Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1064: Deity

"What? Great power, but seems to be missing the core."

Lin Feng was startled, the phantom of the other party made Lin Feng feel a shudder in his heart. It seems that the phantom is not a real life, but a condensed rule of some kind. Lin Feng can see at a glance that this is the core of the opponent.

It seems that, being taken into the universe by Lin Feng, the other party is also anxious and has to work hard.

Lin Feng didn't know what kind of life Ragul was, but with the strength he showed, it was indeed comparable to the top true gods. But unlike the top true gods in the chaos, the other party seems to lack some kind of core.

Although the strength is strong, it is still a little worse to tear apart the universe in Lin Feng's body.

"Is it something similar to the rules of chaos?"

Lin Feng's heart moved, and he could feel that there were dense and mysterious rules in the phantom. It is a pity that these mysterious rules are like rootless water, unable to inject power, and their power is greatly reduced.

"The power of the universe, suppress!"

Lin Feng no longer hesitated, seeing the truth of the other party, he immediately mobilized the power of the universe in his body to suppress Ragul with the power of the entire universe.


The terrifying storm raged, and the storm released in the phantom swept the entire universe, causing the death of countless lives. The universe was turned upside down, and the stars were shattered.

But to Lin Feng, it was actually harmless. There is not even much damage at all. As long as the universe is not torn apart, the universe within the body that establishes the world of reincarnation is the most perfect world, and all power can be continuously recycled.

In the universe within the body, Lin Feng is almost invincible, and even, even if it is the top true god, Lin Feng believes that as long as the opponent cannot use the power of chaos rules, I am afraid that Lin Feng will be able to trap him to death.

"It's useless, no matter how strong your strength is, one loss is one, and it cannot be replenished."

Lin Feng's voice sounded, and the other party was getting weaker and weaker.

"Damn, if I hadn't been far away from the abyss, my demon godhead couldn't use the power of the abyss. How could the dignified and high-ranking demon be trapped by your tiny bug?"

The demon Ragul was very angry, but unfortunately, no matter how he exerted his power, he couldn't tear apart Lin Feng's universe. As long as Lin Feng's inner universe is intact, then Ragul can only be suppressed.

Gradually, Ragul's power became unsustainable, and was instantly suppressed by Lin Feng's heavy cosmic power. At the same time, Lin Feng flew towards Chaos madly for the first time.

Just now, he saw more and more battleships, and even felt an infinite sense of danger in his heart. He knew that among those battleships, there might be more terrifying existences that he could not deal with at all.

Therefore, only escape.

Fortunately, Lin Feng responded quickly, and the universe in his body was also a flash of lightning. After suppressing all the monsters and Ragul, he flew towards Chaos immediately, and did not leave time for those battleships.

Therefore, by the time those battleships reacted, Lin Feng had already disappeared into the black realm of chaos.


Finally, Lin Feng stepped into the chaos, and was far away from the black realm of chaos. He felt the vast power contained in the rules of chaos. Lin Feng gradually relaxed, but he was still frightened and still had lingering fears.

After suppressing Ragul, Lin Feng felt as if he was being stared at. That kind of gaze made Lin Feng feel trembling when he recalled it now. It was at the level of complete life, and it was much higher than Lin Feng's feeling.

If the master of that kind of gaze made a move, even if Lin Feng was ten times stronger, he would probably be captured in an instant.

"Who are these beings?"

Lin Feng looked at the Chaos Black Domain in the distance with lingering fears. In the vast Black Domain, it was almost wishful thinking to find the Chaos Continent without sensing the rules of Chaos.

But it's not certain, those warships shuttled through the black domain of chaos for a long time, maybe they were lucky and found chaos. After all, those battleships were close enough to Chaos.

Lin Feng randomly went to a chaotic void, arranged a simple magic circle, and then immersed his consciousness in the universe within his body. At this time, the universe in the body has already been turned upside down. Although the previous war was ruined by Ragul, the universe did not suffer much loss.

On the contrary, after refining so many giant monsters all at once, Lin Feng's inner universe expanded again, and the diameter has now reached 200 billion light-years.

The power of the universe has increased a lot, but Lin Feng's attention is not these monsters, but the life that claims to be the demon Ragul.

"Ragur, what kind of beings are you? Why are you looking for Chaos?"

Lin Feng manifested an incarnation. In the universe within the body, even if it was just an incarnation, it could mobilize the power of the entire universe, which was no different from the real body.

Even an idea can do it.

Ragul is now heavily suppressed by the power of the universe, but he doesn't say anything and looks on from the sidelines.

"Huh? Think I can't kill you?"

Lin Feng sneered and began to intensify the crushing of the power of the universe. But the strange thing is that there is a faint power in the opponent's body. Even if the body is crushed into powder, that power still exists.

Ragul came out with a thought: "Give it up, ignorant practitioner. I am a high-ranking demon, condensing the abyss godhead, and your power can't destroy my godhead."

"Really? The abyss godhead is the core of power that is based on the rules of the abyss?"

Lin Feng was thoughtful, from these few words, he was actually able to get a lot of information.

However, this is far from enough. If you want to know more and more detailed information from Ragul, you must have the means to kill Ragul.

In other words, there must be the power to break Ragul's godhead.

"The power of the universe is not good, I don't know how the reincarnation world is?"

When Lin Feng thought about it, he immediately moved Ragul to the world of reincarnation.

Only Lin Feng, the **** of creation, can enter and leave the world of reincarnation at will, and can even mobilize the power of the world of reincarnation.

In this reincarnation world, even the sky is gray, and ghosts are everywhere. The destruction caused by Ragul before, but created countless ghosts, are now waiting for reincarnation.

Ragul's godhead is not a ghost, therefore, the reincarnation world can't take it actively, but Lin Feng himself can directly let Ragul's godhead enter the reincarnation world.

"The power of reincarnation, obliterate!"

Lin Feng mobilized the world of Suddenly, the unique power of reincarnation in the world of reincarnation began to wrap Ragul's godhead, just like the true spirit that wiped out the vice president at the beginning, he began to slowly wipe out Ragul the godhead.

One, two, three...

At the beginning, Ragul didn't care at all, but as the power of reincarnation became more and more powerful, and he reincarnated more and more times, it was equivalent to having experienced countless reincarnations, his godhead began to loosen.

"No, no, how could this be? The abyss godhead I condensed has the rules of the abyss, how can it be wiped out with your power..."

Ragul became anxious, and he could feel that the abyss rules on his godhead had been gradually weakened, and even gradually disappeared. Once the rules of the abyss disappear completely, then even if he is a high-ranking demon with a godhead, I am afraid he will die.

Ragul's fearlessness was gone now.

"Stop, stop, what do you want to know? I said, I said everything, the great Ragul is willing to say anything..."

Ragul's tone was trembling, even the upper demons were afraid of death.

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