Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 540: capture stars

Emperor Huo Tuo's heart sank to the bottom, not only because he didn't leave Lin Feng, but more importantly, he also offended an emperor who had understood the laws of space.

Such a great emperor is the most difficult to deal with!

If Emperor Huotuo is not mistaken, the space law of the Great Destruction Emperor should have reached a high level. The high-level planetary space law itself is invincible, even if there are more emperors to besiege it is useless.

Unless the space can be blocked, or there is a terrifying power that can destroy the Great Emperor's battle body in an instant, otherwise, the Great Emperor is almost impossible to kill.

No one wants to provoke such a great emperor, but Emperor Huotuo did, and he also forged a deadly feud. Lin Feng could not forget the battle of besieging Lin Feng.

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Qise also had gloomy expressions on their faces. The three great emperors besieged the Great Emperor Destruction together, but they were escaped by the Great Emperor Destruction, unscathed, leaving the three great emperors faceless.

More importantly, the new substance was first discovered by Emperor Longyuan and Emperor Qise, but it turned out to be cheaper than Emperor Destruction.

However, they also knew very well that the Great Emperor with the laws of space was the most difficult to deal with, not to mention them, it would be useless to double the number of people, and there would be no way to leave Lin Feng.

The two of them glanced at Emperor Huo Tuo coldly, and even felt a little sympathetic to Emperor Huo Tuo. It was not a good feeling to be hated by an emperor who had understood the laws of space.


The two great emperors left without fussing. After all, the fourth wave of the Big Bang was about to explode.

Emperor Huo Tuo took a deep look at the depths of the starry sky, and then left quickly without looking back.



Dozens of light-years away, a circle of space ripples spread out in all directions.

Then, a behemoth emerged from the space, and it was Lin Feng who had escaped from the siege of the three great emperors.

"Almost safe."

Lin Feng glanced around, and it seemed that he was temporarily safe outside the area of ​​the third wave of cosmic explosions.

Thinking of being besieged by three great emperors before, Lin Feng was also a little depressed. In the head-to-head battle, he actually lost, even the Seven Colors Emperor didn't do anything, only Emperor Huotuo and Emperor Longyuan were the two of them, and Lin Feng couldn't take it anymore.

Every great emperor should not be underestimated. Thinking of the Great Emperor Huotuo, Lin Feng also had killing intent in his heart. This Emperor Huotuo has a much lower and deeper mind than Gu Xida.

Such a person, even if the strength is similar, is very difficult to deal with, no one knows what kind of plan the other party will have, just like a poisonous snake.

"Emperor Huo Tuo must be eradicated, but now my strength is a little weak. I can't kill Emperor Huo Tuo one-on-one."

Lin Feng frowned. Originally possessing the power of the Great Emperor, this is already the only case in the universe, and Lin Feng actually thought that he could kill other Great Emperors alone.

If other great emperors know about this, I am afraid I don't know what it will be like to be ashamed. It is recognized that the great emperor is difficult to kill. Even other great emperors who have practiced for hundreds of millions of years would not dare to say that they can kill any other great emperor.

Unless it is those top emperors who are at the peak.

How long has Lin Feng been practicing? How long does it take to achieve the power of the emperor? If you want to become a top emperor and have the ability to kill other emperors alone, it is simply impossible.

"If my battle body is stronger, but if I want to suppress a great emperor, the battle body is at least half stronger than the opponent. If I want to kill the opponent, the battle body is at least twice as strong. If you count some of the opponent's trump cards, I'm afraid the fighting body has to be stronger."

Lin Feng murmured in a low voice.

It doesn't seem to be difficult, his battle body is currently 11.5 billion kilometers, and it will be doubled to 23 billion kilometers.

But how much chaotic energy would that have to devour?

It was due to Lin Feng's luck that he was able to obtain the giant flowers. If he wanted to continue to obtain new substances like giant flowers, which contained a lot of chaotic energy, it was too difficult.

Just look at this third wave of cosmic explosions. In fact, Lin Feng did not acquire any new substances containing chaotic energy.

In addition to strengthening the combat body, Lin Feng still has a way, that is, the Falling Star Bead.

The Falling Star Orb has unlimited potential. As long as it can be continuously moved into a large number of planets, one day, the Falling Star Orb can cause damage to the Great Emperor.

When that time comes, Lin Feng will use the Falling Star Beads to smash the Great Emperor. No matter what your cards are, in front of the Falling Star Beads, they will all be smashed to smithereens.

"Planet, aren't there many planets here?"

Lin Feng looked up and saw that he had already left the area of ​​the third wave of cosmic explosions, probably dozens of light-years away, and there were planets everywhere. And because it is close to the end of the universe, there are only a few planets with life, and most of the planets are dead planets.

So many planets are suitable for enhancing the power of Falling Star Beads.

Therefore, Lin Feng displayed his battle body, swept all the surrounding planets, and moved them all into the Falling Star Bead.

Ten, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred...

Lin Feng moved a large number of planets into the Falling Star Bead, and the number of ordinary planets in the Falling Star Bead had exceeded a thousand!

Of course, a thousand planets are nothing in the vast universe, just a drop in the ocean.


Lin Feng suddenly saw a huge star in the starry sky in front of him. He moved more than a thousand ordinary planets into the Falling Star Bead, but none of them were stars.

A star is at least equivalent to dozens or even hundreds of ordinary planets. This star is not too big, but it is roughly equivalent to a hundred ordinary planets, burning blazingly, releasing a lot of energy.

Of course, the energy of a star now is nothing to Lin Feng at all, a mere star can be turned into powder with his palm. However, this star stopped Lin Feng, because he wanted to move the star into the Falling Star Bead.

I just don't know if the falling star beads can withstand stars. After all, stars are different from ordinary planets. They are burning all the time, releasing huge amounts of energy.

However, Lin Feng was still ready to give it a try.


Lin Feng stretched out his huge palm and gently grabbed and grabbed the star in his hand, capturing this star emitting hot energy.

After capturing the star, Lin Feng directly collected the star with the Falling Star Bead.

The huge star was taken into the Falling Star Bead, which immediately broke the balance.


The space inside the Falling Star Bead seems to be shaking, countless planets are shaking, and even the Falling Star Bead is faintly unstable.

However, the material of the Falling Star Bead is after all a new material that flows into the universe from chaos. How can a mere star destroy the chaotic material?

Therefore, as time passed slowly, the stars that had just entered the Falling Star Bead gradually stabilized, and the Falling Star Bead did not change in any way.

"Yes, more stars can be moved!"

A smile appeared on Lin Feng's face, whether it was an ordinary planet or a star, he could earn Falling Star Beads. This original weapon, with the continuous increase of the number of planets, rapidly increased its power with a jumping increase.

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