After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Biyu, Gu Wudi turned his attention to the ferocious bone ship.

Its entire body is made of the bones of immortal creatures and immortal creatures. It is extremely strong and filled with astonishing evil aura and resentment.

For Gu Wudi, an ancient ship of this level was of little use. With his personality, he did not like such murderous and resentful navigation tools. Therefore, he had no intention of keeping the bone ship in his pocket.

"What do you want to do with it?" asked the Infinite Clock.

"Let it sink in this vast sea of ​​​​boundaries. The owner of every bone on the ship is a creature that came to the sea of ​​​​boundaries with wishes.

Perhaps, being buried in the Boundary Sea and becoming one with it is their best destination. "Gu Wudi sighed.

However, he still had something to do before the ship sank.

In the space inside the bone ship, there are still some living creatures who have been tortured to a state of disgrace by the three quasi-immortal kings. In order to become kings, the three quasi-immortal kings did everything possible.

Gu Wudi has no grievances or grudges against these creatures, so naturally he will not kill lightly.

He first found the treasure house hidden in the bone boat by the three quasi-immortal kings and plundered everything inside.

They are worthy of being killers and plunderers on the boundary sea. There are so many things in the treasure house that they are almost comparable to the Immortal King's treasure house. Of course, when it comes to the top treasures, this treasure house is unmatched. After all, the Immortal King is very powerful. , the chance and possibility of getting top treasures are higher.

After doing all this, he climbed inside the ship and aimed a halberd at the door to space.


The space was opened, revealing the scene inside. Two quasi-immortal king-level creatures were imprisoned in a cage, motionless, with dull eyes, as if they were stupid.

The other seven true immortals, both male and female, all had disheveled hair and red, bloodshot eyes, exuding a sense of madness.

"Those three creatures have been killed by me. Now, I will let go of the imprisonment around you. Those who attack me madly will be killed without mercy. Those who are still sane can choose a treasure ship and leave this place." Gu Wudi is cold and cruel. said.

Hearing this, none of the nine creatures had any reaction, and a few even bared their teeth at Gu Wudi, with a look of madness in their eyes.

Gu Wudi didn't care, he opened the Immortal Chain of Order on a true immortal.

As soon as Shi Shi regained his freedom, this crazy Jurchen Immortal came towards Gu Wudi and killed him, as if he was crazy.

There is no secret technique or rules, only instinct.

Gu Wudi did not move, and waited until the Jurchen Immortal was approaching, then he swung his halberd and chopped off the Jurchen Immortal's head with one blow, wiping out the soul inside.

After killing the true immortal, he showed no expression on his face and untied the shackles of the second true immortal. This one was no exception. He went completely crazy and was killed by Gu Wudi.

Next, the third, fourth, and four true immortals were all spared. It was not until the fifth true immortal that a different situation emerged.

After he was free, the blood redness in his eyes faded little by little. This appearance was actually his disguise. He glanced at Gu Wudi with a complex and anxious look. He hesitated for a long time, and finally, walked carefully past Gu Wudi and came. When he reached the deck, there were already several treasure ships docked in the undulating ocean. Seeing this, he felt excited. Thinking of what Gu Wudi had said, he drove a treasure ship away without hesitation.

This was found from the bone ship treasury and originally belonged to these people.

Seeing the first case of successful departure, three of the four remaining creatures were no longer calm and were trembling with excitement.

Seeing this, Gu Wudi directly gave the four of them freedom. A quasi-immortal dynasty pounced on him. After suffering inhuman torture, he no longer had the courage he once had. He died unexpectedly in an instant and became a dead soul under the halberd.

The other three people cautiously took a detour, and when they passed by Gu Wudi, they said "Thank you very much."

Although Gu Wudi cannot understand their language and comes from a monastic civilization that is different from the fairyland and the primitive ancient world, he can understand their meaning.

Among the three, two of them sailed away directly and were imprisoned for endless years. At this moment, they were extremely eager to be free.

The surviving quasi-immortal king made an unexpected move. He actually wanted to surrender to Gu Wudi, join his command, and regard Gu Wudi as his master.

Originally, Gu Wudi refused because he was used to practicing alone. He had brought a senior sister above the boundary sea, and now he had a subordinate, which was a bit redundant.

However, this creature was very stubborn and offered his blood, essence and fragments of his soul without saying a word.

This made Gu Wudi slightly surprised. He had just given him freedom, and he threw it away with his backhand.

"May I have your name?"

