic dam stretching across the horizon not far ahead.

It is tall and magnificent, simple and heavy, giving people an indestructible feeling.

For thousands of epochs, this dike has been standing here, bearing the impact of the waves of the boundary sea all the time. It has never fallen, is immortal, and is full of historical vicissitudes and ancient meanings.

People can't help but imagine and recall the past. What kind of powerful creatures and forces can create such a dam that lasts for eternity?

Gu Wudi strolled over, climbed up step by step, and saw the legendary line of footprints not far away.

It was left by a quasi-immortal emperor. It emitted a faint and inconspicuous brilliance. It has become a beacon for countless immortal kings throughout the ages, guiding them to cross the sea without hesitation and pursue the so-called journey of defeating kings and becoming emperors. road.

Gu Wudi looked at this line of footprints and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The sea-crosser before the fall of the emperor, a quasi-immortal emperor with the heavens in mind, with a heart to calm the darkness, under the gaze of the kings, stepped across the dam step by step, stepped into the boundary sea, left and disappeared. .

One hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years... The heavens and worlds did not wait for the quasi-immortal emperor to quell the black disaster, but what waited was the army of the dark kingdom, the ancient palace of Jie Yin that filled the sky, and two ancient artifacts of origin... …

But the emperor they longed for was defeated by one against three, and was outnumbered. He died on the other side of the sea. From then on, the emperors in the heavens fell, and the world was in chaos.

All disasters and chaos are caused by "Emperor".

He shook his head and saw some corpses of immortal creatures on the embankment. Most of them were extremely old. They had been lying here for several or even more than a dozen epochs. There were no corpses that had recently emerged from the boundary sea.

However, the Great Reckoning is not far away, and the dark storm is already blowing from the opposite side. It will come to this side in a few tens of thousands of years. By then, chaos in the heavens will be inevitable.

He searched around the embankment. He had no hope at first and didn't expect to find any trace of Bi Yu. Who would have thought that he would actually gain something.

On a slightly broken embankment, Gu Wudi saw Bi Yu's message. It was very beautiful, written with the blood of a true immortal, and could last for a long time without being destroyed.

"Biyu, I wanted to become a quasi-immortal king but couldn't. In order to find a chance to break through, I crossed the sea and left. Don't think about it."

Gu Wudi whispered, read this line once, and then looked ahead in the distance.

The boundary sea fog is thick, one layer after another. It is very dim and blocks people's sight. The ubiquitous boundary sea ripples sweep over. Those who do not reach the true immortal will be seriously injured in an instant and find it difficult to survive here.

Through the fog, you can see that the waves are surging into the sky. A wave is like an abandoned world. With a splash, the abandoned world ceases to exist.

Looking around, there are endless waves, and countless abandoned worlds are piled together to form an endless vast ocean.

This is the Boundary Sea. It is too big and vast. It is as strong as the Immortal King. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to cross to the end.

Existences of the level of true immortals and quasi-immortal kings can only move in the offshore area at most, and cannot go to the deep sea. The winds and waves and dangers there are even more terrifying. Those who do not reach the level of immortal kings have no hope of survival at all, even if they stand in the realm of immortal kings. The environment is also full of dangers. If he is as strong as the master of the restricted area, won't he return seriously injured and have to sit down and disintegrate?

How to find Senior Sister Biyu in the vast world sea?

He took out the Endless Bell and asked for advice.

The crystal clear ancient bell floats among the chaotic energy, telling Gu Wudi how to find it.

"It's very simple. According to what you said, she is in the late stage of true immortality. A creature in this realm cannot go very far in just five hundred years. You only need to sit here cross-legged, use your eyesight, and stare in all directions. Just look for her.

However, the situation above the boundary sea is difficult to predict. There are many things that can block the sight of living creatures, so you must be mentally prepared. "

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Gu Wudi bowed his hands and was about to use his Immortal Eyes to start looking for Biyu's traces. As a result, the Endless Bell vibrated lightly, overflowing with unparalleled power of time, tracing back to the original and restoring the old scene.

"You are too slow. Let me help you narrow down the target range."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Wudi saw a beautiful and moving female fairy cautiously boarding the embankment. She used her own true fairy blood to leave ancient characters on the Broken Land. Then, she released an immortal treasure ship and rushed out of the thick boundary. The sea water mist was moving rapidly in one direction.

Afterwards, all the images faded into nothingness, and the flow of time here returned to normal.

"This way?"

With the help of the Endless Bell, he confirmed the direction Biyu took when he went to sea and further narrowed the scope.

Without any hesitation, Gu Wudi opened his Immortal Heavenly Eyes. His eyes were densely covered with symbols, and his sight penetrated the layers of mist of the boundary sea and cast into the distance.

At this time, Gu Wudi was already a worldly immortal with unfathomable skills, so he could naturally see extremely far away.

On the majestic boundary sea, the waves are blooming, rising and falling, and one abandoned world after another is disillusioned and turned into a dream.

He saw many things, such as the sea-crossing man of unknown origin, with the head of a lion, the legs of a spider, and the tail of a crocodile. He looked extremely ferocious, and for example, immortal rocks and isolated islands, with creatures sitting on them. , close your eyes and rest your mind, as if you are taking a rest.

