Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1057: Thinking about marriage

"Xiao Xin, let go." Ye Shikai wanted to struggle. The movement of the two seemed to be a little bigger. In case someone out there found something wrong and opened the door, the two would grow up.

"Don't." Chen Yuxin kissed hard, without any intention of letting go. It seemed that Ye Shikai's perfunctory seemed to annoy her somewhat.

"Do n’t make a mess, here is a lot of people, we ... let's go home." Ye Shikai wants to delay Chen Yuxin. After all, even a deep loved person is impolite to kiss in public, and Chen Yuxin is still a big man Once an indecent picture is taken, the impact will be great.

"I have asked Ruoya to leave those people." Chen Yuxin stopped the gesture on her mouth. "Lower case, shall we continue."

"You ... you are crazy." Ye Shikai was anxious, could not help but "slightly", separated from Chen Yuxin, looked at each other, and Ye Shikai found her eyes were "strange", as if she had fallen into her own thoughts. What Ye Shikai said has been "shielded". No matter what is happening outside, everything seems to be proceeding according to Chen Yuxin's own thinking.

After a few seconds, Chen Yuxin shook her head violently, her eyes gradually returned to normal, and looking at Ye Shikai in front of her, she couldn't help sour her nose and cried.

"Sorry, Xiaokai, it was my fault just now." Chen Yuxin rushed over, hugged Ye Shikai tightly, and kept apologizing.

"Well, it's okay." Ye Shikai was helpless, and now he can only comfort himself. When talking about it, Chen Yaozu once said that Chen Yuxin was unstable because of cultivation, and sometimes it would be so serious. If you do, you will even get into trouble.

Looking at the suit he was wearing, because Chen Yuxin was caught too tight just now, a few scratches were caught on the suit.

"Well, you quickly put on your wedding dress, I'll change a dress." Ye Shikai shook his head helplessly, turned and left the fitting room.

Looking outside, it turned out that the shop assistants were invited by Chen Ruoya. There was no one here, and the bouquet was placed on the table, and no one moved.

It didn't take long for the shop assistants to come back with a faint nervous look on their faces. It seemed that they also understood Chen Yuxin's identity.

"Auntie, is she okay with the owner?" Chen Ruoya came over and asked.

"It's okay, she's still changing clothes inside." Ye Shikai calmed down a bit. The things just now weren't pleasant, but after all, she came to try on a wedding dress.

"The bride is out." At this time, a clerk reminded softly, Ye Shikai looked up, and sure enough, replaced Chen Yuxin with a wedding dress, just like a heavenly girl, a white wedding dress is pure, muddy and not stained, even those shop assistants She also took a breath, and the four beauties of Yanjing didn't just talk casually. Chen Yuxin stepped on white high heels and came to Ye Shikai.

"Lower case, is it pretty?" Chen Yuxin slightly lifted the skirt of the wedding dress, the elegant dress ceremony, which is quite a ladylike style.

"Well, pretty." Ye Shikai nodded, a wedding dress is enough to increase the value of a woman by 200%, not to mention, Chen Yuxin was originally a beauty.

"Ms. Chen, there are other wedding dresses over there. Would you like to try again." The female shop owner said kindly, and pointed to the wedding dresses in the window.

"Go try it," Ye Shikai said lightly. Rarely, I can make Chen Yuxin happy today, so stay with her.

One after another wedding dress, Ye Shikai thinks that there is no artistic cell, maybe because every wedding dress is a boutique, he can't see it is good or bad, like most men, looking at the marriage hall that they are about to step into Beautiful woman, just say one word, so beautiful.

Women want to use a wedding dress to maintain the glory of marriage, men want to use a diamond ring to firmly lock the long-term love, only those who have experienced understand that those are just a dream of Huang Liang, lost the other half, what are each other, It's just empty words.

In the end, Chen Yuxin chose the original style. After the shop assistants measured the size, they would give it to foreign designers. About a week later, they would hand over the wedding dress.

Today ’s events may leave Ye Shikai with a mustache. The official wedding time is set to be two weeks later. Within two weeks, Chen Yuxin has been appearing at various parties in Yanjing. For a time, this matter passed on immediately. Throughout the entire Yanjing, invitations were sent out before. Of course, those guests were not fools. When Su Qingyu married him, it was also popular. Ye Shikai's name has been widely used in Yanjing business circles. Know, when those people see the name on the invitation, they will immediately understand.

If Ye Shikai didn't expect it, his "wind comment" should be very bad now.

However, those people must also wonder what Ye Shikai has to do so that two peerless beauties can compete to marry him.

"Xiao Kai, UU Kanshu, during this time, shall we stay at home and plan the wedding with peace of mind, okay." On the way home, Chen Yuxin seemed guilty. She did it in the fitting room. With some radical things, it will inevitably make Ye Shikai unhappy, so now, she has been peeping at Ye Shikai's expression.

"Well, I promise you." Ye Shikai nodded his head, just right, he was not very suitable for walking around during this time. Who are those people in the Yanjing business community? They are all "sniffing hounds". There is a strong limelight in the ruins. Now, it is estimated that the entire Huaxia is investigating him. At this time, it is a big shame, it is purely "shameful", so he must hide at home to avoid the limelight.

"Leave the matter to Ruoya."

"Yes, homeowner, please rest assured." Chen Ruoya said respectfully.

"When our wedding is over, we will go for a honeymoon." Chen Yuxin saw Ye Shikai forgive herself and suddenly let go, starting to look forward to all kinds of things after marriage.

"You set the place," Ye Shikai said casually. Suddenly, a ringtone rang, and he picked up the phone to connect.

"Hey, who."

"Boss, it's me." On the other end of the phone, a ghostly urgent voice came.

"What's the matter, so anxious."

"Boss, we found Elena."

"It ’s true, where, when, and where are you now." Ye Shikai heard the news, and immediately came to his spirits, feeling excited. Thank goodness, Elena wasn't dead, it was great.

"We are at the base of the Luna Temple, and Elena is healing." The ghost immediately answered.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ye Shikai hung up after he said it.

"Lower case, what happened."

"Good news, Elena is here. I'll go now."

. m.

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