Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 536: try treasure

In fact, Lin Feng's understanding of space gods is not deep, and Lin Feng has only understood half of the space gods on the virtual **** beads. But this half is quite good, at least refining the original weapon he envisioned is enough.

So, Lin Feng mobilized the space law, and according to his understanding of the space **** pattern, he began to inscribe the space **** pattern on the beads.


Since Lin Feng had thoroughly understood some of the space **** patterns, with the help of the higher planetary laws, a strange pattern gradually appeared on the surface of the bead, which was the space **** pattern.

To inscribe the space **** pattern, one must have a high degree of comprehension of the laws of space, and must fully understand the space **** pattern, otherwise the inscription will not be successful at all.

These two conditions alone have stumped countless practitioners. There are very few people who can comprehend the laws of space to higher levels, not to mention the need to be proficient in space **** patterns, which is even more difficult.

If Lin Feng didn't get the Void Heaven Divine Pearl, he would not be able to comprehend the Space Divine Runes. Even Lin Feng didn't think that the Space Divine Runes could still be useful, not only for comprehending the laws of space, but also for refining the source. arms.


With the appearance of the first space **** pattern, the huge bead jumped slightly, and then calmed down, but Lin Feng could clearly feel the changes inside the bead.

"What a huge space!"

Lin Feng's mental power suddenly extended into the inside of the bead, and found that a huge space was actually formed inside, that is, at the moment when the space **** pattern was formed.

"Can you make some space treasures?"

Lin Feng knew that there were some space treasures that could be carried with him, but the space inside was infinitely large and could hold a lot of things. But such space treasures are very expensive.

In the past, Lin Fengguang understood the laws of space, but he couldn't create such space items. He thought it was because his understanding of the laws of space was not enough. But now it seems that it is not that the understanding of the laws of space is not enough, but that there is no space **** pattern.

This space **** pattern is the key to making space treasures.

In the future, Lin Feng can easily create some space treasures, which can be loaded with many items, which is very convenient. Of course, this bead can be regarded as a space treasure now. However, what he has refined is a source weapon, not only for holding things, but for putting planets into it and exerting its power.

This requires more space **** patterns, and it has to be targeted.

So, Lin Feng continued to inscribe the Space Divine Runes, one, two, three, four...

After the strips of space **** patterns were inscribed, Lin Feng found that the size of the beads was actually shrinking, from a few kilometers to hundreds of meters, tens of meters, and a few meters.

In the end, it was only the size of a baby's fist, which was inconspicuous.

This is the power of the Space Divine Rune. The power of the Space Divine Rune is always in play. If Lin Feng's thoughts move, he will use the Space Law to temporarily make the Space Divine Rune ineffective.

Then the beads will immediately expand to a state of several kilometers, and if there is something inside, without the suppression of the space **** pattern, the weight will naturally be huge.

This method of refining the original weapon is very simple, but the requirements are very high.

Materials, space laws, and space **** patterns are all indispensable!

"The Great Destruction Emperor, has the source weapon been refined successfully?"

The Demon Scorpion Emperor watched Lin Feng consume so many new materials to refine beads, and his heart was dripping with blood. It was a priceless new material.

If these new substances are taken out, I am afraid that many great emperors will be robbed of their heads, and I don't know how much they will pay in exchange. After all, even if there is no chaotic power, the new material is still an excellent material for refining all kinds of original weapons.

However, Lin Feng consumed tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally extracted the essence of only a few kilometers from the new material as huge as a planet. How much new material is wasted in this process?

And in the end, the new material for a few kilometers was only refined into such an ordinary bead. How powerful can such a small bead be?

In particular, the Demon Scorpion Emperor knew that Lin Feng was refining the original weapon for the first time, so he was even more desperate and would not have any expectations for the original weapon that Lin Feng refined.

"It's just a preliminary shape, let's try it first."

Lin Feng also does not have absolute confidence. He is refining the original weapon for the first time, and he is refining it according to his "imagination". Whether it can be successful, or whether it can achieve his expected goal, he has to try it.

"How to try?"

The Demon Scorpion Emperor is very puzzled, how strong can the source weapon that has just been refined?

"It's very simple, there are so many wasteful planets here, just move them over."

With a big hand, Lin Feng grabbed dozens of planets around him. These planets can withstand the impact of the Big Bang wave and are obviously very hard.

There was naturally no breath of life on it. Lin Feng activated the space **** pattern on the bead. Suddenly, a planet was directly moved into the bead and disappeared without a trace.

"Space weapons?"

The Demon Scorpion Emperor froze in his heart, looking at the small bead, it was actually a space treasure, no wonder Lin Feng was so confident.

Being able to comprehend the laws of space and being able to create space treasures are two completely different identities. Those who can create space treasures, in the cosmos, even the Great Emperor must be pleasant, and he will never be scorned.

Some practitioners who can refine powerful space source weapons can even be on an equal footing with the great emperors.

Although the Demon Scorpion Emperor knew that Lin Feng's understanding of space laws was extremely profound, he never imagined that Lin Feng could actually refine space origin weapons.

How many secrets does Lin Feng have?

For a even the Demon Scorpion Emperor couldn't see Lin Feng clearly.

Lin Feng didn't know that he inadvertently "shocked" the Demon Scorpion Emperor again. He is now fully observing the situation inside the beads. Just now, he threw several planets into the beads, and found that there was no problem with the beads, and the space inside was still huge.

"Come again!"

Therefore, Lin Feng continued to move more planets, and even the Scorpion Emperor helped to move them. The two searched for new substances while moving the planets.

Ten, fifty, one hundred, two hundred...

In the end, Lin Feng's beads had moved hundreds of planets, but there was still no change in the beads, and the space was still huge.

"Almost, try the power!"

Lin Feng immediately took out the beads and smashed them fiercely at another huge planet in the void. And the moment he threw it, he had released the space **** pattern on it, and the bead instantly swelled to a size of several kilometers, smashing towards the planet with a roar.

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