Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1110: Warm breakfast


Ye Shikai opened his eyes and his stomach started to scream. He drank so much wine last night and did n’t even eat rice. As a result, he came together in the morning and stared at Venus. After a brief wash, he went downstairs. I'm going to find something to eat.

"Xiao Kai, you woke up. You didn't eat last night. I prepared some breakfast for you. Come and eat." Chen Yuxin, dressed in elegant home clothes, looked like yesterday's world. "Ye Shikai" A little shocked, on the table, sandwiches, milk, bacon, toast, and a whole table for breakfast.

"Xiao Xin, is this a guest coming?" Ye Shikai sat opposite Chen Yuxin, asking curiously.

"No, it's just the two of us, yesterday's thing ... Xiaokai, I was wrong, so forgive me." Chen Yuxin smiled shyly, took a sandwich, and handed it to Ye Shikai.

"Xiao Kai, I made it for you. I know you don't like egg yolks, so I added egg whites in it." Chen Yuxin smiled softly, and the sandwiches were made in a decent way. Ye Shikai was not so picky about eating, but just For this sandwich, he still saw Chen Yuxin's "sincerity". Between husband and wife, they always need care. Ye Shikai, who was a little upset, suddenly felt a lot better.

"Well, it's very good." Ye Shikai smiled slightly and took a bite of the sandwich, which was the taste before.

"Just like to eat, and this one, you try it too."

"Okay, I will eat." Ye Shikai's plates quickly piled up as "small hills". Chen Yuxin pleased him like this. To be honest, he was a little surprised, but because of last night's affairs, Ye Shikai didn't have much. miss you.

"Xiao Kai, we are going to spend our honeymoon next week, are you prepared for it?" Chen Yuxin asked coldly.

"Oh, I just bring some daily necessities, just let the people take them." Ye Shikai said lightly, Chen Yuxin is not an ordinary person. When they go on their honeymoon, they will naturally bring a group of waiters, responsible for the safety and each of the two. Trivia.

"Do you want to go to Europe this time?" Chen Yuxin continued to ask, Ye Shikai suddenly paused with a knife in his hand. Although he is not European, his love has a lot with this place. Contact. At first, the place where he met and met with Ji Qian was in Europe. When he married Su Qingyu, the honeymoon was in Europe. Now, he wants to go to Europe with another woman for a honeymoon. He did not want to Yes, but Chen Yuxin insisted on going, Ye Shikai had to compromise, it was a trip to Hades Palace.

"No, it's just a tour anyway, and it's with you wherever you go."

"Xiao Kai, don't you really want to go? I don't think you have much interest." Chen Yuxin's tone was very light and sounded weak. There seemed to be an expectation in her eyes. The honeymoon is not only of significance in the hearts of all women. It is a tour, just like a diamond ring. The essence of a honeymoon is indeed a tour, just like the essence of a diamond is just a transparent stone, but once linked to love, the meaning is completely different. Honeymoon is a love journey This is the common thought of almost all women, and Chen Yuxin is no exception. She is looking forward to this honeymoon trip, but she is more hopeful, and Ye Shikai is also looking forward to it.

"How come, no matter where you want to go, I will accompany you." Ye Shikai ate a few bites of the sandwich on the dinner plate and changed the topic. "Ji Qian they have found a ghost in the East China Sea, but he has lost memory. "

"What, how could this happen." After Chen Yuxin heard it, she seemed a bit shocked. The ghost is Ye Shikai ’s most powerful assistant and one of the most important members of the Hades, but now he has amnesia. Ye Shikai is actually clear in her heart and Chen Yuxin is in her heart I ca n’t wait to see the ghost. I am afraid she will not sympathize with this amnesia.

"Xiao Xin, Ghost and I are brothers. I said so, you should understand what I mean." Ye Shikai's tone changed, cold and deep.

"Xiao Kai, let's go to the East China Sea with you this afternoon." As soon as Chen Yuxin's words fell, Ye Shikai jumped out of her chair in shock.

"What you said is true." Ye Shikai was shocked. One was a brother and the other was a wife. He was caught in the middle, which was not convenient for mediation, but Chen Yuxin took the initiative to go to the East China Sea with him. To his surprise.

"Of course, I want to understand. Since he has helped you so much, helped my husband, that has helped me, although we have misunderstood, I don't mind these." Chen Yuxin smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'll book tickets now." Ye Shikai smiled and smiled. It was a good thing to resolve the conflict between the two. Listening to Ji Qian said that the ghost needs the snow lotus of Baishan to restore memory, but this thing, he I have never heard of rare things, and they are always in demand. He decided to find helplessly ~ ~ Donghai Hospital.

"Ali, how are you doing now." Gu Xin took the stewed duck soup and came to the lounge to visit the ghost. Although it was not a work injury, the dean agreed that the ghost should take a good rest, paid vacation, and the dean This is largely due to the relationship between Gu's father and daughter.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. You don't need such a big tonic." The ghost smelled a strong scent. Although he didn't say it, his saliva could not help but flow down. He has rarely smelled this since his memory loss. Scent too.

"How do I do, I am your girlfriend, taking care of you is all right, and your injury is also related to me, the police really do, knowing that you are injured, and have been investigating for so long, you can't take a good rest. Gu Xin pursed his mouth and took the spoon to carefully feed the ghost. If he didn't know it, he really thought that the ghost was seriously ill and couldn't afford bed.

"Where is the responsibility? It is normal to investigate for a long time, and I really want to know the true identity of those people." Ghost shook his head. "Okay, I'm fine, you go to work."

"Hey, you really treat it like a donkey liver and lungs, but this is the first time I've boiled the soup for Miss Ben, and you are so perfunctory." Gu Xin seemed a little displeased, and her mouth was quite cute.

"Okay, I was wrong." The ghost raised the soup bowl and drank the old duck soup. "Well, you're satisfied now."

"Cut, take care of the wound, take a rest, and the wound will heal." Gu Xin nodded.


"What's wrong." The ghost raised his head and found that Gu Xin's complexion changed greatly, as if thinking of something terrible.

"This time, will it be that few of your" friends "that day." 14

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