Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 576: Temple of the Void

In the secret room of the Xuanyu faction, several figures were sitting cross-legged in the secret room, all of them looking solemn.

"Ancestor Xuanyu, what is the intention of the unknown Lin Feng you recruited? Don't cause trouble for us."

A middle-aged man with curly hair and a burly figure said in a loud voice.

Ancestor Xuanyu sneered: "Don't worry, this Lin Feng can't make waves. What's more, he has some uses. Don't underestimate him, do you know how strong he is?"

"Strength? Isn't it the venerable who strayed into the annihilation galaxy? How strong can the strength be, the big deal is the top venerable, it doesn't matter, all of us here, which one is not the top venerable?"

Another Venerable said nonchalantly.

"Top Venerable?"

Ancestor Xuanyu sneered: "Lin Feng has comprehended the laws of higher planets, and he has made seven life transitions. Hehe, I'm afraid he is not as simple as the top venerable, and he is very likely to be the quasi emperor!"

"What, quasi emperor?"

After hearing the words of Xuanyu Ancestor, these mysterious venerables looked squarely, and their faces gradually became solemn.

"Ancestor Xuanyu, how did you get a strong man who might be the Emperor? If he messes up, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble."

"Yes, a top venerable, we don't care, but a quasi emperor, it is not so easy."

These venerables are all top venerables, but they all comprehend the primitive or planet-level laws, and only with the increase of the laws can they become top venerables.

But for a Venerable of higher laws, it is different, at least they are top Venerables, and there is an 80% probability of being a quasi-emperor. Even though there are many top venerables, there are relatively few quasi emperors.

Therefore, a quasi-emperor is still very important and valuable.

These Venerables are also in this good environment, and their understanding of the law is really much better. So many Venerables who have comprehended Primitive-level laws or planet-level laws, if they are in the universe, it is simply incredible.

It is only in the unique environment of the quiescent galaxy that such a spectacle can be created.

"It's because it might be the Emperor Zhun that I kept him. Don't forget, the big formation in the Void Heaven Temple requires a lot of consumption. An Emperor Zhun can be worth more than a dozen top sages. , let him go and spend some time, it's a big fate to survive."

Everyone suddenly realized that Xuanyu's ancestor was indeed "insidious" and actually regarded Lin Feng as cannon fodder.

"For this kind of self-confessed strength, but hiding his strength, thinking that he can turn the world around and fish in troubled waters? Hehe, let him have a good taste of the great formation of the universe."

Ancestor Xuanyu's eyes already showed a hint of coldness. He had already made such an arrangement for Lin Feng.

For a while, many Venerables continued to discuss some details. They secretly joined forces, but it was not that simple. These details were more important.


"Well, are you out?"

Lin Feng is sitting in the room, but how powerful is his spiritual power? What's more, even if you don't use mental power and use the laws of space to "spy", it is hard to prevent.

Therefore, Lin Feng can easily detect that there are many mysterious Venerables, and now that he has been in and out of the Xuanyu Sect during this period of time, it seems that he has made a big move.

Sure enough, just after these mysterious venerables left, Lin Feng received a letter from the ancestor of Xuanyu, and he officially took action three days later.

"In three days?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and finally he was about to start. God Sovereign Void Heaven, Ancestor Xuanyu, hehe, he will just wait and see how it gets better.

See what cards both sides have?


Three days later, Patriarch Xuanyu personally "invited" Lin Feng.

"Sir Lin Feng, everything has been arranged properly. Today is the once-in-a-decade event of the Xutian Temple, and the Lord of the Xutian will also show up, and we will all rush to the Xutian Temple."

"Do you do it today?"

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the ancestor Xuanyu calmly.

"That's right, just today! We have everything arranged properly, then Venerable Lin Feng just needs to follow my instructions. Once you do it, you must not leave it behind! We must use the strongest means to destroy everything in the Temple of Void Heaven."


Lin Feng nodded, and Xuanyu ancestor showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Alright, let's go to the Temple of Void Heaven!"

Ancestor Xuanyu immediately set off and took Lin Feng to the Temple of the Void Heaven.

The two left the planet together. At the very center of ninety-nine-eighty-one planets, that huge planet, following a strange position, was faintly the center of the cosmic array, with a terrifying might!

There is the Xutian Temple, and it is also the base camp of the Xutian God. The formation of the array formed by ninety-nine-eighty-one planets is on this planet.

Lin Feng just glanced at this planet, then his heart sank and his face became solemn.

The magic circle, the magic circle shrouded on this planet, is a cosmic magic circle of ninety-nine-eighty-one planets! Not even Lin Feng could penetrate the space using the laws of space.

Obviously, this array also has the ability to confine space.

"It's amazing, the **** of the virtual sky deserves to understand the laws of space, and he has so many laws in his body, and the array of formations is indeed amazing!"

Lin Feng was also secretly shocked. He was not as famous as seeing it. He used to just peek at the leopard, and he didn't know how powerful the cosmos was. And now, he has a feeling that if he once stepped into this cosmos magic circle, and then thinks about it, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

In the cosmos, Lin Feng has never seen such a powerful cosmos formation, this illusory god, it is not simple!

Seeing Lin Feng's strangeness, Xuanyu's ancestor also flashed a strange color in his eyes.

"Venerable Lin Feng, this cosmic array is not simple. It was originally laid out by the God of Void Heaven, and then perfected by generations of law gods. It is the foundation of our ability to gain a foothold in the annihilation galaxy that we can finally achieve such power! "

Lin Feng was even more curious, and asked calmly, "With this cosmic formation, isn't the God of the Void Heaven even more powerful?"

"We naturally thought of the issue of the cosmic circle. Once we do it, the cosmic circle will be paralyzed. We have been planning for so long, and we must be sure."

"Is it?"

Lin Feng looked at Ancestor Xuanyu He was sure that the other party's words were half true and half false. They have been preparing for so long, and they will definitely think about the problem of the cosmos magic circle.

But is the cosmic circle so easily paralyzed? There may be some problems with this.

"Sir Lin Feng, once you start the meeting, the magic circle may start. But it doesn't matter, the power of the magic circle will not even reach half, and it will be completely destroyed soon. At that time, the **** of the virtual sky will definitely die! "

Lin Feng didn't say anything, but he already knew it in his heart.

"Cannon fodder?"

How could Lin Feng still not know, the period of time when the magic circle was activated was probably the time consumed by the cannon fodder, and he might have been regarded as cannon fodder by the ancestor Xuanyu.

However, who is the cannon fodder in the end, not necessarily!

"Let's go".

Ancestor Xuanyu flew straight to the Xutian Temple with Lin Feng.

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