Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 988: Tianmu Continent

In the cold and dark chaotic void, a chaotic flying boat without any logo shuttled through the chaos at the fastest speed.

Inside the Chaos Flying Boat, Long Zhenjun said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the Chaos Flying Boat that was brought to the Chamber of Commerce became our help."

This chaotic flying boat was "snatched" by Lin Feng from the Yunlai Chamber of Commerce and others. It was naturally very fast to travel with the chaotic flying boat. Now they are heading to Tianjuxing, and they are competing with a true **** for time, one by one. Seconds are especially critical.

"How much is a chaotic flying boat like this worth?"

Lin Feng asked Long Zhenjun.

"With the blessing of the **** array, the price is expensive. It seems that such a chaotic flying boat, if you want to really buy it, you must at least have more than a hundred top-quality chaotic crystals."

"Huh? So valuable?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

There are hundreds of top-quality chaotic primordial crystals, and currently there are only twenty-four top-quality chaotic primordial crystals on Lin Feng's body. But his net worth exceeds hundreds of top-quality chaotic crystals?

You must know that even this adventure to Tian Jupiter is just to compete for a chaotic crystal ore vein, and there are hundreds of top-quality chaotic crystals up and down.

Doesn't it mean that if you grab Lin Feng's chaotic flying boat, you can have hundreds of top-quality chaotic crystals?

"Hey, a chaotic flying boat is naturally not worth hundreds of top-quality chaotic crystals. With the value of this chaotic flying boat itself, there are only dozens of top-quality chaotic crystals. But the array of gods on it is very extraordinary. In the chaos, even a perfect little magical power can resist a single blow. That is to say, it can resist a true god's blow, which is why it is so expensive."

After Long Zhenjun finished speaking, his eyes were also very meaningful, and he gave Lin Feng a deep look.

This chaotic flying boat alone is very valuable. Anyone who sees it will be moved, but no one will make the idea of ​​​​this chaotic flying boat. The reason is also very simple, can resist the blow of True God, who can take it away?

There was only Lin Feng, and he didn't know what method he used. Maybe it was some kind of treasure that could isolate the Chaos Divine Formation on the Chaos Flying Boat and sense the chaotic rules. Therefore, the Divine Formation could not exert its power, and was easily broken by Lin Feng.

Otherwise, it may be the true god. If he can resist a blow, with the extreme speed of the Chaos Flying Boat, he may be able to escape.

"Looks like I'm really rich."

Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile. Hundreds of top-quality Chaos Primal Crystals, so he didn't even know that his net worth was so rich. But even if he knew that this chaotic flying boat was worth a lot of money, Lin Feng had no plans to sell it.

After all, hundreds of top-quality chaotic primordial crystals may have a price and no market, and such a chaotic flying boat cannot be bought at all. The benefits of having such a chaotic flying boat are obvious. sell.

"Here, Tianmu Continent!"

Suddenly, Long Zhenjun looked solemn, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Not far ahead, you can vaguely see a huge chaotic continent. Perhaps it is not as huge as the Holy Beast Continent, but it is also much larger than the Burning Flame Continent.

According to the map location, there is Tianmu Continent.

"Let's collect the Chaos Flying Boat first, a Chaos Flying Boat is too easy to attract attention."

Lin Feng simply flew away from the Chaos Flying Boat with Long Zhenjun, while Lin Feng put away the Chaos Flying Boat, and the two of them quickly approached Tianmu Continent by flying alone.

The two approached the Tianmu Continent and found that the Tianmu Continent was deserted, and there were not many practitioners, but not a single one.

Although Tianmu Continent was occupied by Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, it did not completely block Tianmu Continent. Because it is completely unnecessary, a chaotic continent, completely blocked, not only consumes a lot of human and material resources, but also is too wasteful.

Yuankong Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce, and it is natural to do business.

In addition to the ore veins, Tianmu Continent has many resources, and even some peculiar places, which are enough for many practitioners to take risks. Once they reach Tianmu Continent, there may be transactions, which is only good for Yuankong Chamber of Commerce.

Unless it is a particularly important and secret continent, it will be completely blocked by a certain force, otherwise it is completely unnecessary. Therefore, Lin Feng and Long Zhenjun almost "swaggered" and entered the Tianmu Continent openly.

As soon as he entered the Tianmu Continent, Lin Feng discovered a little problem.

The entire Tianmu Continent is lifeless, vaguely as if entering the "twilight years", without the "vitality" of the ordinary Chaos Continent.

"This chaotic continent was contested by several true gods, and even the origin of the continent was severely depleted. Therefore, in hundreds of millions of years at most, this chaotic continent will completely become a dead chaotic continent."

Long Zhenjun seemed to know what Lin Feng was wondering, so he explained aloud.

"The Chaos Continent will also die?"

"Of course, nothing is eternal, even if the chaotic saints above are immortal, but that is also a prerequisite. The premise is that chaos is not broken, then the chaotic saints are naturally immortal. But there are rumors that chaos There is also a limit. Once the limit arrives, perhaps Chaos will decay and eventually die slowly. Of course, this is just a rumor, and even if Chaos is really likely to decay and die, it will take many years, and the time may be too long. imagined."

Lin Feng nodded, the Chaos Continent lost its origin and would naturally die. The source universe lost its origin, and the same is true. Similarly, there is naturally an origin in chaos, and chaos may also slowly decline.

It's just that the time will be very long, long to almost eternity.

"Be careful, it's from the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce."

Suddenly, Long Zhenjun reminded carefully.

In front, there is a small chaotic flying boat, not even a **** array. It has the logo of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce. It is a transport boat of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, which transports some materials to the chaotic holy city.

Although the Tianmu Continent is almost excavated, and almost all the valuables are excavated, there are still some materials that can be continuously produced. Therefore, every once in a while, the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce will deliver supplies to the Chaos Holy City.

Lin Feng and Long Zhenjun were very cautious, and they didn't even use their mental power for fear of attracting the attention of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce.

When the chaotic flying boat gradually flew, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tianmu Continent's defenses are still very lax, and there is not even any change. Sure enough, the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce has not discovered that ore vein, and this is our opportunity."

Long Zhenjun looked a little excited. A chaotic crystal ore vein was discovered on Tianmu Continent, and the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, as a local snake, could not find it.

It shows how little Yuankong Chamber of Commerce pays attention to Tianmu Continent now, but the more it does, the more opportunities for Lin Feng and others.

"Long Zhenjun, do you know the exact location of the ore vein?"

"Of course, but I can get the news, and it is likely that some other people can also get the news, so we have to be prepared. If we encounter an enemy, don't keep our hands, and kill them with one hit!"

Long Zhenjun looked solemn.

"I understand!"

Lin Feng also knew that if there was a battle, it would be decided quickly, and there must be no delay.

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