Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1001: Ghost formation

"I rely, what a ghost." The crowd was startled, Ye Shikai was right, these are really ghosts, this is ghost soldiers, and even more shocking, these ghost soldiers are lined up in a neat and neat way. The formation, armor, bronze sword, bronze Ge, shield, showed no signs of rust. On the side of the army formation stood a person similar to the master sergeant, as if it were the leader of a square formation.

All this, just like when they were at the ruins of Atlantis, they were chased by a group of living dead, and there was no room to fight back.

"Master Ji, step back." Ye Shikai shouted quickly, these ghost soldiers are not earth statues, they are broken when they are smashed, they are all a group of demons.

"Father, Elder Chen, these people are really dangerous. We hurried back." Ji Qian stepped forward and persuaded, and then Ji Tao gave an order to let everyone back.

"Big brother be careful." Ji Fenghu was in front of Ji Tao, covering him back.

"What kind of monsters are these, ashamed, and they don't even have vital signs on his body." Chen Ligong looked dignified. He led the Baiwu Army as the guard of Ji's family, and naturally wanted to protect Ji Tao's safety.

"These should be the ghost soldiers in Bai Qi's ruins." Ye Shikai said coldly, staring closely at the ghost soldier array in front of him. Now there are roads to the left and right. Judging from the size of the ghost soldier array, their number is not less than a thousand people.

"Homeowner, I once heard that after Bai Qi was given death and self-confidence, thousands of relatives were buried with him. Although he didn't know if it was true or not, it seems that the visitor is not good." An elder of the Chen family said .

"Be careful, don't be hurt by them," Ye Shikai shouted, pulling Chen Yuxin back.

"Let's withdraw to the left." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Dare to break through the door, kill without pardon." At this time, the other master's sergeant shouted loudly, making a roaring voice, hoarse and low, like the sound of hell.

Under everyone's attention, the first two rows of ghost soldiers kneeled on one knee, revealing ghost soldiers holding crossbows in the back.

"I trust, hurry up." Ye Shikai was in a hurry and immediately used the water element to form an ice cover in front of the crowd. At the same time, hundreds of arrows were launched in an instant, forming an arrow rain, and shot at everyone. .

"Start the formation." Ji Tao immediately responded. The Baiwu Army and the Ji's guards did not know where they were. The human hand turned into a shield and stood in front of them to form a shield array. Ji Tao operated the internal forces. He learned Tai Chi. The internal strength is about Rou Kegang. Everyone felt a faint gust of wind. The arrows shot over them had become the "end of the crossbow", and even the shields could not shoot in.

"Everyone is retreating." Li Yueying also felt the crisis, and immediately made people back, took out a long sword with him, waved lightly, and stopped the crossbow in a few moments.

"Miss protection." Several female guards from Li Fu rushed to the front and shielded Li Yueying with a shield. Ye Shikai did not expect that Li Yueying's swordsmanship was so good, not only the strategy, but also the martial arts.

A wave of arrows came over, and several unguarded guards were still shot. They fell to the ground and wailed, as if in pain.

"Ah." At this time, a dark guard's arrow in his left arm fell to the ground in pain. Ye Shikai immediately stepped forward, holding his palm, and passed the internal force into his body, but was blocked by a dead breath. Unable to move forward, and the dead gas continued to penetrate into the wound.

"Not good, it's dead gas." Ye Shikai had no choice. Once the dead gas entered the heart, the person would die without doubt. Raising his hand, the arm of the dark guard had been eroded by dead gas, like the hand of a dead person.

"Brother, bear with me." Ye Shikai stunned him with a hand knife, took out a sharp blade and cut his arm with a knife. Before long, the broken arm became a rotten arm.

"Quickly, take him away." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, the two dark guards took care of him, pierced the hemostat immediately, fastened the wound, the dead gas was formed by the corpse of the millennium, and the living person had to die for life The matter, let alone deadly into the body.

"Yes, sir."

Although the ice cover blocked part of the arrows, it was too wide here. Ye Shikai couldn't protect everyone, so he ran quickly to the left.

"Come on." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, but after all, people are busy with hands, and they are three. It is impossible to retreat from the whole body. The road on the left is so large that no one can pass all of them.

"Moonlight array." Ji Qian waved her staff to form a matrix method, which made up for the lack of protection and also relieved Ye Shikai's pressure.

"Abominable, I fight with you." Mo Ji rushed out, took out his light gun and fired at the ghost soldiers. The so-called random punch to kill the master, the benefit of this random fight is to disrupt the ghost The formation of the soldiers ~ ~ The Qin Army in the Warring States Period was disciplined, well-trained, and the coordination and coordination of the military formations were perfect, so that the six nations could be unified. Shoot with a strong bow and crossbow, and then use the army to strike. The battle horse raided from the side. The magical girl's burst of fire directly knocked down a few ghost soldiers, but they were all immortal. To be precise They have long been dead, and bullets cannot kill them.

"Let's go now, everyone." Ye Shikai took out a dozen grenades from the storage ring and threw them towards the army.

Bang, bang, bang.

Several explosions sounded, and the powerful impact immediately disrupted the ghost army formation. It seemed that the bomb was easy to use.

By the way, although it is not possible to fight in close range, you can shoot from a distance to block the progress of the ghost soldiers.

"Everyone, rush." ​​The commander of the army shouted loudly, the ghost soldiers picked up the copper Ge, copper sword, and rushed towards the crowd.

"Get this quickly." Ye Shikai instantly changed a dozen automatic bù guns from the storage ring. These people are dumbfounded. They don't know the storage ring. Naturally, they don't know its strengths. They thought Ye Shikai was a magician. Then, so many firearms were changed all at once.

The dark guard was well-trained, and immediately took the bù gun and fired at the ghost soldiers. The bullets could not kill them, but they could hinder their actions. The Qin Jun was heavy and his actions were not fast.

When modern firearms encountered ancient soldiers, that was a completely different situation.

Not far away, several ghost soldiers rushed forward, and the Chen family guard immediately rushed forward to protect Chen Yuxin. At this time, Chen Yuxin took out a pure Jun sword. Among the remains, the sword body emitted a purple-green light and rushed towards one. The ghost soldiers approached and chopped past, and instantly cut a ghost soldier and fell to the ground motionless.

"Don't ... Chun Jun sword can kill ghost soldiers." Ye Shikai was a little confused when he saw this.

[End of this chapter]

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