A few people have not yet figured out what happened. When they react, they see Xu Cong lying on the ground, spouting blood.


Then, it's the sound of a cold breath!

Everyone is surprised to see Yu Jingzhe. They are not surprised that she dares to fight Xu Cong. What's more, he dares to fight in front of Han Dong!

Everyone knows what it means!

"Yu Jingzhe..."

Li Xin looked at the back in front of him and murmured.

Han Dong is very angry and laughs. He stares at Yu Jingzhe coldly and says: "OK, you boy, you dare to do it in front of me. I think you are impatient!"

With that, Han Dong slapped at Jingzhe and threw it away!

Yu Jingzhe is also a slap in the past, faster, more powerful!


A crisp sound!

Han Dong flew out upside down, his mouth full of broken teeth mixed with blood sprayed out, and his face swelled at the speed visible to the naked eye, soon like a pig's head.

"It hurts!"

Han Dong screamed bitterly.

He is the second generation of rich people. Since he was a child, he has been rich in fine clothes and delicate skin. Meat, have you ever been beaten like this? And still in front of so many people, Han Dong is so ashamed that he even wants to dig out a seam with his fingernails to get in. The angry flames are raging, and he wants to kill Yu Jingzhe.

Everyone looked at Yu Jingzhe in consternation, one by one, as if to hell.

Before this guy in front of Han Dong also dare to start, they have been quite surprised, now good, even directly hit Han Dong!

This boy is absolutely lawless!

However, Yu Jingzhe was indifferent, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Han Dong looks ferocious, and his face is almost twisted into a ball.

"You're going to die! I will tear you to pieces

"Wolf head!"

With the fall of Han Dong's words, a dark shadow came down from the sky, like a sharp arrow, and shot at Yu Jingzhe!

"Wolf head? Is it the wolf with the iron fist? "

"It's said that the guy can punch through ten centimeter thick steel plate with one punch, and his iron fists are extremely powerful. However, there was no news a few years ago, and he didn't expect to follow Han Dong!"

"The Han family is really a big family. How can ordinary people afford to hire a wolf head as a bodyguard?"

"Although the boy can fight, he will die if he meets the wolf head with iron fist!"

"Monster, I can only blame him for daring to provoke Han Dong!"


Everyone is sneering at Yu Jingzhe, waiting for the next tragic scene.

Zhang Da, Li Xin and others are extremely worried.

When the shadow rushed to the front, a huge fist, like a heavy gun boring, with an indescribable pressure, smashed towards the stung, and even burst in the air.

That fist seems to have penetrated the space directly, and it will stop in the twinkling of an eye!

The next moment, Yu Jingzhe also moved, he did not retreat into, unexpectedly is also a punch in the past!

But the punch was soft and smooth, like a child's mischief.

"How dare you fight with the iron fist wolf head! This boy is so rampant!"

"He is destined to pay for his rampancy!"

"The victory has been announced!"

Under the gaze of the crowd, their fists collided like two meteorites.

All of a sudden, the strong wind ravaged the surrounding tables and chairs.

At the next moment, the wolf head didn't even have the slightest resistance. His body was shocked and he flew out directly. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"What!? This How is that possible? "

"The wolf head of iron fist was beaten by others and flew out! What's the origin of this guy? "

"The wolf head of iron fist was defeated by other people's fists. I'm afraid I won't believe it if I say it out!"

Wolf head was lying on the ground. Although his whole arm was broken and there was no possibility of recovery, he didn't cry in pain from the beginning to the end.

From the day he entered the business, he knew that he would be defeated by others one day, but he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly, and he was still defeated by a young man.

This guy is still so young.

The next moment, it seems to think of something, the wolf's eyes tightly shrunk, inconceivable said: "don't you..."

He heard that Taoist Heilong was killed by a young man in Qiankun guild hall a few days ago. He had dealt with Taoist Heilong several times before and knew how difficult he was. So at first he thought it was just a rumor.

But now

"Ha ha ha ha!"The next moment, wolf head suddenly burst out laughing and said, "it's really you! It's you! I won't be wronged if I can be defeated by you! "

"Why How could that be? "

Han Dong was so pale that he couldn't believe his eyes.

He knew that the wolf was famous, so he didn't hesitate to pay a lot of money to invite him, but he didn't expect to be solved by this guy.

And now I'm laughing without warning. I'm not crazy.

Especially when he saw Yu Jingzhe's eyes falling on him, Han Dong trembled and said: "you What do you want? Do you still want to do it to me? If you are willing to beg for mercy and apologize now, maybe I can let you go. "

Even now, Han Dong still has not forgotten his identity as Han Da Shao.

Yu Jingzhe said with a sneer: "it seems that your brain is not clear enough. You haven't figured out the current situation."

With that, Yu Jingzhe raised his hand and was about to fall.

"Stop it!"

At this time, suddenly a big drink rang out, a middle-aged man in a group of people surrounded by went out, his voice is deep and thick, there is a kind of pride, not angry from the power.

"Second uncle!"

When he saw the middle-aged man, Han Dong ran in surprise.

In fact, Han Dong came to Haishi to talk business with his second uncle Han Shan this time, but just now he was in the box, and he just wanted to ask for help.

And more importantly, in the second uncle's side, there is also an expert bodyguard!

When Han Shan saw Han Dong's swollen face that looked like a pig's head, his face became ugly and said coldly, "what's going on?"

Han Dong pointed to Yu Jingzhe and said, "it's this smelly boy who moved his hand and hurt my bodyguard. Second uncle, you must take revenge for me! It's good to break the boy to pieces! "

Han Shan stares at Yu Jingzhe and says coldly, "it's some skill to hurt the wolf head with iron fist, but this skill is not enough to make you bully my Han family, Mr. Yang, and waste his two arms!"

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