Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 515: Clearance

"Escape? Haha, you can't escape! I didn't expect that just entering the area of ​​​​the Big Bang, you will be able to gain something. It seems that this time is a good luck."

There was a hint of joy in the voice of the man with a combat body of more than 30 million kilometers.

Afterwards, the 30,000,000-kilometer battle body erupted in full force, and the terrifying pressure enveloped Ho Lun from all directions, and even the breath was locked.

Can't escape!

Huo Lun's face was ugly. He finally made up his mind to try his luck at the Big Bang, but unexpectedly encountered danger.

None of the four were worse than him, and with the Qi machine locked, it was impossible for him to even escape.

"New substance, for you!"

As soon as Huo Lun gritted his teeth, although he was reluctant to give up, he knew that if he persisted and did not give up, I am afraid that he would not be far away from perishing. Life is the most important thing, and there is hope only when you are alive.

For a time, Horen even regretted coming here.

But at this moment, he has no choice but to throw out new substances.


The new substance was thrown at the four of them, but a hand suddenly stretched out in midair and grabbed the new substance at once. The expressions of the four of them froze, and their eyes suddenly became cold.

"Who, who dares to cut Hu?"

The four of them were simply furious, this was a cut-off, and it was like snatching new material from their hands. The four of them are used to running wild in the cosmos, and they have never encountered such a situation.

The owner of that giant hand is a woman, but its combat body is even bigger, nearly 40 million kilometers!

The 40 million kilometers of combat caused the four cultivators to change their expressions slightly, but because of their large number, they were not too far apart.

So, the four immediately surrounded the woman.

"court death!"

The woman's voice was indifferent, and for a moment, her huge battle body seemed to turn into a huge meteorite, rolling down, crushing everything.

That terrifying power is simply frightening.

"Do not……"

Four cultivators, two of whom had a 20 million-kilometer battle body, were crushed in an instant.

"Original weapon!"

The remaining two were extremely frightened. The source weapon was actually the source weapon. The woman not only had a battle body of 40 million kilometers, but also a powerful source weapon.

Relying on this original weapon, let alone the four of them, even fourteen would be a dead end.

"Escape, run away!"

The two quickly fled, how dare they compete for new substances?

Seeing the two fleeing, the practitioners who had already paid attention to this place all fell silent. As for Ho Lun, who was the first to get the new substance, he was even more horrified, and he didn't know how far he had escaped.

The two venerables, and they are also the top venerables with a combat body of more than 20 million kilometers. They were so easily crushed into dust and turned into a part of the starry sky.

If it is normal, no matter which galaxy, once the top Venerable falls, it must be a big event. But during the Big Bang, let alone the Venerable, even the Great Emperor may fall.

At the time of the first wave of the Big Bang, it may not have been so "bloody", but now, with a large number of practitioners entering the area of ​​the Big Bang. As more and more new substances appear, competition and fighting are inevitable.

"That is Venerable Lengrou."

"Yes, it is Lengrou, one of the eighty-one disciples of the Great Ice Emperor, and the favorite disciple of the Great Ice Emperor. Now there are 40 million kilometers of combat bodies, and it is very likely to become the Great Emperor in the future!"

"This is the real top venerable. It's terrifyingly strong, and ordinary venerables can't be compared at all."

As there are more and more practitioners, there are practitioners in all galaxies.

Naturally, there were people who recognized Lengrou, the 40 million-kilometer fighter, and none of them were nameless.

She glanced at the surroundings with cold eyes, and she didn't dare to stay, ready to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, another four figures suddenly appeared.

"The disciples of the Beamon Temple clear the field! Hand over new substances, you can not die!"

An icy voice suddenly appeared. Although the vacuum could not transmit the sound, the icy voice still reached the ears of all the practitioners around.

All the practitioners were stunned for a moment. They seemed to have an unreal feeling. Who dares to be so arrogant? Even if it is the Great Emperor, I am afraid it will not be so arrogant.

This is a direct clearing!

"Beamon Temple? Never heard of it, how strong is it?"

"The temple of Beamon is the overlord of the Beamon galaxy. There is a **** king in the temple, and not many practitioners dare to provoke it."

"What, a god-king-level force?"

"God-king-level forces have already intervened. As the Big Bang continues to spread, there will be more and more new substances, and more powerful forces will appear."

"The Temple of Beamon is indeed very strong. Even the Great Emperor has several statues. With such an arrogant tone and such a tough posture, is it the powerhouse of the Great Emperor in the Temple?"

Hearing such arrogant and tough words all of a sudden, many people exploded at once. Of course, for those cultivators who are just watching the fun, whether it is stronger or weaker than the Temple of Meng has nothing to do with them. At most, it is to sigh how many forces have been drawn out by the Big Bang.

But for Leng Rou, it was a huge pressure.

She has also heard about the Beamon Temple, which is a god-king-level force, and there are several great emperors.

However, when the four cultivators appeared, many of them were slightly taken aback, and there was no Great Emperor. The great emperor of Beamon Temple, which one is not famous?

There is no hidden emperor at all. It is too difficult for an emperor to hide. And it is really a great emperor, and there is no need to hide it.

If the Great Emperor appears, every move can suppress the starry sky, and even the laws will be disturbed.

The strength of the emperor has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you feel the breath a little, you will know whether it is the emperor. There is no doubt that the four practitioners who appear here do not have a great emperor at all.

"It's not the emperor, but he has such a big tone!"

A cold light flashed in Lengrou's eyes, and she didn't even say a word. The 40 million-kilometer battle body suddenly burst into full force, instantly locking the four of them and shrouding her within the attack range of her battle body.


Suddenly, one of them displayed a combat body, and it swelled to 45 million kilometers at once.


The one who displayed the fighting body was naturally Long Wu, and the only four people who could say "clear the field" were only Lin Feng.

They were not very lucky. After searching for so long, even with the help of Lin Feng's laws, they still failed to encounter new substances. After sensing the movement here the four of them were excited and rushed over immediately.

Fortunately, although there was a fierce competition for the new substance, the cultivator who finally got the new substance has not left, so Lin Feng and the four blocked Lengrou.

Long Wu displayed 45 million kilometers of battle body, and he also "shocked" a handful of practitioners around him.

At this time, seeing Long Wu's 45 million kilometers of battle body, there is also a strange light in his eyes. The Venerable who can cultivate the combat body to 30 million kilometers is already invaluable.

If the combat body is cultivated to 40 million kilometers, it is extremely rare. It is not bad for a galaxy to have a 40 million kilometers combat body.

Like Longwu, the combat body has actually reached 45 million kilometers, which is simply unimaginable, a genius among geniuses.

Although she was amazed in her heart, Leng Rou still had no intention of stopping. Although the battle body is very important, other means are equally important, and the strength is not simply a battle body.

For example, she also has the original weapon bestowed by the master, the Great Ice Emperor!

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