Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 542: Great Emperor Gathered

"The fourth wave of the Big Bang?"

Lin Feng's expression changed suddenly. Although he had known for a long time that the fourth wave of the Big Bang was coming, he wasted time because of refining the Falling Star Beads.

Now that the fourth wave of the Big Bang is coming, even if he is now dozens of light-years away from the area of ​​the third-wave cosmic explosion, the cosmic wall membrane at the end of the universe should be hundreds of light-years away.

But the fourth wave of the Big Bang will likely cover hundreds of light-years.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not dare to take risks, and immediately switched to the air-evading combat body.


Lin Feng put away the Falling Star Bead, he activated the Space Divine Rune on the Falling Star Bead, the Falling Star Bead immediately turned into the size of a baby's fist, was swallowed directly by Lin Feng, and was kept in the body.

Then the air escape body quickly entered the space channel and left directly through the space.


The fourth wave of the Big Bang!

Looking at the mighty terrifying shock wave in the distance, many practitioners turned pale. The ones who still remain are basically top venerables or quasi-emperors.

In addition, it is those great emperors!

Even the number of great emperors exceeds those of the top venerables and quasi-emperors. The fourth wave of the big bang is the battlefield of the great emperors. Let's take a look at the impact of this terrible big bang.

Even if it calms down, in the wave, the top venerables are struggling. Only the Great Emperor's one light-year battle body can move freely. Therefore, the fourth wave of cosmic explosions is also known as the Great Emperor Battlefield.

A respectable terrifying emperor had already opened his eyes, exuding a terrifying aura, staring at the waves in the distance.


Suddenly, Emperor Scorpion saw Emperor Huo Tuo appearing in the distance.

But as soon as Emperor Huo Tuo appeared, he just glanced at Emperor Scorpion and left, without any intention of participating in the fourth wave of cosmic explosions.

Immediately afterward, there were the Great Emperor Seven Colors and the Great Emperor Long Yuan, who did not leave, but flew to the Great Demon Scorpion.

"What happened to the Seven Colors Great Emperor, Long Yuan Great Emperor, and Destruction Great Emperor?"

The Scorpion Emperor asked directly.

"The Great Destruction Emperor didn't come back?"

The Scorpion Emperor shook his head. He wasn't worried about Lin Feng. With the laws of space, even if the fourth wave of the Big Bang came, he could leave safely.

The Seven-color Great Emperor said with a wry smile: "Emperor Demon Scorpion, are you still worried about the Great Emperor Destruction? The two of us got almost nothing in the third wave of explosions. It was really unfortunate, and we even offended the Great Emperor Destruction for no reason."

"Haha, that's also to compete for new substances, it's not an offense. The Great Destruction Emperor won't care about the two competing for new substances with him."

The Demon Scorpion Emperor also understood Lin Feng's character. The Seven Color Emperor and the Long Yuan Emperor were just fighting for new substances, not a deadly vendetta.

Even Lin Feng and Emperor Huo Tuo have no grudges. If it wasn't because Emperor Huo Tuo wanted to avenge Emperor Gu Xi, Lin Feng would not care.

"By the way, what happened after that?"

The Scorpion Emperor was considered to have "escaped", so he didn't know what happened next.

The Great Emperor Longyuan shook his head and said, "What else can happen? The Great Emperor Shattered directly through the space and left, and the three great emperors could only stare blankly. By the way, did you see the Great Emperor Huotuo before?"


"Of course the Great Emperor Huotuo has to leave. Otherwise, wouldn't he be very dangerous when he meets you and the Great Destruction Emperor? Haha, you and the Great Destruction Emperor are dangerous people now. Don't you realize that many Great Emperors are jealous of you?"

The words of the Great Emperor Longyuan reminded the Great Demon Scorpion. He felt that there were some great emperors before, and if there were any, they would put their eyes on him, as if they were looking for something.

Now the Great Scorpion understands that they are looking for the figure of the Great Destruction.

Since the big bang of the universe, only one great emperor has fallen, that is, the great emperor Gu Xi!

As for the Great Emperor Gu Xi, the Great Demon Scorpion and the Great Destruction Emperor joined forces to kill, and even the Great Emperor could kill them. How could other great emperors not pay attention to the Great Demon Scorpion and the Great Destruction Emperor?

I am afraid that the two of them have long been labeled as "dangerous" in the hearts of all great emperors, and they must be vigilant at all times.

Now I only see the Great Scorpion Emperor, but not the Great Destruction Emperor. The other Great Emperors are not at ease. Who knows where the Great Destruction Emperor is hiding? This fourth cosmic explosion is a real battlefield of the great emperor. It is not possible for the great emperor to fall, but there will be a great emperor.

"Emperor Demon Scorpion, I envy you very much. If you can join forces with Emperor Shattering, you will surely gain a lot from this fourth wave of cosmic explosion."

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Seven Colors really envy the Great Emperor Scorpion. Not everyone is so lucky to be able to join forces with a great emperor who has comprehended the laws of space.

The Demon Scorpion Emperor also froze slightly in his heart, but instead smiled bitterly: "It seems that this Emperor and the Great Destruction Emperor have become the target of public criticism. This is not a good thing."

Being focused and vigilant is definitely not a good thing. Maybe even the Scorpion Emperor and Lin Feng will be in danger. After all, although they are strong, they are not top emperors.

For the top emperors, they can kill ordinary emperors with a backhand. The reputation is too big, and sometimes not only is it not good, but it is a burden, and it will encounter a lot of trouble.


The fourth wave of the Big Bang finally came, and the mighty wave swept over, and all the great emperors looked solemn. These great emperors, usually one by one across the starry sky, are the overlords of one side.

Now they are all crowded here, desperately fighting for it. Everything is for profit, even the **** kings have not shown their faces for hundreds of millions of years, but the big bang of the universe has to fight, compete and even desperately fight with each other.

Mortals have the interests of mortals, practitioners have the interests of practitioners, and no one can be exempted from the commonplace, even the great emperor and the king of gods.

As the wave of the big bang swept across the universe, a terrifying impact spread in all directions, but not the center, and the great emperors could resist. Those top venerables and quasi-emperors changed their expressions one by one and retreated madly.

They can't even resist the aftermath of you, so how can you participate?

This fourth big bang is destined to be only the battlefield of the great emperors. The top venerables and quasi-emperors can only be spectators, and cannot participate at all.

"Haha, Demon Scorpion Emperor, we won't accompany us, let's go first!"

The Great Emperor Seven Colors and the Great Emperor Longyuan, the two of them are not even acquainted, and it seems that they have joined forces and are ready to break through the fourth cosmic explosion together.

The Demon Scorpion Emperor was a little hesitant. All the great emperors entered the fourth cosmic explosion, and even three or five great emperors joined forces. Seeing so many great emperors joining forces, one can imagine how fierce the competition in the fourth wave of the Big Bang is.

"The Great Destruction Emperor hasn't come yet, just wait."

The Demon Scorpion Emperor frowned. He didn't know what happened to Lin Feng. He hadn't come for so long. It would be a pity if he missed the fourth wave of the Big Bang.


Suddenly, a trace of space ripples appeared in the starry sky, and a figure stepped out of the space.

"Emperor Scorpion, I've made you wait for a long time."

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