Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1490: 0 Billion Supreme!

"Aren't you looking for this seat? Ancestor Aoki!"

Step by step, Lin Feng slowly walked in the void, carrying his hands on his back, and his eyes showed a look of contempt for all living beings.

With such a spirit, he did not change color in the face of the ancestors of Aoki, even the ancestors of Aoki couldn't help but admire him, and there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"Supreme Black Domain, I just wanted to see you, my ancestor, but I didn't expect you to be extraordinary. However, even if you are a tens of billions of supreme beings, today, you can't stop this old man! Hurry up and give your secrets, maybe this old man can still spare your life."

Admiration is admiration, but Aoki Ancestor is still full of confidence, and there is no trace of fear in his expression. Even when the core veterans of the Era Alliance have all left, there is no one or power that can make Old Ancestor Aoki jealous.

"Rao Lin a certain life? What a big tone! Ancestor Aoki, who doesn't know who spares him?"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he had no aura on his body, no matter how the breath of Ancestor Aoki was suppressed, he couldn't help Lin Feng.

Seeing the two facing each other in the void, Lin Feng was almost **** for tat, not giving in an inch.

Many people were very nervous, and they were all praying for Lin Feng.

It's just that the ancestor of Aoki came with such a big fanfare, how could he not be sure?

Can Lin Feng stop Ancestor Aoki?

Even Yuanxin Supreme does not have the slightest confidence.

"Hmph, don't eat and drink fine for a toast, the ancestors caught you, and then destroyed the entire Epoch Alliance, good interrogation!"

Old Ancestor Aoki was impatient. He had just broken free from the seal, and he was in high spirits and looked down upon all beings, so why would he bother with Lin Feng?

So, Aoki ancestors shot.


Above the head of the ancestor of Qingmu, the world phantoms erupted again. These world phantoms are dense and dense to the extreme.

The world is endless, it is definitely not as simple as tens of billions.

At the beginning, Ancestor Aoki only used one or two percent of his power, and the headquarters of the Destruction Era Alliance was more than enough. But now, with Lin Feng, Aoki ancestors also began to take some seriousness.

"That...that's a world of hundreds of billions!"

"What? Ancestor Aoki is a hundred billion supreme?"

"It's over, this time it's really over, when will there be another one hundred billion supreme beings in our little world?"

"Hundreds of billions of supreme beings in the Epoch Alliance are absolutely core veterans, standing at the pinnacle of the entire small world. Any one hundred billions of supreme beings are famous, how can they be unimpressed?"

"Ancestor Qingmu, Ancestor Qingmu... By the way, it seems that this name was mentioned in an ancient book."

As Ancestor Aoki unleashed most of his aura, all of them immediately became silent, each with a panicked expression. A hundred billion Supreme, there is no doubt that Aoki Patriarch is a hundred billion Supreme!

Before, Ancestor Aoki didn't even explode his own strength. At best, he only used one or two percent of his strength, so that everyone didn't know the details of Ancestor Aoki.

And now, Lin Feng has undoubtedly "forced out" the true details of the ancestor of Qingmu, and he is a 100 billion supreme!

Many of the controllers looked like they were bereaved and looked panicked. It's not that they are not calm, it is that the 100 billion Supreme is too terrifying, it is hard to imagine that the ancestor of Qingmu is actually the 100 billion Supreme.

Every one hundred billion Supreme, that is the existence of a famous, mega-small thousand world.

Now suddenly there is a hundred billion Supreme, which is likely to indicate something.

"One hundred billion supreme!"

Lin Feng's expression also became serious, and he murmured in a low voice.

Perhaps others have only heard of the Hundred Billion Supremes, such as the core elders of the Era Alliance, all of them are the Hundred Billion Supremes. But there are very few who have actually seen hundreds of billions of Supreme Beings.

Even, few people know how terrifying the 100 Billion Supreme is, but Lin Feng knows, he knows very well how terrifying the 100 Billion Supreme is.

"Hahaha, do you see the power of the great ancestor? Damn Era Supreme, if I hadn't been chasing and killing the old man, why would the old man still stay in place? But even so, it would be easy for the ancestor to destroy you all!"

Old Ancestor Aoki looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. His eyes looked down at all beings, as if he was aloof and overlooking all beings. The world of hundreds of billions is indeed qualified to despise everything, whether it is a billion supreme or a 10 billion supreme, in the eyes of Aoki ancestors, there is actually no difference.

No matter how strong Lin Feng is, in the eyes of Ancestor Aoki, he is just a slightly stronger ant.

Yes, in the eyes of Ancestor Aoki, the tens of billions of supreme beings only exist like ants, and they can be crushed at will.


The next moment, Aoki Patriarch took action. A giant palm seemed to envelope the entire Epoch Alliance headquarters. With one palm, the entire Epoch Alliance headquarters would turn into powder.

Tens of thousands of controllers will be turned to ashes in this hit. Obviously, Ancestor Aoki had already moved the killing intent towards the Era Alliance, and he didn't hold back at all.


However, the next moment, Lin Feng's aura also exploded.

"Ancestor Aoki, you underestimate Lin too!"

In the next instant, a block of boundaries appeared on the top of Lin Feng's head, and there was even a huge lotus flower, looming, standing on the ground, lying in the void, like a substance.

What's even more terrifying is that this giant lotus is like a rock, instantly strengthening the void, even in the face of the wind and rain-like aura of the ancestors of Aoki, it remains motionless and calm.

The headquarters of the Epoch Alliance, which had been shaken by the terrifying aura of Ancestor Aoki just now, calmed down in an instant.


Many people were "dumbfounded", and were extremely shocked in their hearts, all staring blankly at the huge lotus in the void.

In particular, the aura on Lin Feng's body is also rising, and the world is increasing crazily.

10 billion, 20 billion, 30 billion, 40 billion...

Lin Feng's long hair fluttered in the wind, and the white spots on his body seemed to swell. And above his head, the world is densely packed, increasing at an extremely fast rate.

In the blink of an eye Lin Feng's aura almost reached a critical point.

Five billion, sixty billion, seventy billion, eighty billion, ninety billion...


Lin Feng's aura reached a critical point, instantly shaking the entire void, reaching a whole new height.

"One hundred billion worlds, one hundred billion worlds!"

"The Supreme Being of the Black Domain has also become the Supreme Being of 100 billion, is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. The Black Domain Supreme has collected so many delimiting stones, and is the controller of the incarnation of the universe, without any neck. Hundreds of billions, or many controllers, that is out of reach. dream, but for the Black Domain Supreme, it is within easy reach!"

Everyone's expressions were shocked, puzzled, and a little excited.

Who would have imagined that in just a hundred years, Lin Feng could jump from a tens of billions to a 100 billions of supreme beings. He had never heard of such a leap, let alone seen it.

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