Yang Yun gnashing his teeth, a trace of ferocious color climbing in his face that is full of wrinkles, let him look particularly terrible!

"Son of a bitch, do you think you can beat me by some dirty means? I've been a good friend with Taoist Canglong's younger martial brother Taoist Heilong for many years. I've made an appointment with him to meet here, and he'll be here soon. When the time comes, I'll see them practice. How can I deal with you? "

This boy is in such a mess in front of so many people. Yang Yun must kill this bastard and be discouraged!

At that time, he will personally pull out the tendons on the boy one by one, and then crush them in front of him!

Hearing this, Han Shan breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, just now when he saw that Yang Yun was beaten and couldn't vomit blood, he knew that it was unlucky for him to leave a hard bone tonight. Originally, he was ready to speak soft words. Who knew that he was going to turn around, and the master was going to show up!

Can let Yang Yun all be called the superior, that nature is the real superior!

When the time comes, the two masters will join hands, and this boy will surely die and can't die any more!

This makes Han Shan's heart very happy!

"Ha ha..."

But at this time, covering his chest and leaning against the wall, the wolf suddenly burst into laughter, and his voice was full of irony and ridicule.

Yang Yun frowned and said coldly, "what are you laughing at?"

The wolf stopped laughing and said, "I laugh that you old man have lived in seclusion for a long time and don't even know what happened to the outside world. Just three days ago, the black dragon Taoist was killed by a young master Yu in the Qiankun martial arts school. His blood splashed three feet and his head was different!"

"The guy you're waiting for is doomed not to show up!"

"Another word to remind you, now standing in front of you, he seems to be surnamed Yu."


Yang Yun stepped back and nearly fell down. There was a blank in his brain!

"No way! How could that be!! You must be lying to me

After reaction, Yang Yun roared like crazy! White hair dancing like crazy!

It's not that he can't accept the news of the black dragon Taoist's death, but he doesn't accept it. He died in the hands of a young boy!

That boy has the strength to kill the black dragon, which means that he has the strength to kill the black dragon!

Although it sounds absurd, Yang Yun will not know anything about it as long as he asks about it.

Yang Yunxin died like ashes, kneeling on his knees, his head on the ground, and his voice was hoarse: "spare my life!"

Just a short two words, but as if exhausted this old body, all the strength!

Although everyone has experienced a series of blows before, when facing this scene, the heart is still beating hard!

Yang Yun, a muscle grabber, knelt down to beg for mercy from a hairy boy! If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it!

Yu Jingzhe looks indifferent and turns her eyes to Han Shan.

Seeing that Jingzhe suddenly saw it, Han Shan was shocked. His two masters, wolf head and Yang Yun, were all defeated by this boy. He had no cards in his hand!


As soon as his eyes turned, Han Shan suddenly turned around, slapped Han Dong in the face and said, "you bastard, you know that you are doing evil outside all day long. I didn't manage you before. Now I have to teach you a good lesson!"

Han Dong covers his red and swollen face, and his face is muddled. After reaction, he scolds this guy in his heart. He is really shameless. He just looks like he has a high toe. Once he encounters trouble that can't be solved, he doesn't hesitate to push his nephew out to block his gun!

"Why are you looking at him? Don't apologize to this little brother as soon as possible! " See Han Dong cover face don't speak, Han he has a slap to draw up, each slap is voice crisp bright, don't leave strength.

Han Dong showed his teeth in pain. He knew that the hero didn't suffer from the loss in front of him. He said perfunctorily: "I'm sorry!"

Seeing that Jingzhe's face was cold, Han Shan slapped Han Dong on the head and scolded, "grass! Are you talking to him? Speak up. Didn't you eat? And kneel down! "

Han Dong took an incredible look at Han Shan. After struggling for a long time in his heart, his knee still bent down a little bit.

"Who dares to have trouble with Mr. Yu? Let's see if Tian Feng agrees!"

But at this time, suddenly a big drink sounded, a group of people with a guy Hula came in, led by no one else, is the son of the deputy city leader Tian Feng.

Tian Feng didn't know where to get the news. He knew that Yu Jingzhe was in trouble by others. In order to make contributions, he immediately brought people over.

Of course, Tian Feng knows that he doesn't need his help at all with Jingzhe's skill, but he still comes with a group of people to curry favor with him!

This is a golden opportunity!

When he saw Tian Feng, Han Dong's face, which had been dead, was suddenly in full bloom. He jumped up and waved his arm and cried, "Tian Shao, here!"At the moment, Han Feng didn't notice? Why are you here? "

Before, when Tian Feng's father worked in the capital city of Jiangnan Province, Tian Feng met Han Dong several times, but the relationship was not so good. Tian Feng wanted to have a good relationship with Han Dong, but the other side didn't give him a chance,

so he was quite surprised to see Han Dong here.

Han Dong immediately stretched out his finger and scolded: "Han Shao, you're just in time. I've just been beaten. Now help me find the place. At that time, I'll ask my father to support uncle Tian and get rid of the word" Vice "in front of him!"

Hearing this, Tian Feng was very happy. The word "Vice" in front of him was always a pain in his father's heart. If he could have the help of Han Dahe, the real estate emperor, the upper position would not be a problem!

At the moment, Tian Feng grinned a ferocious face and looked in the direction of Han Dong's hand. He said: "little rabbit..."

Originally, there was a long string of greeting each other's mother, but when he saw the other side's smiling face, Tian Feng suddenly seemed to hold back, a face was as ugly as eating excrement!

How can it be!

How can the other party just be stung!

Tian Feng really wants to ask if God is deliberately playing with himself!

At this time, Yu Jingzhe said with a smile, "go on, I'm listening."

Tian Feng said with a dry smile: "misunderstanding! It must be a misunderstanding! "

"How could it be a misunderstanding?" Hearing this, Han Dong was not happy. The horse jumped out, pointed to his face and said, "the wound on my face is what he hit. You see, even the palmprint is so clear!"

But see Tian Feng is still a pair of indifferent appearance, Han Dong narrowed his eyes, moriran way: "you don't want to help me?"

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