Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1082: Poison palm

Qianshoumen has never been a family, but an outright sect, but the scope of activities is generally limited to the southern provinces of China. The East China Sea is not considered to be their sphere of influence. This time, even the leaders came out in person. It must have been deliberate for a long time. Then look at the cars next to it. The drivers inside are actually Qianshoumenists, who created this "traffic jam" just to ambush everyone. ↑

"The visitor is not good, everyone is careful." Ji Qian took out the water element and placed it on the gem of the staff, emitting a faint blue light, which looked "very beautiful", but the water element is the most overcast thing in the world. The tricks of the Luna Temple are even more powerful.

"Master Luna, this is Donghai's territory. Qianshoumen dare not pretend to be here. You take everyone first, and I will drag them." Nightmare took the initiative to ask, except for Ji Qian, the strongest combat force here is Nightmare. .

"I'll stay too," Magic Fox said.

"Luna, they are not very many. We brought more than forty dark guards and moon guards this time. It would be better to ... take the initiative and kill them." Soul killer looked at the people around him, Qianshoumen counted as a nest. And it came out, but at best it was unexpected. Almost all the elites of the two temples are here, and they are hard to fight. Qianshou Yinpo is definitely not their opponent.

"Battle," Ji Qian said softly, waving her staff.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Several silver rays shot from the staff, as thin as silver wire but with energy inside.

"Thousands of swords." Qianshou Yinpo sneered, and threw several flying knives from her sleeves.

"Water element." Ji Qian looked aside, running the internal force and launching the powerful power of the water element, and saw the flying knife of Qianshou Yinpo slowly "condense" in the air, turning into a piece of ice dumpling, smashing straight on the ground.

"It's a powerful treasure. It seems that there is still a new harvest today." The Qianshou Yinpo laughed with "桀桀", showing a greedy smile. The four elements are the treasures of Atlantis. I want to fight, but ... it's not so easy.

Ji Qian sideways dodged the two flying knives, and the power of the stars falling was so great that they directly detonated nearby vehicles.

"Moon God is careful." Nightmare suddenly emerged from the side, two men in black attempted to sneak attack on Ji Qian from behind, but they were stabbed in the heart by Nightmare.

Soulbreaker, Magic Girl, and Serena also counterattack with Dark Guard and Moon Guard. The tricks of Qianshoumen are extremely insidious, and the hidden weapon is invincible. However, those disciples do not have the strength of a thousand-handed pussy, and they ca n’t stop Soul Killer, etc Attacking humans, holding the Changbai Sword as the God of War, easily blocked the concealer of the disciples of Qianshoumen, countered with a sword, and easily beheaded several people.

"Moonlight Array." Selena commanded the moon guard to form a matrix. The moonlight array is very exquisite. It is one of the skills of the Moon Temple. It is performed by Moonguard collectively and is more powerful than a single player.

"Fight back." Selina waved her arm, the first row of moon guards kneeling on one knee, while the rear moon guards all held crossbow arrows.


Several arrows were fired, and several thousand-handed disciples were killed by arrows. Selena took a dagger and took the lead and rushed up. The two sides were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. From a distance, it was like a street melee, but compared to the "small "Small fight", this is "fairy fight."

"Qian Shou Yin Po, you are not our opponent, are you not surrendering yet?" Ji Qian glanced at the "battle situation" behind, the Hades of the Moon Palace had the upper hand, but Qian Shou Yin Po did not seem to retreat at all, If they fight like this, the local police will be here.

"Really, I think you should think about yourself first." Qianshou Yinpo sneered, and suddenly, a wave of people came from all directions.

"The moon **** is careful, someone is attacking." Meng Yue screamed sharply, Ji Qian turned around violently, and a shadow pounced on her, a palm struck her chest, Ji Qian panicked and raised her palm to greet Go up.

Bone palm.

Ji Qian raised her palm, her palms became black, and gradually began to spread. There was a numbness in the dark. It turned out to be the bones of the bones. Isn't this insidious trick lost?

Ji Qian quickly took out a Shennong Dan and swallowed it, and then used water and the energy of the gem staff to force out the residual poison, which relieved her.

Like the Qianshou Yinpo, the bones of the bones are also "side-door and left-hand road" and "religious evil" of the rivers and lakes.

In particular, this bone metacarpal is also an extremely insidious trick. The palm of the hand is highly toxic. Once it touches the body, the toxin will quickly spread throughout the body along the wound, and the stroke will feel paralyzed, followed by paralysis of the heart. The lungs, liver, and eventually the heart stops. It is a bit like snake venom. The poisoned person cannot use internal force. If there is no antidote, it will be dead. Because the internal force cannot be used, the recruiter is weak. ".

"Poison palm, you are finally here." Qianshou Yinpo laughed, and the man in black took off his hood, exposing a wrinkled face.

"Haha, with such a generous remuneration, I don't think anyone would refuse it ~ ~ The old man named" Poison Palm "laughed coldly.

"It's better ... let's work together to get her first rank."

"It's okay, I can't think there are so many masters around this little girl. No wonder it's worth so much bounty." As soon as the voice of poison palm fell, the two rushed straight up.

"Moon God's trick-the stars fall."


The three made a move at the same time, and for the first time played a tie.

"How could there be so many people." Everyone found the anomaly. All these newcomers were masters of cultivation, and everyone was desperately fighting, but they were still deadlocked.

"Everyone be careful, these people have hidden weapons on them." Nightmare's face became more and more dignified, and people in black came up from all directions like a tide, and kept flowing.



"Strange, why can't this call get through." Ye Shikai looked at the screen of the mobile phone, with a doubt in his face, and repeatedly called Ji Qian's phone, but no one answered it. Destroying the soul, the same was true for the call of the magic girl, no one answered .

"Xiao Kai, help me see this." Chen Yuxin handed a document to Ye Shikai.

"Homeowner, someone came by the door and said he was looking for aunt." At this time, a waitress came in hastily and murmured in Chen Yuxin's ear.

"Is there anything?" Ye Shikai looked at the document and didn't hear what the waitress said.

"Oh, okay, lower case, you're here, I'll take care of something."

Outside the Chen Family House.

"You let me in. I'm in a hurry to find the boss." A man carrying a notebook and trying to get in, was blocked by several big men.

"Sorry, this is a private villa. You can't go in without an order." A bodyguard said lightly. "Please come back."

{End of Chapter} 5

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