Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1500: You are the only hope!

Looking at the dignified 100 billion Supreme, the core elders of the Era Alliance were so excited, Lin Feng didn't know what to say, but he had some guesses in his heart, but he couldn't be sure.

After a long time, when Elder Lichen calmed down a little, Lin Feng slowly asked, "Elder Lichen, what exactly do you mean by hope?"

"Hope, of course, is the hope of surviving the epoch catastrophe!"

"Is there a way to survive this epoch catastrophe?"

Lin Feng's expression suddenly became solemn, and he stared closely at the elder Lichen. The ninth epoch catastrophe, that is the ultimate catastrophe of destruction, even Lin Feng is not sure that he can survive this catastrophe.

After all, if you want to survive the catastrophe, you can only become a world master, but how difficult is this? Even if Lin Feng incarnates into the universe, he has the confidence to become a three-star supreme, but the world master, even if he devours the source of a small thousand worlds, he may not be able to become the world master.

Otherwise, wouldn't the world masters be everywhere?

Now that the elder Lichen actually said that there is hope to survive the catastrophe, Lin Feng naturally attaches great importance to it.

The elder Lichen looked at Lin Feng with a dignified gaze, and then said in a deep voice: "To pass the catastrophe, you need to become a world master, and no one can guarantee to become a world master. The hope that the old man said is only one in a billion, and even said that It is illusory, but at least there is a slight chance. In fact, the hope that the old man said is the hope of saving the Era Sovereign. If the Era Sovereign can survive, with the space treasure in the hands of the Era Sovereign, it is not bad. A glimmer of hope."

"The Supreme Pagoda?"

Lin Feng fell into deep thought.

Although he doesn't know how mysterious the Supreme Pagoda is, the Era Supreme, relying on the Supreme Pagoda, can even leapfrog to suppress the Era Supreme for ten thousand years, which shows the preciousness and magic of the Supreme Pagoda.

But if it is said that the supreme pagoda can survive the calamity of the era, Lin Feng is the first to not believe it.

Seemingly seeing Lin Feng's disbelief, the elder Lichen hurriedly said: "Supreme Black Domain, Supreme Pagoda of course cannot fight against the ultimate calamity. There is no way to get through the Great Tribulation of the Era. Besides, there is still a billion years before the Great Tribulation of the Era. With the Supreme Being there, maybe we can find a way. For example, we elders once had an idea, Since it is impossible to survive the calamity of the epoch, why not leave this world of Xiaoqian? And only a space treasure like the Supreme Pagoda can have the slightest hope to break the barrier of the world of Xiaoqian and leave this world of Xiaoqian , go to other small thousand worlds."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, this was indeed a solution.

Leave this Xiaoqian world and go to other Xiaoqian worlds. Maybe other Xiaoqian worlds will experience the epoch catastrophe, but there is enough time for everyone to practice.

For example, if Lin Feng had more time, not to mention a few epochs, even if it took 10 billion or 100 billion years, maybe Lin Feng would have the hope of becoming a realm master.

What Lin Feng wanted was nothing but hope.

And all of this is inseparable from Era Sovereign and the Supreme Pagoda.

"For the time being, this is a reason, and Lin is also very admired for the person of Jiyuan Supreme. If there is hope, Lin is willing to contribute to saving Jiyuan Supreme. But as far as I know, Jiyuan Supreme sacrificed himself and suppressed it. Heavenly Demon Ancestor, how to save it?"

Lin Feng obviously "acquiesced" to the reason of the elder Lichen. The Era Sovereign cannot die, or in other words, the Era Sovereign has to live, only if the Era Sovereign is alive, relying on the supreme pagoda, maybe everyone has a glimmer of hope to survive the catastrophe.

The elder Li Chen hurriedly said: "It would be better if the Black Domain Supreme could understand. The Epoch Supreme did sacrifice himself to suppress the ancestors of the demons, but in fact, the Epoch Supreme has not died, he is just integrated with the Supreme Pagoda. , and even the power of the high pagoda to suppress the ancestors of the demons. But the ancestors of the demons are the three-star emperors of the demons. The power is endless, and the ancestors of the demons can get out of trouble. At that time, the supreme emperor of the era will naturally only have a dead end. one."

"We once wanted to unite together to save Era Sovereign. Unfortunately, the strength of the three-star demon is simply unbelievable, and it is impossible to compete with it if it is not at the three-star level. Era Sovereign also clearly left a warning that no Samsung Sovereign was born. Don't even think about saving him."

"Our Xiaoqian world has never produced a three-star delimiting stone. Even if there was a three-star delimiting stone, it was brought by the forces of the middle thousand world from the middle thousand world. The purpose is to cause our civil strife. It is impossible to get the Samsung Delimiting Stone, let alone the Samsung Supreme. But now, with the Black Domain Supreme, it is different, you are not restricted by the Samsung Delimiting Stone at all, without the Samsung Delimiting Stone, you can still become a Samsung Sovereign. At that time, if you become the Sovereign of Three Stars, you will be able to compete with the ancestors of the demons, and naturally you will be able to save the Sovereign of the Era."

Lin Feng suddenly realized that it turned out that the old man Lichen also expected Lin Feng to become the Samsung Supreme.

But how tough is the Samsung Extreme?

Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "How difficult is the Three-star Supreme, I don't think the elder Lichen doesn't need to say more? Even if Lin doesn't need the three-star delimiting stone, it is difficult, difficult, as difficult as going to the top. sky."

This is not Lin Feng's politeness. Even if he is constantly searching for the boundary stone, he actually has no idea whether he can become a Samsung Supreme in a short period of time.

"Yes, Samsung Supreme is difficult. But Black Domain Supreme, our Era Alliance can do our best to help you for this glimmer of hope! No matter what you ask for, we will do our best, and the entire Era Alliance will be your backing! Because, you It's the only hope!"


Lin Feng couldn't believe it.

But seeing that Elder Lichen didn't seem to be joking, he was a little suspicious.

"Is it true that you will agree to any requirements?"


"Then what about all the demons I want?"

"You want the world source that all the demons are transformed into, right? There is naturally no problem. In fact, several of our core veterans have been besieging the world of demons and have obtained a lot of the world source, but they have not been swallowed up. All are sealed up. , even if it is ready to be used on the blade one day, it is nothing to give it to you."

"Then what do I still need to treasure?"


"What about the boundary stone?"

"As long as we have delimiting stones, we will take them all out!"

Lin Feng put forward more and more stringent but the veterans of the dust were without exception, and they all agreed "frankly". This made Lin Feng suspicious.

Lin Feng couldn't believe this "children's play" way of talking. But the other party is a real 100 billion supreme, which is even more intriguing.

"You core veterans, do you really have such great courage?"

Lin Feng pondered for a while, and asked in a solemn tone.

"Haha, Black Domain Supreme, you underestimate me and other elders too much. Anyway, I'm afraid you won't necessarily believe what the old man says. You and I can go to the world of demons together, and all the core elders are there to besiege the world of demons. , and there are even Trillion Supremes who can personally promise you."

Elder Lichen's words made Lin Feng feel hot for a while.

In fact, he already believed in the old man Lichen. After all, there is no need to lie to him for a hundred billion Supreme. But the question is whether Lichen veterans can represent all the core veterans.

Therefore, it is imperative to meet all the core veterans!

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