He sent out ripples of consciousness and communicated with this quasi-immortal king.

"Master, my name is Furukawa." The man replied respectfully.

"You are already free, why do you need to throw yourself into the pit of fire and take orders from others?" Gu Wudi asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Master, Furukawa wants to live.

The obsession in this life is to prove the Immortal King. Before that, I don’t want to be buried in the world sea.

The three people who left earlier were dazzled by the sudden freedom. Even with the treasure ship, they could not survive.

We have been imprisoned for too long. If our energy, energy and blood are not at their peak, Baiyi cannot survive. A huge wave can swallow us up. In this case, we can only survive by following our master. "

"If this is the reason, it's easy to handle. I can give you the resources needed for recovery, enough for you to get out of the boundary sea." Gu Wudi said calmly.

Hearing this, Furukawa showed a tangled look on his face and responded: "There is another reason. The master killed the three quasi-immortal kings with the true immortal realm, which is enough to show that the master's talents are astonishing forever. If you follow the master, there will be a bright future." future."

"Haha, you are quite discerning, but why should I accept you as my subordinate? What is it about you that I value?" Gu Wudi chuckled and asked.

Furukawa took a deep breath. He knew that the next step was to show his worth. If he couldn't pass this level, he would probably have no choice but to sail away alone like the three others.

Later, he used the few blood essences in his body to show Gu Wudi his monastic system and achievements.

Contrary to expectations, this creature is not weak, but very powerful. It is much more powerful than the three quasi-immortal kings that Gu Wudi killed. Even in the primitive ancient world, it is still one of the top talents.

Regarding this, Gu Wudi was a little curious. How could this creature be caught and imprisoned by the three quasi-immortal kings with its strength?

"Back then, I encountered a rare storm in the boundary sea. The ancient ship I was traveling in was destroyed. I relied on a piece of deck to survive and sank into the sea. At that time, I was already dying and didn't have much energy left.

Those three people took advantage of the danger and captured me and imprisoned me. I was powerless and could only let them slaughter me.

For a long time, they have always wanted to understand my Dao Fruit and become a king. Therefore, they spared my life and did not kill me until the master took action to subdue the demon and I was able to see the light of day again. "

"I see." Gu Wudi nodded. This Furukawa did have the qualifications to become a king, but he was just unlucky and was taken advantage of by others when he was at his weakest.

"Senior, what do you think of him?" He secretly asked the Endless Bell via a secret message, wanting to see what Furukawa's qualifications were from the perspective of a giant weapon.

"This creature is okay. Even though he was imprisoned for endless years, he never gave up. He has been tempering his blood essence. He is a person with great perseverance.

Suffering often stimulates the inner potential of some creatures. Judging from his current situation, there is a certain hope of becoming a king. "Endless Bell said.

After listening to the words of the giant weapon, Gu Wudi finally made up his mind to take Furukawa under his command.

He collected the soul fragments and blood essence enshrined by Furukawa, cast an ancient contract spell, and successfully became Furukawa's master.

At this moment, he could kill Furukawa with just one thought.

"Furukawa greets the master."

After realizing that he had been successfully taken in, Furukawa showed excitement, knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to show respect.

"Being my subordinate, there are not many requirements, only one. From now on, my order is God." Gu Wudi said concisely and concisely.

"I will obey my master's orders!" Furukawa nodded.

Later, he followed Gu Wudi back to the giant treasure ship and explained Furukawa's situation to his senior sister Bi Yu.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of the three people, the bone boat filled with murderous intent and resentment slowly sank into the sea and disappeared.


The giant treasure ship glowed, broke through the huge waves, and headed towards the depths of the boundary sea. Gu Wudi also began his own journey of training.

At the same moment, on another part of the boundary sea, a huge and boundless immortal king ship rode the wind and waves, smashing through waves of treacherous tides, and sailed in one direction at great speed.

On the deck, Genjin stood quietly, his eyes were deep and shining with colorful light, looking into the distance.

His two masters, the supreme immortal king Luo Mo and Wu Xing, stood on one side respectively, their eyes bright, looking in the same direction as Genjin.

After a long time, Luo Mo's eyes were dark and he said to himself: "Endless Bell, has that creature also gone to sea? If you guessed correctly, the true immortal on the ancient ship should be the first person of the younger generation in the primitive ancient world. Invincible in ancient times.”

"If possible, I really want to kill this creature right now, which would be considered as eradicating a powerful enemy for you. After all, one day, you two will meet each other." Five Elements also spoke.