In addition, there are blood-stained dark ancient ships, large tombs floating on the sea, etc. Most of them are forbidden powerful people, that is, existences of the Immortal King level.

There are only a handful of true immortals and quasi-immortal kings. The deeper you go, the fewer the number of such creatures. There is the exclusive area of ​​​​the immortal kings, as well as the tombs and forbidden areas of other creatures.

Without being targeted by immortal king-level creatures, the true immortals and quasi-immortal kings would capsize themselves, unable to withstand the terrifying waves, fall into the sea, and melt into nothingness.

After scanning around, unexpectedly, he found nothing and no trace of Bi Yu. Gu Wudi frowned slightly.

A creature in the late stage of True Immortal has only been sailing on the boundary sea for five hundred years. Even if the journey is smooth, luck is overwhelming, and the boundary ocean currents help, it is impossible to escape from his sight.

You must know that the dark ancient ship that Gu Wudi saw, the large tomb that sailed the world sea, etc. are at least millions of years away from the dike world, and this is calculated based on the speed of the Immortal King.

If Bi Yu had not died, there would have been no way he could have escaped his sight.

"Perhaps, she was sailing in a direction blocked by the power of the boundary sea, so you didn't see it.

You must know that the farthest distance you can see in each direction of the boundary sea is different. The farthest distance may be several epochs, while the closest distance may be only a hundred years. "Endless Bell said.

Immediately afterwards, it gave another possibility: "Or perhaps, she has encountered an accident. Among the creatures sailing on the boundary sea, women are relatively weak and can easily attract covetous attention.

Even though the Immortal King and Quasi-Immortal King are almost ruthless, if they meet a female Immortal King or Nvzhen Immortal on the sea, there is no guarantee that they will take action. Above the boundary sea, anything can happen. "

Hearing this, Gu Wudi felt a surge of worry in his heart. He knew that what the Endless Bell said was true.

Since ancient times, the number of female immortal kings has been very rare, whether they are immortal kings or true immortals.

Currently, one Immortal Emperor and five quasi-Immortal Emperors born in this land of heavens and worlds are, without exception, all men.

Most women survive by relying on strong men. Strong women like Chicken Raider and Liu Shen are too rare.

Because of this, when the ruthless man came across the long river of time to protect Shi Hao from disaster, the Red King was delighted to see the hunter, and wanted to suppress the ruthless man, make him surrender, and accompany the emperor.

Female true immortals like Bi Yu in the late stage are considered rare, and there is a real possibility of being captured.

"Senior Xianzhong, what should we do now?"

Gu Wudi asked for advice.

He had thought about using the fairy blood writing left by Bi Yu to use secret techniques to deduce Bi Yu's direction.

However, the boundary sea is too special. If you don't reach the Immortal King realm, you can't even think of using secret techniques such as bloodline tracking. It's useless. Even if you are an Immortal King, it may not work.

"In that case, leave the tracking to me. These bloodstains are of great use and I need to use them." Xian Zhong said. Its mission is to protect Gu Wudi's safety. It will not resort to war unless it is absolutely necessary. Searching for people on the boundary sea.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, senior."

Gu Wudi nodded.

Hearing this, the Endless Bell no longer hesitated and released the power of time, picking up the blood stains on the broken embankment and condensing it into a brilliant drop of immortal blood.

Then, it used some kind of taboo method, overflowing with symbols like a vast ocean, following the power of time, and merged into the immortal blood.

In the blink of an eye, this drop of immortal blood transformed into a human form, taking on the appearance of Bi Yu.

Just like five hundred years ago, she put down the treasure ship in the boundary sea, stood on it, and sailed in one direction.

"Follow this shadow of time. During this period, I need to maintain my secret skills. I can't help you much unless you are targeted by the Immortal King." The Endless Bell said.

Gu Wudi nodded, and quickly released a treasure ship given by the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, landing on the waves, and then followed closely behind Bi Yu's shadow of time.

This secret technique is quite mysterious and cannot even be affected by special environments such as the Boundary Sea. The so-called shadow of time has always been very solid and has no tendency to collapse.

Moreover, how fast she moves forward depends entirely on how fast Gu Wudi's ship is. The shadow of time is always in front of him, maintaining a constant distance.

As for the Endless Bell, it is suspended on the ancient invincible treasure ship, glowing all over, overflowing with vast ripples of time, maintaining the secret of tracking.

Gu Wudi did not dare to delay and drove the Immortal King giant-level treasure ship forward quickly.

The situation above the boundary sea is changeable and unpredictable. One second it was calm, and the next second there may be violent storms, huge waves, various trap areas, and mysterious black fog. , Boundary Sea Vortex, etc.

For Gu Wudi, who entered the Boundary Sea for the first time, this was the first time he saw these. However, when he came, the owner of the restricted area gave him his experience of sailing on the Boundary Sea, so that he would not be blinded.

As time went by, this tracking journey was much longer than imagined.

If Bi Yu stagnated in one place, it would be easy for him to catch up. If Bi Yu was also moving forward, it would be difficult for him to catch up.

Eight hundred years later, Gu Wudi finally stopped the treasure ship in front of a reef.

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