Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1073: God's War Order!

"Nine days, you should be awake, right? What's going on?"

"There are so many alien beings whose aura is completely different from my chaos. It is definitely not a chaos life, is it a life from another world?"

"If it is a life from another world, it will be in big trouble."

"Styx, are you awake too?"

One after another terrifying thoughts awakened and communicated in the dark. These thoughts are the thoughts of the seven chaotic saints. Usually, the chaotic saints are sleeping, it is too boring, and their practice is There is no way to enter, so naturally you will fall asleep.

But of the seven saints, one will usually stay in Chaos, and this time the one who is in Chaos is the Nine Heavens. Therefore, the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable is awake.

As for the Holy Venerable Styx, since the death of True God Donglai, he has been deriving immeasurable magical powers, and he is also awake.


There were suddenly several more figures in the secret room of the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable, all of which ignored the various divine formations arranged by the Nine Heavens Saint Venerable, because for the Chaos Saint Venerable, mastering the supreme rules, all divine formations, all magic formations had nothing to do with them. effect.

The seven great saints have gathered together, which is rare.

Nine Heavens Holy Venerable glanced at all the Primal Chaos Saints, and they all woke up. Immediately, he swiped with one hand, and a picture appeared in the secret room.

Tide-like monsters are slaughtering recklessly, and some chaotic beings, chaotic true monarchs, can't be resisted at all, and there are too many.

"These monsters are not chaotic life, but suddenly rushed into chaos from the chaotic black domain. I suspect that they are otherworldly life."

The Nine Heavens Sage said with a solemn expression.

"Life from another world? If it is a life from another world, it will be troublesome."

Baoguang Shengzun's expression was solemn. He had just woken up, but when he heard the life from another world, he knew that it was very troublesome.

"Everyone, our chaos has been peaceful for too long. Chaos is in the black domain, but it's just a corner. We all know the danger of the black domain. We didn't even take the initiative to explore the black domain. Life in the world has been discovered, and the situation is very serious."

The words of the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable made the other six holy Venerables silent.

They all know that chaos is not the center at all. They even knew that chaos was just a corner of the vast black domain, but they did not dare to explore.

The reason is naturally because chaos is very special. The current chaos originally had nine supreme rules, and only when they were gathered together could they mobilize the power of chaos. But for such a long time, only seven Chaos Origin Stones appeared, and only seven Chaos Saints.

Therefore, the current chaos is a relatively special period. Even if life from another world enters chaos, it will not be repelled, and even life from other world can get the source stone of chaos and become the saint of chaos.

If such a thing really happened, it would be "dove occupying a magpie's nest", and other Chaos Saints would be helpless. Therefore, for so many years, the chaotic saints have all wanted the source stone of chaos to be born, and to be able to give birth to two other chaotic saints, so as to make the position of the saints complete and chaos complete.

In that way, Chaos will not be afraid of the threat of the black domain, and can even take the initiative to attack.

It's a pity that the eighth Chaos Originium has never been born. For this reason, the rules agreed upon by the seven saints, the saints cannot intervene in the Chaos Origin Stone, and it has become useless.

"These otherworldly beings are all below some ordinary chaotic spirit beasts. Even if the number is larger, it is harmless. The key is that I suspect that there are some more powerful otherworldly beings hidden in the chaotic black domain, and even, There is no lack of some of them at the Holy Venerable level!"

"Yes, we must find the strongest opponent. If the strength is not stronger than us, even the seven of us can join forces to kill him. In the chaos, we have the power of chaos, and we will be afraid of other saints. exist?"

"But we must first find out the origin of these otherworldly beings."

"What's so difficult about this? I'll catch some otherworldly beings first."

The divine light flashed in the eyes of the Nine Heavens Holy Venerable, and the supreme rules were running. Suddenly, countless monsters in the abyss, one of which was silently grabbed by a big hand, was dragged into the space channel in an instant.


An abyss monster, struggling frantically, but unfortunately, it was suppressed by the power of the Holy Venerable.

"Soul search!"

The Holy Venerable mobilized the rules and could look at the soul and memory. No matter how the monster struggled, its memory was still being read by the Holy Venerables.

Gradually, the faces of the chaotic saints became solemn.

"They come from the abyss and belong to wandering beings!"

"The abyss, the realm of the gods, and the hell, there are fifteen saint-level existences, all of which have been destroyed by the demons. It's terrifying."

"These are abyss demons, under the command of Andre, the lord of the abyss. Is there only one Holy Venerable-level existence? As long as you find Andre, you can solve him."

"But this abyss lord is very cunning. He hid in the black domain and seems to be observing us. These demons are the most insidious and cunning. The abyss lord is naturally the best among them. He is hiding in the black domain. I want to wait for us to take action, use these abyss monsters as cannon fodder, and figure out the strength of our seven saints before we can take action."

"No, we can't take the lead. The hidden enemy is the most terrifying. The abyss is destroyed. These abyss demons will definitely try their best to occupy a world. It is easy to kill these demons, but if we expose our strength, we will be destroyed by the abyss. Lord Andre destroys them one by one, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, it has to be guarded. These abyss monsters, not even the demons, are obviously temptations. Then call the practitioners in the holy city of chaos. We also have true monarchs and true gods to resist otherworldly beings, and they can also contribute a share. force."

" Let the following people go to fight, and we can also test the combat effectiveness of our chaotic life. Even those chaotic mythical beasts must participate in the war. Our seven saints are waiting for the opportunity to find the master of the abyss. Once Derek's whereabouts are found, he will immediately try his best to kill him!"

The seven saints have all negotiated properly. This is the catastrophe of chaos. Then all creatures in chaos have the obligation to contribute their strength, even those chaotic beasts and chaotic spirit beasts must contribute their own strength.

"God battle!"

As a result, the seven saints returned to their holy cities one after another and issued orders for the battle of the gods!

Anyone who has received information about the battle of the gods must not disobey, and obey the orders of the Holy Venerable. Violators will be killed without mercy!

This is the God's War Order, and this is also the reason why the seven saints established the Chaos Holy City, because the Chaos Holy City can gather most of the practitioners of Chaos, and the God's War Order can also be quickly conveyed.

For a time, the entire chaos changed, whether it was the Chaos True Monarch or the Chaos True God, they were all astonished.

The birth of God's War Order represents a huge war!

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