Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 534: Types of primary weapons

"My star cover will take a long time to recover. If I encounter the emperor again, I'm afraid I won't be able to trap him like before."

The Demon Scorpion Emperor didn't know how Lin Fengfeng dealt with the Huo Tuo Emperor. If he wanted to surround and kill the Huo Tuo Emperor, it would not be easy.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "No, Emperor Huotuo didn't have a deadly revenge with me. If he really wants to avenge Emperor Guxi, it will not be too late for him. Let's go in now, or it will be too late. If the material is scraped away, it will not be worth the loss.”

The Demon Scorpion Emperor also nodded. He helped Lin Feng trap Emperor Gu Xi, which was regarded as establishing a good trust. Next, the two joined forces to search for new substances.

How fast are the two great emperors displaying their battle bodies? In particular, the Great Emperor has also comprehended the laws. Relying on the Great Emperor's battle body, he can naturally comprehend the planet-level laws.

Even the elementary planet-level laws are enough to detect the fluctuations of new substances in the cosmic wave, not to mention Lin Feng, who has comprehended the advanced laws and can detect a wider and more detailed range.

The two great emperors joined hands, and no one dared to stop them wherever they went. Even if some cultivators discovered new substances first, it would not help, and they had to leave obediently.

The emperor is so domineering, he doesn't even need Lin Feng to say anything to clear the scene. Anyone who encounters Lin Feng and the scorpion emperor will turn around and flee.

Therefore, along the way, Lin Feng and Emperor Scorpion have gained a lot. There are some new substances that can divide cells, but Lin Feng's use is not very effective. After all, he now has a battle body of 10 billion kilometers. If cells want to divide, how can it be so easy?

Except for the new substances of dividing cells, most of the rest are some strange new substances, and most of them are some strange materials.

As Lin Feng harvested more and more magical materials, Lin Feng's mind became active, and he thought of refining the original weapon.

Before becoming the Great Emperor, Lin Feng owned two original weapons, the Spear of Destruction and the Black Hole Orb. But these two original weapons were not made by him.

The Spear of Destruction was left on the parent planet. It should be left on the parent planet by a powerful being. It may also involve the secrets of the parent planet. Lin Feng has not figured it out yet.

As for the black hole beads, it is the original weapon of Beamon God King, who seals a black hole and refines it at will. The power is strong, but it is a one-time use, and it has been used by Lin Feng.

At present, Lin Feng does not have a source weapon on his body.

The battle power between the great emperors, in addition to looking at the battle body, the rest is the original weapon. For example, the Great Emperor Gu Xi, the doomsday starry sky source weapon is quite powerful.

If one is not careful, even the Great Emperor will be severely injured. Fortunately, it is the Great Scorpion Emperor, who can have a starry sky cover, just to restrain the Great Emperor Gu Xi. Otherwise, if you change to other great emperors, you will be severely injured if you don't die.

Of course, Lin Feng can use the air escape body to escape through space, but he is not affected by the apocalyptic starry sky of the Great Emperor Gu Xi, but how much can an emperor like Lin Feng possess high-level planetary space laws?

Each great emperor has his own trump card, and he will not use it unless it is a last resort. Most of these cards are original weapons, and they were refined and cultivated by the emperors themselves.

Only the original weapon that he personally refined and cultivated can be like an arm and a finger to save his life at a critical moment.

The difference between Lin Feng and the great emperors is that his practice time is too short, he lacks background, and he has no trump card.

Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to use these new materials to refine a source weapon. It's just that he only has some ideas now, and he has no clue as to what kind of source weapon to refine.

"Original weapons, either attack, defend, or assist. These are the three categories, but the primary weapons of the auxiliary type actually don't have much effect on the emperor, and they are also difficult to refine, requiring too many strange materials. ."

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Lin Feng's mind, defense and attack. These two categories of source weapons are the most numerous, but at the same time it is very difficult to be outstanding.

Especially if you need to help the emperor, it will be even more difficult.

The original weapons of attack and defense are further divided into disposable original weapons and ordinary original weapons. Like black hole beads, it is actually the original weapon of a star, including the doomsday starry sky of the Great Emperor Gu Xi, which is also a one-time original weapon.

The Spear of Destruction and the Starry Sky Cover were ordinary source weapons that could be used multiple times.

If the Doomsday Starry Sky of the Great Emperor Gu Xi can be used a few times, then I am afraid that it will not die this time, because the Emperor Scorpion's Starry Sky Cover can only withstand the Doomsday Starry Sky at most once. If it comes a second time, the starry sky cover will definitely be torn open, the Great Emperor Gu Xi can escape at any time, and Lin Feng has nothing to do.

Therefore, a good source weapon is very important, and it can even save lives at critical moments. But a source weapon like Doomsday Starry Sky has such a terrifying explosive power that if it were an ordinary source weapon, it would definitely not be able to be refined.

There is no level of origin weapons, and they are vaguely calculated according to their power. For example, the black hole beads can compete with the emperor and rival the power of the emperor, that is the source weapon of the emperor.

Lin Feng's opponent is only the Great Emperor. If he wants to refine the origin weapon, he naturally wants to refine the origin weapon of the Great Emperor level, but now he has no clue.

However, Emperor Scorpion was an emperor who had lived for an unknown number of years. He had rich experience and might give Lin Feng some inspiration. So, Lin Feng asked the Demon Scorpion Emperor, "Emperor Demon Scorpion, what kind of original weapon did you want to refine when you refined the original weapon?"

"The original weapon I refined at the was refined at the time of elementary planetary life, and it can continue to grow. It is this star cover. I cultivated it for countless years before I cultivated it. At this point, I don’t know how many times the Starry Sky Cover has saved me on my cultivation path.”

"Oh, when the primary planet was alive, the source weapon was cultivated, and it has grown to the emperor level?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Demon Scorpion Emperor to cultivate the original weapon for such a long time. However, Emperor Scorpion's star cover is indeed powerful, and it can even resist the terrifying explosive power of the doomsday starry sky. Moreover, it is the source weapon of sustainable growth, which is quite rare.

"The Great Destruction also wants to refine the source weapon? In fact, the source weapon is the best only if it suits him. A source weapon can often accompany practitioners to the top! Even the original weapons of the gods are the original weapons of the weak, gradually cultivated and grown up step by step. Could it be that Emperor Destruction did not refine the original weapons?"

The Scorpion Emperor was a little surprised. Lin Feng had never used his original weapon before. He thought that Lin Feng's original weapon was still too weak, or that Lin Feng was unwilling to reveal his trump card.

But now it seems that Lin Feng doesn't have the original weapon at all.

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