Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1040: In your eyes, Lin is really not worth mentioning?

"Yeah, I'm back!"

Lin Feng looked into the depths of the starry sky, but his calm tone contained monstrous killing intent.

"Take me to the stronghold of those chaotic merchants!"

"Yes, Supreme!"

The middle-aged man was very excited, the Supreme had returned, and they finally had hope. As for the supreme failure? Maybe, after all, the Supreme has just been detached for a long time.

But there is always a glimmer of hope! Supreme Lin Feng is the only hope of the universe today!


In a dark and cold cell, Lin Sheng's expression was calm, his face was pale, his entire body was imprisoned, and he could not even manifest his combat body. The dignified supreme bloodline is also a great emperor, but now he has no power to resist.

"Ten years, a full ten years! Lin Sheng, you still refuse to say where the rest of the Supreme Family are."

A **** emperor entered the cell.

Lin Sheng raised his head and glanced at the other party, but he didn't even want to say a word. The other party is a **** emperor, and he is also a powerful man in the universe who once dominated an era.

But what about now?

However, he became the lackeys of those chaotic beings, who helped Zhou and tortured Lin Sheng all the time, and wanted to know the whereabouts of the rest of the Supreme Family from Lin Sheng's mouth.

Those chaotic beings actually don't care much about the rest of the Supreme Family. The most important source of the universe has already been obtained. What other treasures are there in the entire universe?

As for the secret of transcendence, in fact, they also learned that there is no secret of transcendence at all. Every detached person is a coincidence. All kinds of opportunities can be detached together. How can there be a secret of detachment?

But the reason why Lin Sheng has been imprisoned, instead of beheading him, and even continuing to hunt down the rest of the Supreme Family, is actually the bloodline of those chaotic beings who want to study the transcendence.

I want to study some characteristics of detached people from the blood.

But the **** emperors under the chaotic life do not think so. They already know how terrifying the existence of those chaotic beings, and even want to follow those chaotic beings into chaos, so as to transform into semi-chaotic beings, even real ones. Chaos life.

Therefore, they worked harder than those chaotic beings, and wanted to know the whereabouts of the rest of the Supreme Family from Lin Sheng's mouth.

"Lin Sheng, it doesn't matter if you don't speak, because the rest of the Supreme Family will meet you soon."


Lin Sheng's eyes trembled slightly, but he remained unmoved.

"Don't believe it? Haha, do you think you are hiding very secretly? Even if it is secretive, in ten years, we **** emperors have already carefully searched the entire universe. Hehe, the most dangerous place is the safest, Lin Sheng. , you have hidden the rest of the Supreme Family in the Beamon Galaxy, but it is easy for us to find them."


Lin Sheng raised his head sharply, staring at the **** emperor.

"God Emperor Hei Ming, why? Why are you still chasing and killing other people? You don't even care about those chaotic beings, why do you work so hard? Aren't you afraid that your father will return one day?"

Lin Sheng could no longer remain calm.

The Beamon Galaxy is the Beamon Galaxy. He did send the rest of the Lin family to the Beamon Galaxy. He also used various means to hide it, concealed the group of chaotic beings, and even fought for ten years.

It's a pity that it still can't hide the **** emperors who have taken refuge in the chaotic life.


God Emperor Hei Ming's expression changed slightly. When Lin Sheng mentioned the Supreme Being, he couldn't help but recall the scene of Wandi coming to court in the Cosmic Alliance.

At that time, the supreme Lin Feng was the overlord of the universe, and even a **** emperor had to surrender. Back then, the God Emperor Hei Ming had also been to the Cosmic Alliance, and "looked up to" Lin Feng's supreme demeanor.

Unfortunately, everything has changed.

"Lin Sheng, don't you understand? Even if the Supreme Being returns, it is not the opponent of those chaotic beings. Do you know what those chaotic beings are? That is the true monarch, who cultivated the true spirit. In the chaos, they are the dominant side. , an eternal terrifying existence. They have all cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and the Chamber of Commerce behind them even has a true **** that is even more terrifying than a true monarch!"

"We used to be frogs at the bottom of the well, and we have been in the universe all the time. We don't know how vast chaos is, let alone how powerful chaotic life is. Even if the Supreme is detached, it is actually an ordinary chaotic life. Just think. Become a true monarch? I am afraid that it will take hundreds of millions of years, and it is not possible to cultivate a true spirit. Even if you become a true monarch, what about the true gods above the true monarch? I am afraid that the Supreme Being will never become a true **** in his lifetime."

"Lin Sheng, this universe has no hope. Even the origin of the universe has been taken away by chaotic beings. The universe will eventually die step by step. Once the universe dies, even us **** emperors will die. We practice After so long, who wants to die? So, we can't die, and we don't want to die, we want to enter chaos, because that's a wider world!"

Lin Sheng looked at the God Emperor Hei Ming "sarcastically".

There is not only one **** emperor like Heiming God Emperor, there are many more. No one wants to face death, not even a **** emperor who has lived for too long.

And the universe has lost its origin, and is gradually entering into death step by step. These **** emperors naturally do not want to be buried with the universe, and their choice is to rely on those chaotic beings. It is hoped that one day, those chaotic beings will be able to take them to a wider chaos under the circumstance that they have some credit.

"Father will definitely come back, definitely! At that time, those of you who betrayed the universe will eventually pay a painful price!"

Lin Sheng was reluctant to speak any more, even if these **** emperors really discovered the rest of the Supreme Family, there was nothing he could do.

Even now, Lin Sheng only wants to die! Even if his father returns, Lin Sheng has no face to see Lin Feng again.

" The Supreme Being of the Universe? What did he rely on to be this Supreme? It's not strength! When we enter chaos and become a powerful chaotic life in the future, then this Supreme will be worthless. mentioned!"

God Emperor Hei Ming sneered, not caring at all.

What about the Supreme Universe?

In the face of chaotic life, even the chaotic true monarch, is also vulnerable.

Now that even the bloodline of the Supreme Being is almost wiped out, where is the Supreme Being?

"Really? God Emperor of the Dark Underworld! In your eyes, Lin is really not worth mentioning?"

Suddenly, in the dark and cold prison, there was a familiar voice. Although the voice was very calm, the hidden killing intent was like ten thousand years of ice, which made people feel cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

"To... Supreme!"

God Emperor Hei Ming looked at the space ripples in front of him in horror, and there was a vague figure that stepped out of the space passage.

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