Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1069: Chaos 3000 Avenue

"Chixia, I remember that when you were directly promoted to True God, you cultivated great supernatural powers and shocked Chaos."

True God Zi Ji said with a smile.

True God Chixia's expression was cold, and she said lightly, "I have accumulated tens of thousands of years in the realm of true monarchs before I cultivated great supernatural powers in one fell swoop. In terms of talent, I am far inferior to Senior Brother Donglai."

True God Zi Ji froze, nodded and said, "Yes, True God Donglai cultivated great supernatural powers in one fell swoop in less than 3,000 years. His talent is so high that it is unmatched in ancient and modern times! Even if it hadn't suffered a catastrophe and fell early, I am afraid that when the Origin Stone of Chaos is born, True God Donglai can become the eighth Holy Venerable of Chaos."

After a pause, True God Ziji continued: "However, True Monarch Invincible is also very human, even if he relied on the power of Spiritual Flame Holy Body Divine Ability before, he should be a talented person who cultivated great talent. Divine powers are also very likely..."

True God Chixia said in a cold tone: "The Holy Body of Spiritual Flame was created by Senior Brother Donglai, and it is a coincidence that he can cultivate, and it is nothing. As for directly cultivating great supernatural powers? It has only been a thousand years since he transcended. It is quite good to be able to cultivate into a true **** in a thousand years, and you want to cultivate a great supernatural power?"

True God Chixia shook her head. In her life, she admired her senior brother Donglai True God the most, but even Donglai True God, known as the best Chaos innate talent, took three thousand years to cultivate great supernatural powers.

For thousands of years, Lin Feng wanted to cultivate great supernatural powers by relying on the Holy Flame Holy Body created by the True God Donglai? True God Chixia doesn't believe it at all.

True God Zi Ji smiled slightly, and of course, True God Zi Ji knew what was going on with the "unhappy" in True God Chixia's tone. Putting everything aside, in fact, he still admires Lin Feng. After all, only Lin Feng can betray the true god.

But the two saints attached so much importance to Lin Feng, which made True God Zi Ji puzzled.


In the dark and cold chaotic black domain, battleships shuttled through the chaotic black domain.

"Ragur failed, was defeated by alien life, and all abyss monsters were slaughtered!"

"If we guessed correctly, it should be related to the chaos where the alien life lived hundreds of years ago."

"The True God of the Black Sun came from a world called Chaos. Now there is another Chaos life, which is not common in the Black Domain. I am afraid Chaos is near us."

"Yes, look carefully, inch by inch. We have been wandering for too long, and we urgently need a world to recuperate. Otherwise, our abyss demon family will probably completely disappear in the black domain."

In the battleship, many high-ranking demons are discussing one after another.

They've been wandering for so long, they know what a world means to them, a goal they can't give up at all costs.

But in the vast chaos, how difficult is it to find a world? Especially since they don't have any coordinates yet, and they don't have any sense.

"Your Majesty, can you sense Ragul?"

Suddenly, a demon asked the great Lord of the Abyss, who was sitting at the top.

The Demon Lord is tall and exudes an endless abyss of terror.

"As a high-ranking demon under my command, Ragul has a connection with the law of the abyss. But in the last battle, he suddenly disappeared without any connection, and I don't know if he is alive or dead. I can't sense it."

Not even the Demon Lord could sense it.

"Then there is no other better way than to let the monsters in the abyss scatter to look for it. The black domain is always flowing and changing. It is very difficult to find a world even if we know that it is near us. I hope we can some luck..."

As soon as the devil's voice fell, the great Lord of the Abyss suddenly opened his eyes.


A terrifying aura like a mountain, like a storm, swept the entire battleship.

All the demons were terrified. In the past, once the demon master got angry in the abyss, it would be a disaster for the entire abyss demons.

"I found it, haha, I finally found it! The 103rd abyss monster team, one of which has approached a strange world."

The Lord of the Abyss burst out laughing.

"Really? Great Lord of the Abyss, is that really a world, not a continent fragment?"

"Your Majesty, we have encountered too many fragments of broken continents in the black domain, some of which are even huge, like a real world. We still have to confirm it in person as soon as possible."

"Yes, those abyss monsters are a group of monsters without wisdom and ignorance. They don't know the difference between mainland fragments and the world."

The Lord of the Abyss thought of his previous encounters, and nodded, "Okay, then we'll go together."

As a result, countless warships quickly turned around and passed through the thick fog of the abyss. Finally, all the demons were able to see the looming world ahead.

"Haha, it's the world, it must be the world!"

"The complete rules of the world, how beautiful, how rich, not inferior to our abyss."

"This is the second hometown that the great Lord of the Abyss led us to, and we finally don't have to wander in the chaotic black domain."

After all the demons saw this world with their own eyes, their eyes lit up and they were extremely excited. They wandered in the dark realm for a long time and died too many demons.

Even the Demon Lord has lost confidence and is about to get tired of it.

But now, suddenly found a complete world, a world as complete as an abyss, how can you not be excited?

In particular, this breath makes the Demon Lord very familiar.

"By the way, this breath is very similar to the alien life form at the beginning. Could this be the world where the alien life lives, chaos?"

The Demon Lord has already vaguely guessed in his heart.

But the world is ahead, not to mention many demons, even the demon master can't stand it anymore.

"Chaos, here I come!"

With the order of the Lord of the Abyss, countless battleships, countless monsters in the abyss, and countless demons rushed towards the vast chaos like crazy.


"Chaos Three Thousand Avenues..."

Lin Feng gathered more and more chaotic but every true **** knows that there are only three thousand chaotic rules, and there are many subdivided rules, but they are all placed in these three thousand chaotic rules. under the rules.

Also known as the Three Thousand Avenues!

Lin Feng's inner universe, as the **** of creation, Lin Feng is very clear, it seems that there are only three thousand laws, which seems to fit some laws.

No matter the universe or chaos, there are only three thousand avenues.

If you want to become a true god, you have to understand the three thousand chaos rules, and this is just the foundation of the foundation. Next, it is the magical power that Lin Feng derived.

This is a sublimation of Lin Feng's understanding of the chaotic rules, and the true **** itself is the sublimation of life, the sublimation of the true monarch.


Lin Feng let out a low voice, the supernatural power that he had been deriving for three hundred years was revealed in chaos for the first time!

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