Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 545: Prince Miwa!


Emperor Huanyu looked around, making sure that no one would compete with him again. Thinking about it, he is the top emperor. He killed three emperors just now, and defeated the Destruction Emperor who possessed the laws of space. Who would dare to join in the fun?

Therefore, even if they know that this new substance is very miraculous, no one dares to go forward to compete with the Great Emperor of the Universe. This is truly invincible and famous.

Of course, even if it is a top emperor, it must be deterred by actual actions. If it weren't for the previous use of thunder by the Great Emperor Huanyu to directly kill the three great emperors, causing the starry sky to vibrate and the law to scream, I am afraid that now I would have to deal with a steady stream of other great emperors.

Just as Emperor Huanyu grabbed the new substance, suddenly, a big hand suddenly appeared from the starry sky, taking one step ahead of Emperor Huanyu and grabbing the new substance.

"Destruction Emperor, you dare!"

The Great Emperor Huanyu was burning with rage, but he did not expect that the Great Emperor Shattering would dare to come, and he took the risk, and even got a new substance one step ahead of him.

Emperor Huanyu mobilized the All-God Battle Body and slapped it down with a slap.


The space was shattered, and Lin Feng was stunned. His air escape body shuttled through the shattered space, as if he was under enormous pressure. He could even feel that the space behind him was shattered like a mirror.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Feng immediately put the new substance into the Falling Star Bead. At the same time, he tried his best to travel through space.

Lin Feng's luck was relatively good. Although Emperor Huanyu slapped the surrounding space with a slap, Lin Feng had already shuttled into the space channel first. Once he started to shuttle, it was almost instantaneous.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng didn't know how far he had traveled.

The Great Emperor Huanyu was furious and frantically destroyed everything, and even other great emperors suffered and were angered by the Great Emperor Huanyu. The top emperor was furious, and the starry sky shook.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't plan to stay here. The fifth wave of the big bang was almost the limit of what Lin Feng could participate in. If the sixth wave of the big bang, it would be even more dangerous.

Now that he has offended the Great Emperor Huanyu again, Lin Feng no longer dares to stay at the end of the universe, he has to leave as soon as possible. However, the harvest this time was really good. The new substance in the Falling Star Bead contained the power of chaos that shocked Lin Feng.

Once swallowed, I don't know how much it can split his battle body.

Just as Lin Feng was excitedly preparing to leave, suddenly, everything around him seemed to be still, including the space.

Lin Feng could even "feel" the Great Emperor Huanyu behind him, as well as the other Great Emperors around him, all of them seemed to have stopped suddenly, with a faintly stiff expression on his face.

"That is……"

Lin Feng "saw" through space, and at an unknown distance in the depths of the universe, a huge palm appeared.

Overwhelming, I am afraid it covers thousands of light years.

Even Lin Feng couldn't describe this palm. Deep in his heart, he felt a strong sense of danger, but to no avail, the space was locked, and even Lin Feng's body couldn't move. "clamped" in the space channel.

There was also a look of fear on Emperor Huanyu's face. His dignified top emperor actually made him feel the power of fear. Except for the king of gods, there would be no other.

"God King, no..."

The Great Emperor Huanyu was madly trying to escape, and now only the Great Emperor Huanyu can still struggle a little.

It was an awl-shaped source weapon that turned into a golden light, giving Lin Feng a suffocating edge.

Lin Feng even felt that once he was hit by this golden light, even his tidal body would be instantly smashed into powder. In other words, Emperor Huanyu is fully capable of killing Lin Feng in one blow.

But this is the trump card of Emperor Huanyu.

It's just that now there is a **** king intervening, just a palm, the void is frozen, the law is frozen, all the great emperors, including the emperor of the universe, are unable to escape.

Lin Feng was also trying his best to mobilize the Space Law, but it still didn't work. The laws were frozen, and the void was frozen. Once this huge palm was slapped, Lin Feng would have no doubt that he would be smashed to pieces and become cosmic dust.

This is the first time that Lin Feng has encountered such a helpless crisis since he stepped into the universe. Death threats are coming, but Lin Feng has nothing to do.

In the past, even if there was danger, Lin Feng could escape safely by relying on the laws of space.

But now it seems that the laws of space are not so reliable. At least, there are still people who can get him, and can prevent him from traveling through space and leaving.

"I still rely too much on the laws of space..."

Lin Feng's heart was full of bitterness. Before he knew it, he had already relied heavily on the laws of space, thinking that with the laws of space, he could be invincible.

Now it is easily imprisoned by a palm of the king of God, and there is no possibility of even escaping.

Your own strength is the most important, even if it is the law, it is not omnipotent.

It's a pity that it is too late to wake up now. Lin Feng has obtained this new substance that contains the power of chaos, but he will also die on this new substance.

With such a strong power of chaos, it is no wonder that even the king of gods will be tempted and choose to take action.


This palm, pressed hard, the void is shattered, and everything is silent. It seems that even the wave of the big bang of the universe disappeared at once, the power of the king of gods, so much!

But Lin Feng didn't feel dead. He looked up at the sky, and at some point, another huge palm appeared, blocking the terrifying God King's palm.

"not dead?"

Many great emperors were but almost all of them reacted immediately.


The great emperors fled one after another, and they no longer dared to stay in the wave of the fifth wave of the cosmic explosion. What a joke, this is the fifth wave of the cosmic explosion.

You must know that the battle bodies of the gods are comparable to a galaxy.

Under normal circumstances, it is at least about 100,000 light-years away. How huge is this war body? If the god-kings manifested their battle bodies, the area of ​​the fifth wave of cosmic explosions would not be able to accommodate the battle bodies of a god-king.

But the king of gods intervened, and the goal was the new substance that contained the power of chaos. In the eyes of the God King, the Great Emperor is not enough.

Even the Great Emperor Huanyu fled wildly, this is simply an escape from death, how dare you continue to stay here?

"Beamon, you want to stop me?"

Suddenly, a mighty voice came from the void.

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