Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 505: new substance

The four of Raymond stared at the terrifying aftermath of the cosmic explosion and went deep into the area where the aftermath of the big bang was the most violent.

Every time they advance one million kilometers, the pressure on the four people will increase greatly. During this period, the four people spend several hours before advancing the distance of 10 billion kilometers.

The distance of tens of billions of kilometers seems to be very far, but in an area of ​​​​one light-year, it is nothing at all.

Lin Feng also used the law of space to sense the space here, and found that the space here was already fragmented. The more he went inside, the more fragmented the space was until it disappeared completely.

Of course, if the space disappears completely, it must be the core area of ​​the Big Bang, and far from the core area of ​​the Big Bang, although the space is also fragmented, there is still space. Lin Feng displayed the air escape body, and then augmented it with the high-level planet-level space law, and he should be able to travel through space.

Therefore, as long as he does not enter the core area of ​​the Big Bang, Lin Feng's safety is still guaranteed.

The four of them rushed for most of the day, and they didn't stop even if they sensed new substances.

"Okay, it's here, it's the limit, it can't go any further."

Raymond suddenly stopped. He and Yu Jing were actually struggling a bit, but Lin Feng and Long Wu were able to hold it up and seemed relaxed.

"It's almost the same here. We are not good at finding new substances. It depends on His Highness Lin Feng."


Lin Feng was a little surprised. He didn't know how to find new substances. How could Raymond pin all his hopes on him?

"Yes, Your Highness Lin Feng, your law is an excellent method for us to find new substances! You only need to use the law of tides to mobilize the power of the tides around you, and you can naturally distinguish some new substances."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up. He had never tried this method. If that was the case, it was indeed the best method. After all, only relying on mental power is not enough. In this environment, mental power has great limitations and cannot be explored too much.

"Let me try."

Lin Feng closed his eyes and quickly mobilized the law of tides.

The tidal law is mighty and sweeping across the entire Big Bang area as soon as it appeared. Lin Feng suddenly discovered that the tidal power he could mobilize at this moment was several times more than before.

That is to say, in this unique environment, the power of the tidal law will increase several times.

Seeing that Lin Feng's tidal law actually caused such a big movement, Raymond and the others were slightly overjoyed, which showed that their previous plan was correct.

In fact, Raymond didn't know that Lin Feng's current tidal law was a high-level planetary law. He is now slowly mobilizing the tidal law, and the light covering the area shocked even Lin Feng himself.

Coverage is only one of them, the most important thing is to find new substances.

According to Raymond's "instruction", Lin Feng gradually began to analyze some different things in the power of the tides. Those "different" things may be new substances.

"Yes, thirteen million kilometers away, there is something different from the tidal law, it is likely to be a new substance!"

"Okay, His Royal Highness Lin Feng leads the way!"

Raymond was overjoyed that Lin Feng had gained so quickly. Of course, whether it is a new substance or not, we have to actually see it.

So, Lin Feng led the way, and after a few breaths, he arrived at the place he had sensed before. After all, even Raymond had millions of kilometers of combat and a distance of more than 10 million kilometers. For the four of them, It's really too short.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, where is the new substance?"

Lin Feng sensed it for a moment, then pointed to a gray light in the distance and said, "It's there!"


Raymond and the others used their mental power to sense it, but they didn't sense anything. It seemed to be empty and there was nothing. So, they all looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

But Lin Feng smiled slightly, then stretched out his big hand and grabbed the gray light in the distance.


For a time, as if the sky was torn apart, countless storms swept over, but Lin Feng's big hand easily grabbed a gray mass from the storm.


Raymond and the others were extremely happy. They hadn't sensed anything before, but Lin Feng could sense it clearly. What does this mean? It shows that mental power is actually not helpful for the search for new substances.

On the contrary, Lin Feng, relying on the power of law, can identify new substances.

In this way, how many new substances will they get by relying on Lin Feng? Simply unimaginable!

Of course, the premise is that what Lin Feng got is a new substance.

Lin Feng grabbed the gray ball of light into his hands, and the four of them looked closely and found that there seemed to be a fish in the gray ball of light, rushing about. He was just trapped tightly by Lin Feng's palm, unable to break free.


"There will be no fish in the starry sky. Even if it is a fish, can it survive in such an environment? It must be a new substance, or even some kind of strange thing!"

"Whether it's a new substance, you'll know after a try."

Raymond has been prepared for a long time. To know if it is a new substance, the method is also very simple. Before that, Raymond spent hundreds of years to let his followers collect all kinds of things in the universe. , is simply an encyclopedia.

Anything that has ever appeared in the universe has a certain appearance description even if you haven't seen the real thing. As long as it has ever appeared, it must be known.

"The scan is over. The substances in the universe have been compared. There is nothing the same, and more than 99% of them may be new substances!"

Hearing the comparison results, Raymond was overjoyed.

"Haha, it's really a new substance, a genuine new substance!"

"We didn't even have a day to find a new substance?"

"It's all up to His Highness Lin Feng. Without His Highness Lin Feng, I'm afraid we are still struggling to find new substances."

Raymond, Long Wu and others were very happy. New substances are not so easy to discover, and even if they are discovered, they are not so easy to obtain.

But now, it seems a little too smooth for them to harvest a new substance so quickly.

Of course, everyone knew that the reason why it went so smoothly was because of Lin Feng.

"How to store this new substance?"

Lin Feng asked with a frown.

"It's simple, I've made preparations. I have a piece of space equipment that can hold 10,000 cubes of things. The new substances we obtain in the future will all be placed in this space equipment, how about that?"

Raymond's eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, and he said solemnly.

"I'm fine, but who keeps this space equipment?"

Lin Feng knew that these things should be made clear first, otherwise he might turn against each other in the future.

Raymond pondered for a while and said, "Originally, I planned to keep it for me, but His Royal Highness Lin Feng's is really important for finding new substances. Some new substances must be put into the space at the first time. In the equipment, therefore, this space equipment is kept by His Royal Highness Lin Feng, how?"

"I'll take care of it?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Raymond would let him keep such an important thing at ease.

Long Wu hesitated, but he made eye contact with Lei Meng, and finally nodded, and Yu Jing also agreed.

"Okay, then I'm welcome!"

Lin Feng was not polite either. He reached out and took a chip from Raymond, and it was quickly integrated into the cells in his body. Lin Feng could clearly feel the existence of the space equipment. As long as he thought about it, he could put things in or out. Take out the space device.

"It's really convenient, and I must get a space device in the future."

Lin Feng knew that these space equipments were made by practitioners with space talent, and they were very convenient and practical. If he has time, with his attainments in space law, he can make such a space device by himself.

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