Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1055: "Flop"

"What is this." Chen Yuxin slowly raised her head, with a bit of coldness in her doubtful eyes, as if her wife had caught the "evidence" of her husband's derailment. Chen Yuxin was not blind. Of course, she saw the three characters "Yueying" on Yupei , Accompanied by her birthday character, clearly, what she wanted to ask was why this piece of jade was on Ye Shikai.

"Xin Xin, I just met Li Yueying and talked about cooperation." Ye Shikai quickly explained, "In order to show my sincerity, she gave me this. Listening to her, seeing this jade is like seeing her. I, holding this piece of jade, can even give orders in the name of Miss Li Fu. "

Chen Yuxin didn't speak, looked at Ye Shikai suspiciously, and then looked down at Yu Pei.

"Really, I didn't lie to you." Ye Shikai continued.

"I'm going to take a shower first, I'll talk later." Chen Yuxin put Yu Pei on the table, turned around and went into the bathroom. Ye Shikai finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she believed. When the two returned from Bai Qi's ruins, they were about to During the wedding, during this time, Chen Yuxin was always “sensitive”.

However, jealous and jealous, Chen Yuxin is not a childish green girl. In some respects, she is still very mature. Although Li Yueying looks good, in the final analysis, she has a relationship with Ye Shikai, and she has just begun There were also some contradictions when they were in contact. Now cooperation is more based on reality. As Li Yueying said, in the case of the Tang Jiagong and Sun family uniting, cooperation is beneficial and harmless.

Chen Yuxin changed into a home dress, looked like a housewife, and came out of the bathroom in only half an hour.

"Li Fu means to cooperate with us." After Chen Yuxin heard Ye Shikai's recount, her eyes changed and her spirit suddenly came.

"Probably that's what it means. After all, I can completely offend Tang Can and Gongsun, and it is a good thing that an ally restrained them in Chang'an." Ye Shikai nodded, at least in his opinion, Li Yueying's sincerity came, The premise of cooperation also exists.

However, Chen Yuxin's next words shocked him, and even froze in place.

"Xiao Kai, how can you be so hasty." Chen Yuxin shouted suddenly.

"I ... I don't quite understand what you mean." Ye Shikai scratched his head, why Chen Yuxin was so excited.

"I don't agree with this cooperation." Chen Yuxin put her hands on her chest, a non-negotiable attitude.

"Xiao Xin, what do you mean, do you think there is anything wrong with it?" Ye Shikai stepped forward to comfort, Chen Yuxin's appearance made it clear that she was unwilling.

"Of course I don't agree, who is Li Yueying, she is not a good person." Chen Yuxin said a bunch of "bad words" at once, like a sorrowful woman. Chen Yuxin naturally did not like Li Yueying. Ye Shikai can understand, but she and Li Fu Ye Shikai really couldn't think of any harm, but now Chen Yuxin is so resistant, what is it for?

"Well, cooperation is originally a relationship of mutual use, and the interests are the same. As for Li Yueying's character, it doesn't matter."

"Anyway, I won't agree." Chen Yuxin refused directly.

"Xiao Xin, why are you so angry?" Ye Shikai stepped forward to give a smile, Chen Yuxin snorted, reached out and took over the jade on the table, and said to Ye Shikai, "This thing, I will give it back to Li Yueying for you. This cooperation , I am not blending. "

"Xiao Xin, think again." Ye Shikai wanted to persuade her, but ... Chen Yuxin was so ironed that she refused. Looking at the jade in her hands, Ye Shikai could not help but wonder, she was so angry that she would not really It's jealous.

Ye Shikai suddenly remembered that when the ancient emperor went to bed, there would be eunuchs to give the sign, each sign was written with the name of a concubine, and where the emperor turned, let the corresponding concubine come over to sleep, Li Yueying gave Ye Shikai's jade pendant with his own name is like a "brand".

Chen Yuxin wouldn't be jealous of this.

Ye Shikai shook her head, she should not be so childish, no big deal, this jade pen is back to Li Yueying.

"That's it. I only cooperate with Li Fu on behalf of the Hades. The Chen family still maintains a neutral attitude." Ye Shikai stood up and wanted to go out.

"Stop." Suddenly, Chen Yuxin snapped sharply, and he stopped suddenly.

"You are not allowed to leave, you are not allowed to leave the house, concentrate on preparing for the wedding." Chen Yuxin stepped up quickly, hugged Ye Shikai tightly, and said in a commanded tone.

"Xiao Xin, don't be so excited." Ye Shikai felt a little uneasy. The feeling Chen Yuxi gave him was a kind of sick love.

"It will be a wedding in a few days, lower case ... other things, shall we ignore it first." After Chen Yuxin motioned to her disability, she suddenly let go and blushed.

"Okay ~ ~ I promise you, these days I don't care about this, this jade pendant, I told Chen Ruoya and gave back to Li Yueying, as for the later things, say after marriage." Ye Shikai's heart is not a taste, he Without standing in the perspective of Chen Yuxin, she naturally did not understand her mood.

"Xiao Kai, you are so good." Chen Yuxin smiled, suddenly stomped her feet, kissed directly on Ye Shikai's lips, wrapped his hands around his back of the head, and kissed hard, until the end, Ye Shikai felt almost suffocated. Only then let go, sticking his face to Ye Shikai's chest, listening carefully to the sound of "bang" heartbeat ...


Early the next morning.

When Ye Shikai opened his eyes again, he saw a pair of bright eyes looking at him, a good-looking face, the corner of his mouth rising, as if aftertaste ...

"Xiao Kai, how do you sleep?" Chen Yuxin said softly, helping Ye Shikai to hold the quilt intimately.

"It's okay." Ye Shikai covered his head in the quilt, turned to his side, and said that he fell asleep at 2:30 last night ...

Feeling that someone had lifted the quilt, Ye Shikai opened his eyes again, Chen Yuxin turned his body over, and the two faced side by side.

"Xiao Kai, let's pick a wedding dress today." Chen Yuxin suddenly said, "I chose one last time, but I still want to ask your opinion, so can you go with me." Chen Yuxin Reached out, placed it on the side of Ye Shikai's face, and gently stroked his face.

"Well, I promise you, we will go in the afternoon." Ye Shikai nodded. In fact, the wedding dress is just a piece of clothing. Although it is of great significance to women, wearing a gorgeous wedding dress does not mean Marriage can also last like this. What Chen Yuxin wants is Ye Shikai's company.

(End of this chapter)

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