"It's like you know me very well

!" "The way you look is really infuriating!" said

Haitang Naoya impatiently.

"Anyway, I won't accompany you to protect humanity or anything!"

the words fell, and he left the house angrily.

With a bang, the door shut.

Seeing this, Yuji Kiba chuckled and shook his head.

There is a word that he has not yet spoken.

Even Nao Kaido really has the idea of attacking innocent human beings.

Yuji Kiba will definitely stop him from !! ...... before Kaido Naoji takes action

Kikuchi laundry.

"There are still two dresses, right?"

"I've taken all the clothes, I'll wash them for you as soon as possible!"

Keitaro smiled and handed the list to the guest in front of him.

"Okay, I'm sorry for you!" the

guest took the order and nodded.

Just as I was about to leave here.

Something suddenly came to mind.

Then he said to Keitaro

, "That's right! Keitaro, I'll tell you." "

Yesterday, a thief entered our house!"

"Eh, thief?!!"

Keitaro couldn't help but raise his voice a few points when he heard this.

Su Mo and the others who stayed in the living room also gathered their eyes.

Maybe humans are born to join in the fun.

I heard that there was a thief in someone's house.

Everyone was interested.

"Auntie, did your family lose any property?" asked

Sonoda Truth, leaning over and curiously.

The guest was a short-haired woman who looked to be in her thirties and forties.

I don't know why, since the laundromat opened.

The guests who came were all women.

The guest shook her head, and she whispered,

"The thief...... He didn't steal any property, even the money that Ming Huang put on the table, the guy didn't take it. As

soon as I heard this, everyone at the scene became even more interested.

A thief who doesn't steal money ??? ...... if he doesn't steal money

Isn't that ......

Stealing colors,

flower thieves ???

Qianqiao and Keitaro subconsciously glanced at the two girls who were staying beside Su Mo, Yuhua and Truth.

Yuka smiled softly, and didn't seem to care that there was a flower thief who might sneak into his room in the middle of the night.

But the truth is a little scared.

hurriedly hugged Su Mo beside him.

"What are you doing?" asked

Su Mo angrily.

As he spoke, he pushed the little head of the truth with his hand.

"I'm afraid

!" "I need you to protect me!" Truth

said confidently, his head moving forward.

I wanted to get closer to Su Mo.

"Don't worry, that thief doesn't have the eyesight to see before he stares at you?"

Hearing Su Mo's words, the truth thought.


are two Kamen Riders, Su Mo and Qianqiao.

What thief would dare to come and make trouble in the laundry


? "After all, whether it's your appearance or temperament, or your figure, you're not very good, it's far worse than Yuka, and if the thief is coming, he must be the first to target Yuhua.

"So, you can rest easy.


Truth was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

looked at Su Mo's handsome, but hateful face.

I couldn't help but grit my teeth.

"Stupid Su Mo, what do you mean?!!

" "You mean I'm very safe, right?!!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, frantically challenging the bottom line of truth.

"You know, and you ask, it's a stupid

truth!" "Finally

, the truth broke out!"

"Bastard, see if I don't bite you to death!!"


Seeing Su Mo and the truth who suddenly started to fight again.

Whether it's Keitaro, or dry and knotted.

All said that they were Xi to it.

The female guest shook her head a little amusedly.

"Not what you think.

"That thief, not only does he not steal money, but he ...... It's not a flower thief or something.

"He only steals food......"

Hearing these words, the truth that was biting into Su Mo's palm loosened his mouth.

He looked at the female guest with a look of incredulity.

"Just stealing food?really?

" "This ...... Is it necessary?"

Su Mo rubbed his saliva palm against the truth clothes with a slight disgust.

Then he also looked at the female guest with interest.

A thief who only steals food?

It seems that people with similar identities exist.

"It's hard to believe.

"But...... What I say is true. "

The thief only stole a little of the food from the fridge and ...... He also helped me with the housework, and he probably knew that stealing was wrong, so he wanted to do the housework to apologize, right?"

"So, I didn't actually want to call the police to arrest him. "

This is a lovely and kind thief.

At this, the female guest smiled kindly.

And the truth waits for others.

It's dumbfounded.

Steal only food...... A thief who will also help the owner of the house with housework?

Good fellow, he has lived for so many years.

It was the first time they had heard of such a strange thief.


After the lady left.

Keitaro suddenly shouted with a smile on his face

, "Yo Xi, I've already decided who I'm going to help next!! Qian

Qiao heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You don't want to catch that thief, do you?"

Keitaro's eyes lit up, and he looked at Qianqiao with some surprise and excitement.

"Eh, Aqiao, you really fit in with me!" "

What I was thinking, you actually guessed it at once!" Qianqiao

was full of black lines, and Truth and Yuka laughed.


It would be strange if you couldn't guess it?!!

"I don't want to get along with you."

"Besides, we're not from the police department to catch thieves or something, so why bother with it? Qianqiao

said in a cold tone.

"But...... Don't you think that thief is funny?"

"Not to be precise, it's not to be caught, I just want to meet that strange thief, he shouldn't be a bad guy, maybe we can help him?"

Keitaro said slowly.

Stealing food, but will apologize to the owner of the house in his own way.

This is enough to see that the nature of the thief is not bad.

The reason why he stole food should have been some kind of trouble.

So, Keitaro wanted to do what he could to help such a strange thief who was funny and apparently in some trouble.


Kneeling list: [Fried Heaven Gang ~ Ye Fan] [Human Emperor Fuxi] [Gu King who loves to eat cocoa nougat] [Can't buy snacks anymore] [Passing Demon King Decade] [Don't Say Autumn] [Xiaofeng Remnant Night] [Tang Ruofeng who loves Beijing halva] [Morning Evil] [Gong Xuan] [Yin Ye Pupil] [Immortal General - Extremely Vicious] (3.29).

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