Obviously, they had discovered the treasure ship that Gu Wudi was riding on, but Gu Wudi and the Endless Bell did not find them. The boundary sea is so weird, anything can happen, and no one can predict everything.

Hearing the speeches of the two masters, Gen Jin broke out in a cold sweat.

On the surface, he was calm and calm. He smiled and said to Wu Xing: "Master, don't you have confidence in me? If you meet him, I will be invincible."

"I naturally have confidence in you, but you must not be careless." Wuxing warned.

Gen Jin nodded.

At this time, Luo Mo on the side added: "With the infinite existence of the primitive ancient world, even if we take action, we will not be able to succeed. Instead, we may set ourselves on fire and make you suffer.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to notice us. "

This time, the place they were going to was an island that Wu Xing had visited when crossing the sea. According to Wu Xing, that island was extremely remote and few people had visited it. However, one of the visitors had a special identity and came from a foreign land. It could be called a foreign land. The most ancient man is one of the founders of the foreign system, and he almost broke through the supreme existence of the King Realm. He left many traces on the island, which may be of great help to Gen Jin in the future.

However, the journey is far away, and even if there is a supreme immortal king at the helm and an ancient ship, it will take tens of thousands of years to reach it.

It has not even been a hundred years since they set off from a foreign land, and they are still far away from their destination. What follows will be an extremely long journey.

After listening to Luo Mo's words, Gen Jin felt relieved. He was really afraid that his two masters would be cruel and turn the ship around to chase Gu Wudi and kill the "big enemy" for him.

Although the figure of the Immortal King Wu Ending did not appear, only a fairy bell appeared frequently, but Wu Ending's power still made Luo Mo and Wu Xing dare not act rashly.

After all, it is a powerful giant. Even if the two of them join forces, they are no match for it and will only be defeated.

The voices in the Immortal King's ship gradually became blurred, drowned by the sound of waves...

Fairyland, Hengwang City.

More than 30,000 years have passed since the Five-Strike Pact that shocked the Immortal Realm, and the Hengwang City dedicated to Wang Heng has also been built.

After endless construction and carving by immortal beings and skilled craftsmen day and night, this magnificent and majestic city of the Immortal King came into being a thousand years after the construction started.

At that time, Wang Heng was in seclusion to recover from his injuries. Although he was able to survive five blows from Ao Sheng, the ultimate blow from the Jue Ding Immortal King still caused horrific injuries to him and he almost died.

If it weren't for the possession of a heaven-defying scripture like the Eternal Sutra, which made up for the disadvantage of the True Immortal's lack of immortality, he might have been killed by Ao Sheng.

Wang Heng was in seclusion to recuperate, so his grandfather Wuji Immortal King was responsible for the various magic formations and defenses in King Heng City.

When it comes to the safety of his grandson, he will naturally not take things lightly. He arranges majestic Immortal King formations one after another in Hengwang City, and the surrounding water is as tight as an iron bucket. In this case, even if the most powerful Immortal King kills Come on, it can last for a while.

Later, Wuji Immortal King contacted several Immortal Kings, built a teleportation array in Hengwang City, and established passages between multiple Immortal King cities.

Slowly, Hengwang City began to prosper. Even if there was a blockade by the Ao Sheng camp, this trend could not be stopped. After all, they were not the only one in the fairyland.

In the following years, Wang Heng was always in seclusion. He only showed up once in King Heng City after recovering from his injury, and then hurriedly returned to practice. He wanted to become a king as soon as possible. Although, after accumulating some years, he would not be able to become a king. The Dao Fruit will be stronger, but Wang Heng can't wait any longer. Only by becoming a king can he gain a foothold in the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, he will always be oppressed by Ao Sheng's camp.

Fortunately, decades ago, Ao Sheng, in order to kill Genjin from the foreign land, entangled Taishi and Yuanchu, and intercepted and killed him. However, he fell into the foreign land's plan and ended up returning seriously injured.

After Wang Heng heard the news, he went to the door with Immortal King Wuji and mocked Ao Sheng severely.

The creature that was most malicious to Wang Heng was seriously injured and went into retreat. This was the best news for Wang Heng, which would help him achieve the Immortal King Realm. Therefore, after Wang Heng returned from Shengwang City, he immediately entered into penance. Ao Sheng became king before he recovered from his injury.

Time passed by, and ten thousand years passed by in a blink of an eye. On this day, a fluctuation that made everyone's heart palpitate suddenly came from the peaceful Hengwang City.

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