Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 531: Die!

"The Great Destruction..."

In the depths of the universe, the Great Emperor Gu Xi, like a little giant, stared coldly at Lin Feng.

He originally wanted to ridicule Lin Feng for his old friend Huo Tuo. Even if Lin Feng had the strength of an emperor, he was a new emperor after all. How could he dare to fight against this old emperor?

But the fact made him disappointed and even very angry.

He was ridiculed for his failure to succeed, and he even fell into the title of "The Great Mouth Cannon". I don't know how many great emperors will make fun of him in the future.

This is simply a great disgrace. As long as Lin Feng is around, he will always be mentioned as "The Great Mouth".

This kind of humiliation made Gu Xi Dadi secretly hated, and even gave birth to murderous intentions.

"Hmph, it's just a new emperor. When the Big Bang ends, Huo Tuo and I will kill you as easily as the palm of your hand. What if there are god-king-level forces behind you?"

The Great Emperor Gu Xi had the intention to kill Lin Feng, and even wanted to join forces with the Great Emperor Huotuo to kill Lin Feng. As for the Beamon Temple behind Lin Feng, although it was a god-king-level force, the Great Emperor Gu Xi didn't care. There are also powerful forces behind him and Emperor Huotuo, so they may not be afraid of the Beamon Temple.

At this time, the eyes of the Great Emperor Gu Xi and Lin Feng met, and both of them sneered, each with their own plans.

With the passage of time, the third wave of cosmic explosions is coming, and there are bursts of roars from the depths of the cosmic wall, which are getting louder and deafening.


Finally, the cosmic wall film broke out completely, and a terrible torrent swept over. The power of terror swept everything, and in that torrent, all the spaces and laws were all shattered and turned into powder. Some have nothing but a terrifying destructive force.

In the face of this destructive force, even the Great Emperor is so insignificant that he does not dare to resist this torrent at all. This is only the third wave, if it is the fourth wave, the fifth wave or even the sixth wave. At that time, the power of destruction, even the king of gods can easily be reduced to ashes.


The third wave rolled in, and the rumbling sound was incessant, like a cosmic storm, even if it was far away, Lin Feng could feel it.

Those cultivators below the Great Emperor were all pale at this time, and they felt a little regretful.

"Is this the third wave of cosmic explosions?"

"It's too terrifying, such a terrifying wave, once it enters, isn't the Venerable can't bear it?"

"Even the Venerable is struggling. How could the impact of the first three waves of cosmic explosions be so big? It seems a little different from the data."

"Forget it, with such a terrifying impact, even if we enter, we can't search on a large scale, and it's still very dangerous, so we won't go in."

Many cultivators were really shocked by this terrifying wave. The cosmic wave was too violent. Once they entered rashly, even the Venerable would have no guarantee.

I am afraid that only those top venerables, quasi emperors and even the great emperors can be unaffected and move freely inside.

Lin Feng just stared at the black wave, although he had seen the first and second waves of cosmic explosions. But at that time, he hadn't changed, he was just an elementary planetary life.

The realm is different, and the way of looking at things is also different.

It was the same cosmic explosion, but Lin Feng could clearly feel this time. In addition to the aura of destruction, there was also a faint aura of new life in this explosion.

"Destruction and Rebirth..."

The big bang of the universe, I am afraid that it is not only destruction, but also new life, otherwise, wouldn’t the universe be destroyed by blind destruction? But when the Big Bang happened so many times, when was the universe really destroyed?

"The power of new life, where did the new life come from?"

Lin Feng's mental power was trying to analyze the wave of the Big Bang, especially the new energy inside. He vaguely felt that this might be of great help to him in understanding the law.

However, Lin Feng didn't have much time to analyze the new force. The big bang of the universe was almost all destructive force. Analyzing the annihilation force inside, on the contrary, made Lin Feng's law of annihilation improve rapidly.

The terrifying cosmic explosion swept across the entire starry sky, instantly submerging the five-light-year area, which was the area covered by the second wave of cosmic explosions. But the third wave of cosmic explosions swept across five light-years directly, and even kept surging towards ten and twenty light-years.

The third wave of cosmic explosions can cover an area of ​​tens of light-years, even if more than a dozen great emperors display battles at the same time, it is enough. And how much new matter can be erupted in this area of ​​tens of light-years?

All the practitioners were waiting. Although many practitioners were shocked by this wave, the top venerables and the quasi-emperors were all staring at them.

Even Venerable Star Pendant, Betas and Venerable Darkness are like this. They are also ready to enter the third wave of the big bang to fight. After all, when the second wave of the cosmos exploded, Lin Feng scraped off a lot of new matter. They didn't get much either.

However, in the third wave of cosmic explosions, I am afraid that there will be a great emperor involved. Even the top venerables and quasi emperors, it is impossible to obtain new substances as easily as the first and second waves.

Lin Feng was also preparing, but his eyes were fixed on the Great Emperor Gu Xi.

At this time, the Great Emperor Gu Xi had no idea. He even felt a little excited. After waiting for so long, he could finally show his skills. The most urgent thing for him now is to enter the cosmic wave. It is best to be lucky and get more new substances, so that his strength can be improved.

Not everyone can endure the kind of torment that has not improved in strength for thousands of years. Even if the great emperors have almost infinite lives, they also have pursuits.

And the only pursuit is strength!

"A lot of great emperors!"

Lin Feng will also observe the situation of other great emperors. The third wave of the big bang of the universe has indeed involved many great emperors. Although not all great emperors participated, a considerable number of great emperors were preparing.

The third wave of cosmic waves is destined to be fiercely competitive, and there are even many great emperors.


The Demon Scorpion Emperor was also paying attention to Gu Xi Great Emperor. Since he had already agreed to Lin Feng, the Demon Scorpion Emperor would naturally do his best. Even purely in terms of strength, the Demon Scorpion Emperor is stronger than the Gu Xi Emperor.

The Great Emperor Gu Xi did not know that he had been targeted by the two great emperors. He watched the tide of the universe gradually subside, and many practitioners could not wait to rush into the tide of the So, Gu Xi The Great Emperor couldn't bear it any longer. With a flash of his figure, he rushed into the cosmic wave.

"This is the time, let's go!"

Lin Feng and the Scorpion Emperor set off in an instant, and flew into the cosmic wave after him.

"New substance, there is new substance as soon as you enter it. It seems that there will be no less harvest this time."

The Great Emperor Gu Xi was in a good mood. As soon as he entered the cosmic wave, he discovered new substances. Although several cultivators found out at the same time, those cultivators were only venerables and quasi-emperors, would they dare to compete with him?


Suddenly, just as Gu Xi stretched out his hand to accept these new substances, two terrifying breaths erupted, and terrifying power instantly locked his body.

"Emperor Gu Xi, die!"

The indifferent and ice-like voice sounded in the ears of the Great Emperor Gu Xi like thunder.

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