Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1073: When security

"You're okay." Gu Xin reacted quickly, came forward to look at the ghost, he still has injuries on his body, how can he fight with others.

"I'm fine, please take a look at your dad's injury." Ghost shook his head, and several doctors and nurses who responded hurried up to help Gu Jian and take him to clean up the wound.

"Be careful." Gu Xin looked at a dozen troublemakers on the ground. Although he saw the strength of the ghost, he still did not forget to tell him to pay attention to safety. After all, he was still a patient. Haven't come yet, let the patient cope.

"Rest assured, I'm fine." Ghost looked at his hands in amazement. Maybe he was more shocked by his strength than those "eating melons." Just now, he just wanted to help Gu Xin stop the one as soon as possible. The staggering attack, as a result, even rushed to her in an instant. Now he has amnesia and does not know that he has internal force. Therefore, he was extra surprised at this "inexplicable power". As for the remaining dozen Strange, the ghosts don't know how. In the face of their attacks, they can easily escape and counterattack. In fact, as the Hades of the Hades, not only the internal strength is deepened, but also the master of martial arts. Fighting muscle memory has been added, and with the use of internal force, even if there are thirty more stunners.

More than a dozen troublemakers got up "difficultly" from the ground, and looked at the young man in front of them with a little fear. He was obviously a patient.

"Boy, who the **** are you?" One of them asked, seemingly afraid that the ghost would shoot again, his voice no longer clamoring.

"I ... I don't know." Ghost was a little embarrassed. The question was really an idea. He really didn't know who he was.

"Boss, this person seems to have amnesia." One said softly to the leading strong man.

"The police are here." At this time, a cry came from the crowd behind.

"Retreat first." The strong man gave the ghost a vicious look, left a warning, and left the hospital in a hurry.

In the office.

"Thank you very much just now." Gu Xin bowed deeply to You Lin, and the nurse on the side also worshiped with a look on his face, with little stars shining in his eyes. Everyone saw the martial art of the ghost just now. Before they were afraid of those foolishness, now those foolishness were driven away, and they brainstormed, chasing the contact way of the ghost.

"Cough, it's okay, right, Doctor Gu is okay."

"My dad is okay, but his cheeks are swollen. Those people are really abominable." Gu Xin snorted coldly. Indeed, anyone who hurt his family would be angry.

"Who are they?"

"Doctor trouble, plainly speaking, it was specifically to come to the hospital to pick things." Gu Xin's tone was full of resentment. "This thing is a long story, if there is a chance, I will tell you later." Gu Xin sighed It seems to be intentional.


"Dean, you're here." At this time, Gu Xin suddenly stood up, looked at the door, and the ghost turned his head. The middle-aged man came in, with gray hair and a kind heart.

"Thanks to you, just now." The dean patted the ghost's shoulder lightly. "I have seen medical staff many times, but most of the hospital's security is useless. Thank you for your help this time. Thank you on behalf of the entire hospital. "

"The dean's words are heavy. I am just seeing righteousness, and Dr. Gu is also my attending doctor. Thanks to him, I took my life."

"Actually, I have one more thing." The dean continued, "I discussed with other leaders and wanted to hire you to be the hospital security. What do you think?"

"This ..." The ghost hesitated a bit. "In fact, I was just" simple "for the sake of justice, and did not intend to ask for anything in return."

"Haha, what we value is also your ability. You have amnesia now, but I look at your skills. I guess you must have trained martial arts before. You should be engaged in personal bodyguards and the like."

"I think it's good, the hospital staff benefits are good, and ... the medical expenses can be paid back slowly." Gu Xin also advised.

"Yeah, if you work in the hospital, the medical expenses are easy to discuss." The dean nodded.

"In this case, then I agreed." In the end, with the persuasion of the two, the ghost agreed, and now he does not know who he is, what education, what experience, and what he did before, only Take a step and look at it.

"In the future ... we're even colleagues." Gu Xin held out his hand, and the ghost first froze. Some didn't respond, and he held his hand afterwards.

"By the way, you have amnesia now, how do we call you." The dean suddenly raised this question, yeah, the ghost has no name and no identity certificate ~ ~ This seems to be a What a problem. "The ghost scratched his head.

"Otherwise, give yourself another name." Gu Xin teased.

"Let me think about it." Ghost is a little embarrassed. Parents have always named their children. Now, this situation is indeed rare ...



"Jaton, Youlin is missing, Yuewei is totally sacrificed. Do you know this?" In the base, the magical girl grabbed Jaton's collar and asked loudly.

"Of course I know."

"Then what are you still doing?"

"I've sent someone to find it, but Donghai is so big, it always takes time to find it." Jayton broke away from the **** of the magical girl and glanced at the crowd. "Moreover, the ghost has not yet sent a message for help."

"No, I want to go too, and leave immediately," Moji said excitedly.

"I'll go too." Desperate echoed, and turned to pick up his clothes while talking.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Jayton called the two of them. "The order from the underworld is to let us stay in Yanjing, prepare for the wedding's defense, and deal with the attack of Boss Xing."

"Did you forget why Elena was like this?" Jayton retorted sharply. Indeed, it was because the defensive emptiness of the base of the Hades Palace allowed the boss Xing to take advantage of it. If they all went to the East China Sea to find The ghost, then, what if the boss Xing comes back, according to information, all twenty moon guards were killed, and the lunar temple was badly damaged, Ji Qian has ordered that the moon guards at the European moon temple base be sent to support, but, in general In terms of numbers, it is still not enough.

"But the ghost is still alive and dead now. If we go, Boss Xing may come, but if we don't go, the ghost will die 100%." ​​Moji cursed.

End of this chapter

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