Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 555: lost

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, please!"

Emperor Yaodao is usually carefree, informal, laughing and scolding, looking a bit "unreliable". But once he entered a state of battle, the Demon Sword Emperor showed his sharpness.

Even if he was just standing in the starry sky, without even displaying his combat body, the Great Demon Sword had a terrifying edge on his body, as if he was about to pierce the starry sky.

"His Royal Highness Yaodao, please!"

Lin Feng's expression also became solemn. He would not underestimate the Great Emperor Yaodao in the slightest. Any great emperor is extraordinary. Lin Feng has only just possessed the power of an emperor, so how could he underestimate an emperor?

Therefore, once fighting, Lin Feng will go all out. Moreover, he also saw so many practitioners around him, even the Great Emperor Longyuan, indicating that everyone was very concerned about the battle between him and the Great Emperor Yaodao.

To integrate into the boundary environment, strong strength is essential.


Emperor Yaodao's battle body expanded rapidly, and Lin Feng also displayed a tidal battle body. The mighty pressure squeezed the starry sky, and the empty starry sky was suddenly filled by two huge battle bodies.

Of course, the most important thing is the battle body of the Demon Sword Great Emperor.

As soon as Emperor Yaodao displayed his battle body, the terrifying aura spread out in all directions. In the starry sky, the battle body that was nearly two light years away shocked everyone.

Although those practitioners have already seen the battle body of the Great Emperor Yaodao, it is indeed very shocking when it is close to two light years. Even the Great Emperor is one of the best.

Many of the great emperors who participated in the Big Bang were only one light-year-old in battle, and very few of them reached more than two light-years.

"Although it is not the first time I have seen the battle body of the Demon Sword Emperor, I am still very shocked!"

Venerable Longwu is indeed very shocking, two light years of battle, even if he has gained a lot from the Big Bang this time, his strength has improved greatly. But in the face of the emperor, it is still not enough.

"The demon sword has progressed very fast. In ten thousand years, the battle body has been further improved. Now it is almost two light years away."

"Hehe, Yaodao is the youngest emperor among us, and the emperor with the greatest potential. In the future, there is hope to become the top emperor!"

The Great Emperor Longyuan also flashed a strange light in his eyes. The Great Emperor Yaodao was an emperor who even he was optimistic about, and he had the most hope of becoming a top emperor.

But it's just hope.

Ever since Lin Feng appeared, Emperor Longyuan knew that sooner or later, Lin Feng would become the top emperor, even stronger than him. Moreover, God King Beamon has high expectations for Lin Feng. What is a mere top emperor?

The God King's expectation for Lin Feng is to become the second God King of the Beamon Temple!

The other emperors are still watching the battle between Lin Feng and Emperor Yaodao with relish, but Emperor Longyuan has no expectations. If you really want to talk about expectations, it is also the expectations for Lin Feng.

There are three types of advanced planetary laws, including a planet-level perfect combat body, advanced planetary laws, and one of them is space laws. These kinds of methods, no matter which one comes out, are amazing enough, not to mention that Lin Feng has all of them.

If other great emperors knew this news, I am afraid they would not be so optimistic about the demon sword emperor.

Emperor Yaodao displayed a battle body that was nearly two light years away, and Lin Feng also displayed a tidal body, a battle body of 28 billion kilometers.

Seeing that the battle body that Lin Feng displayed was completely the breath of the Venerable, all the practitioners opened their eyes wide, as if in disbelief.

"It's really Venerable!"

"This is a battle body of nearly 30 billion kilometers. Who can have such a terrifying battle body? Even the top quasi emperor can't compare."

"It's unbelievable that it is really a high-level planet-level life, but it can become a great emperor."

Seeing that Lin Feng is really a venerable person, whether it is ordinary practitioners or those great emperors, is very shocked.

It was just rumors before. The intermittent news they got from the temple was really too little, and they only knew that Lin Feng was a venerable person comparable to the emperor.

But how exactly is it comparable to the Great Emperor? They don't know.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, I'm welcome!"

The huge body of the demon sword slammed into Lin Feng directly. This is obviously to use a powerful battle body to directly knock Lin Feng's body into the air. After all, no matter how strong Lin Feng is, the battle body is only a mere tens of billions of kilometers. Compared with the demon sword emperor who is close to the two light-year battle body, the gap is really too big.

In the view of the Great Demon Sword, the reason why Lin Feng can rival the Great Emperor should be that he has some kind of source weapon, and a very powerful source weapon, not Lin Feng's fighting body.

Seeing the collision of the demon sword emperor's body, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

This way of fighting head-on is his favorite way of fighting. Facing the Demon Sword Emperor, a dignified emperor, if Lin Feng wanted a quick battle, he could only start with the battle body.

Fight for one blow to defeat the Demon Sword Emperor!

"The Great Destruction Battle Body!"

Lin Feng's tidal battle body quickly switched to the Great Destruction battle body. As Lin Feng became more and more familiar with the three battle bodies, he could switch battle bodies almost instantly without much delay.

Therefore, after switching to the Great Destruction Battle Body in an instant, Lin Feng also mobilized the Advanced Annihilation Law.

Immediately, the aura on Lin Feng's body changed, as if it was filled with the aura of destruction and destruction.


The Demon Sword Emperor felt the change in Lin Feng's aura the most, but it was too late. Lin Feng did not evade and turned back, and directly slammed into the Demon Sword Emperor with his combat body.

Basically, the cultivator of the planet-level life fights, and the skills are almost useless. What determines the outcome is the strength of the combat body, the law, the source weapon, or some kind of exotic treasure.

Even whether the fighting bodies restrain each other has an impact.

Neither Lin Feng nor Yaoyao Da Emperor used their original weapons, nor did they use exotic treasures.


It seems that the starry sky is The shock wave of terror spreads in all directions. Fortunately, the practitioners were far enough away, so they were not affected.

But the head-to-head confrontation between the two great emperors is still frightening. This is the emperor, and this is the peak combat power in the starry sky!

It's just that everyone thinks it's very strange. How dare the Great Destruction Emperor use a mere tens of billions of kilometers of combat to confront the Great Emperor Yaodao head-on?

They didn't know that after Lin Feng's battle body collided with Emperor Yaodao, the Emperor Yaodao's complexion changed dramatically in an instant. He felt an irresistible force and rushed into the depths of his body. It caused shock, shock, and even a terrifying power of annihilation to his battle body, and began to annihilate at's battle body cells.

A rout, a big rout, even a rout!

With just one blow, the Demon Sword Great Emperor lost at least half of his battle body. How amazing is this? If it was a life-and-death struggle, the Demon Sword Emperor might even fall.

"I lost, I lost!"

Suddenly, in the center of the collision of the fighting bodies, the lonely voice of the Great Demon Sword came out.

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