Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1027: Be left out

"Of course, if you do n’t have my internal strength, even if you give it to you." Ye Shikai snorted coldly. Human nature is greedy, and there are storages and such treasures. All the people in the family want it. Ye Shikai doesn't find this strange. But what he doesn't like most is that those people obviously want to grab hard, but also have to formulate seemingly sounding reasons, hypocritical, Ye Shikai originally encountered many foreign underground world practitioners in Europe, they practiced Huaxia The authors also made mixed evaluations, but whenever they mentioned this, they would all agree.

"Unexpectedly, it is a treasure to recognize the Lord." Li Yueying said lightly, and suddenly the words turned sharply. "Ye Shikai, why are you a Huaxia person and go abroad to be the Pluto?"

"Life is forced, otherwise no one wants to go out." Ye Shikai hesitated for a moment, and said an answer. He talked with Li Yueying so much, and only this sentence came from the heart.

How many people have embarked on this road because of life. Even in the underground world abroad, Ye Shikai has rarely heard of a killer who is rich and wealthy, has nothing to worry about, and is smooth sailing.

"But you can still be confused now." Li Yueying smiled slightly.

"You care so much about what I do, as if you just wanted my life." Ye Shikai flung her eyes, maybe because there was no one around him, he even started to confide in Li Yueying.

"Ye Shikai, if you were born twenty years earlier, I am afraid that this is not the case now." Li Yueying said suddenly, and then turned away.

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Shikai was a little curious and wanted to step forward to ask.

"Think about it yourself."

Ruins canyon.

"Homeowners beware." Chen Ruoya helped Chen Yuxin. Although the plank road is very run down, it is not difficult for the practitioners who are far better than ordinary people to get into the sky, but the key point is that there may be an ambush of ghost soldiers above this canyon. If halfway through, they are suddenly attacked again, and there is a risk that the entire army will be overwhelmed.

"A few of you, go and be on guard." Jayton waved his hand and let several dark guards use a climbing tool to go up a distance to prevent the ghost soldiers from suddenly attacking.

"Yes, sir."

"Wait a minute, this is too dangerous," said the ghost suddenly, and quickly stopped them. "If the ghosts above attack, the dark guard will surely die."

"If no one is on the alert, in the event of an accident, all of us will die." Chen Yuxin said coldly, "This is my order, you just need to execute it."

The crowd fell into silence for a while. From Chen Yuxin, she exudes a mighty momentum. Her decisive decisiveness is well-known, and she did so in the family affairs.

"Subordinates obey." The ghost knew that the refutation had no result and had to execute it. After all, Chen Yuxin was now the hostess of the Hades, and he could not exceed his power.

The dark guards obey, they never fear death, even if they know they are dead, they also go to the fire. These are carefully selected by the ghosts. Not afraid of death does not mean death. The boardwalk is inherently dangerous. Once it happens again, like The same attack just now will have a much heavier death and injury than the previous one, and the upbringing upstairs will simply die.

"Xunzi, let's think about it again, it's only two hours after we clear the road." The ghost summoned courage to persuade Chen Yuxin again.

"Phantom, Haem ’s rules, have you forgotten that Haem is the hostess, there is no reason to change the order." Jayton said next to him, indeed, the Haem's hierarchy is strict, and it has always been this way, but Ye Shikai doesn't like such rigid rules, so he and most of the people at his disposal get along well. Some of them call the "boss" directly, without having to call the "adult".

"You ..." Ghost couldn't say anything good for a while. He managed Ye Hakai instead of Ye Hakai for so long, but he was described by others as "opposing the superior".

"Don't argue anymore, I'll take the Dark Guard up for alert." Nightmare said faintly, holding the halberd, jumped directly to the stone wall, fixed with the halberd, and climbed up little by little.

"I'll go too." Magic Fox followed, took out the dagger. Although the stone wall was steep, there were still many bumps that could be supported. A dozen dark guards quickly climbed up.

"Go on."

"Ahem, ghost, don't argue with her anymore. Didn't you find out that Dark Guard has changed a group of people recently?" Moji came over and said softly in Ghost's ear.

"Indeed, the sister-in-law asked Jayton to manage the affairs of the dark guard, so I am not good at intervening." Ghost nodded, and Chen Yuxin specially promoted Jayton's purpose. He naturally understood that she did not trust the ghost, so she could only find one. He replaced him with his confidant. Although the ghost was left out, he didn't care. As long as Jayden and Chen Yuxin could help Ye Shikai ~ ~, he wouldn't complain.

"Don't care so much, the most important thing now is to find the boss, the others are not important." The ghost shook his head and said that when the boss saved his life, he had given his life to Ye Shikai, and even if it was Chen Yuxin had preconceptions about him, and Ye Shikai could not misunderstand him.


Chang'an Airport.

"Extermination of souls, what happened." As soon as the plane was out, Destruction of Souls received the Hades Palace base, oh no, it should be said that it was the urgent news from the several dark guards who escaped from the base.

The base was attacked and self-destructed, and Elena led the death.

"Sister-in-law, the base was attacked, and Elena's life and death are unknown." Destroyed the soul as if she had lost her soul, she couldn't believe the message in front of her. The message was encrypted with the password inside the Hades, and there was nothing wrong.

"What, how can this be." Su Qingyu was also shocked after listening. Elena protected her for a long time. It can be said that among these leaders of the Hades, she has the deepest affection for Elena, so now Hearing news that her life and death were unknown, Su Qingyu also panicked.

"Asshole." Desperate soul smashed the phone to the ground. These people must have been observing in secret. When the base was empty, they attacked hard.

Soul destroyer can't wait to go back immediately, but reason tells him that even if he goes back now, there is no chance. Now he has only a dozen dark guards by his side. Even if he returns to Yanjing with the help of Yuewei, it is difficult to check. What's wrong? If you ask for the headquarters of the Hades in Europe, I'm afraid it will be difficult to save the fire from the far water. The most important thing is that if Su Qingyu's safety returns to Yanjing rashly, then who will protect her.

Destroying his teeth and gnashing his teeth, he decided to go outside Bai Qi's remains and wait for Ye Shikai to come out. Only he could go back to deal with the overall situation.

End of this chapter

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