"Who's going to break into the house? I just knocked on the door, OK? And as the vice president of the hospital, I specially came to show sympathy to my subordinates. But it's you who have been unreasonable and didn't let me in. Do you let me go or not? " Yu Jingzhe widened his eyes, mainly because he still had fruit in his hand. After taking it for so long, his hands were sour.

Lin jia'e raised her eyebrows and said, "what's the matter? You're threatening me, aren't you? I just won't let you in. If you have the ability, you can hit me! "

"Hit you? OK, then I'm not welcome! "

Yu Jingzhe squints and suddenly reaches out to touch Lin Jia's white sky.

Tut Tut, how comfortable!


Lin Jia screamed as if he had been shocked, and the whole person shrank to one side.

Yu Jingzhe takes the opportunity to sneak into the room and knocks on the door of Li Xin's bedroom.

"Li Xin, open the door. I'm here to see you. What do you mean you shut me out?"

In the bedroom, Li Xin's aggrieved voice came out.

"I don't want to see you. Go away quickly! By the way, take things with you! I don't want to see you again! "

In Li Xin's mind, Yu Jingzhe was perfect as an angel, but since she knew that Yu Jingzhe had an improper relationship with a married woman, and even her husband came to her, her perfect image of Yu Jingzhe was completely shattered and disappointed!

Yu Jingzhe said: "but when you have a fever, you have to go to work."

"I Can't I quit. After you quit, you won't have to see you again. "

Yu Jingzhe said: "but this is not realistic at all. As long as we both live on the earth, you will always see me."

"I I Why are you so annoying? It's so annoying

Li Xin is almost crazy, because in this case, as a man, Yu Jingzhe should comfort her in a soft voice, but now he is entangled with her on this issue!

At this time, Lin Jia crept over from the door with an angry face. When she passed the tea table, she picked up the fly swatter on it and quietly walked to Yu Jingzhe's back. She gritted her teeth and muttered, "you little rascal dare to touch my mother's thigh to see if I don't kill you!"

With a swing of her slender arm, she was afraid to go down to the head of Jingzhe.


However, Yu Jingzhe seemed to have an eye behind him. He didn't turn his head back. He raised his hand and grasped the fly accurately.

"Hey, it's not a lady's idea to make a sneak attack behind her back." Yu Jingzhe said with a smile.

"I'm not a lady!" Lin Jia was stunned. After the reaction, he asked angrily, "say it! How did you find me? "

"You're not asking questions."

"Who asked for your advice? I'm asking you! "

Yu Jingzhe pointed to the wall beside him and said, "I don't know if there is something wrong with your intelligence. If you cast such a big shadow on the wall, you are a fool, but I am not blind!"

Lin Jia was so angry that she ignored such a simple question.

In fact, even if there is no shadow, only by sound and smell, Yu Jingzhe has found Lin Jia's little action.

Lin Jia said, "let go! I'm going to fly again

"No! Who knows if I am a fly in your eyes! "

"You..."! Let go, let go Lin Jia is very angry. She clenches her silver teeth and tries her best to snatch the swatter back from Yu Jingzhe.

However, Yu Jingzhe only uses two fingers to hold it, and Lin Jia uses both hands. His face turns red, but he doesn't move.

Seeing this, Lin Jia was even more angry and made greater efforts.

"Do you want it? If you want, I'll give it to you. "

Yu Jingzhe looks at Lin Jia with a smile. Just when Lin Jia doesn't know what he means by this, she suddenly releases two fingers.

Under the huge inertia, Lin Jia's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell on his back toward the ground.

She screamed as if she were drowning, holding her hands in midair.

Yu Jingzhe reached out to her.

Seeing this, Lin Jia was overjoyed and forgot how annoying this guy was before. He quickly grabbed the hand.

But just as he was about to grasp it, the life-saving hand suddenly drew back without warning.

In Lin Jia's field of vision, there was only the face that was smiling at her, and it was farther and farther away from her

This asshole! What a nuisance!

Next moment!


Not expecting the pain, Lin Jia fell into the sofa at the back. The whole person sank in, and then bounced again.She was lying on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, looking stunned, with a sense of survival, even now her heart is still pounding.

Yu Jingzhe came over with a smile and said, "how about it? Exciting, right? Is it more exciting than a roller coaster? "

Lin Jia got up from the sofa and said, "no, I just think you're boring."

Yu Jingzhe just about to say something, suddenly stunned, eyes straight at her, no, exactly her chest.

Lin Jiashun looks down with Yu Jingzhe's eyes and screams. She just noticed that maybe when she fell on the sofa just now, a few buttons on her chest collapsed and her collar was open. She can see that Yu Jingzhe's eyes are straight.

"Ah! Don't you shut your eyes, you rascal! If you look again, I'll dig out your eyes! " Lin Jia quickly found a coat to put on and wrapped it tightly.

However, Yu Jingzhe took it more seriously. Then, he suddenly frowned and said, "why didn't you wear the black lace underwear I recommended last time? I think that style suits you very well

Lin Jia's action of putting on his coat suddenly stops. He looks up at Yu Jingzhe with bright eyes.

Yu Jingzhe's heart thumped for a while, secretly said that the food was bad, then pretended to be nothing happened and went to the door.

"You bastard! It was you that night! " Lin Jia's little silver teeth creak and creak. The expression on her face is eager to swallow Yu Jingzhe alive. She suddenly rushes into the kitchen. When she comes out, there is a hot kettle in her hand that is still glowing!

"My God! You crazy woman

Yu Jingzhe was so scared that he ran outside!

"You little bastard, stop! I'm going to kill you! "

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