Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1126: Bring money

"Find Baishan Snow Lotus first, and help the ghosts restore their memories." Ye Shikai murmured. In fact, if it wasn't for Chen Yuxin's "one cry, two troubles, three hangs," and a strong "begging", he originally wanted to find Baishan Xuelian went on her honeymoon again, because of this incident, Mo Ji and others were quite dissatisfied.

"Well, it's kind of conscience, the ghost has been with you for so long." Dong Fang's words suddenly paused. "Do you help him restore his memory, do you care about the old feelings, or just want to use his ability."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai stood up in excitement, while the students of Yanjing University turned to look at him, and then Ye Shikai realized that he was dysfunctional. He was a very affectionate man, especially his brotherhood. Not to mention that Ghost and him are fatal brothers. Even if Ghost is an ordinary person, Ye Shikai will certainly rescue him without hesitation.

"Don't be thrilled, I'm just talking." Dong Fang saw this and knew that Ye Shikai was angry. She had misunderstood the Hades, thinking that the leaders of the Hades were a group of devil who did not blink. Then Hades, Pluto, must not be much better, but through several interactions, Dongfang Lian's concept of Ye Shikai has changed subtly. He has a strong affection, has no bad eyes, and is not clever at critical moments. The only drawback is It is because the relationship between the women around is too messy ...

"Well, you will say less of this kind of words in the future, I Ye Shikai can not need money, but my brother can't lose it." Ye Shikai finished the coffee in the cup angrily.

"Hey, that's my coffee." Dongfang Li cried.

"Don't you drink my coffee too?" Ye Shikai flung his eyes in disdain, and Dong Fang instinctively lowered his head. When he saw the empty coffee cup, Qiao's face turned red.

"Okay, what else can you do? Hurry up." Ye Shikai seemed a little impatient, and these days he has had enough annoyances.

"I heard that you got a lot of treasures in Bai Qi's ruins last time."

"Hey, you still want white wolves with empty gloves, but I took a lot of effort to get them. What do you want to do ..." Ye Shikai held his hands tightly on his chest, as if there were his treasures inside.

"Isn't it that you need to cultivate some resources? Anyway, you have so many people and you owe me some kind of favor. Can you give me a little money? There are money. The twenty or thirty people under my hands need to support them. It ’s not enough. Anyway, if you have money, give me something and you won't die. ”Dongfang Qing is rightful and righteous. People who do n’t know how much she thinks of Ye Shikai.

Ye Shikai bet that this oriental phobia must be rich in hatred, and when it comes to human feelings, Ye Shikai feels unhappy. First, it was not Ye Shikai who killed her father, and it should not be a member of the Hades. What's more, she almost killed herself and Su Ziqing when camping last time. Why didn't she mention this beam.

Ye Shikai took a check from his wallet, wrote a few words on it, and handed it to Dongfang Lian.

"Thirty million is enough for you to use it for a while." Ye Shikai was displeased. Forget it, even if it broke the fortunes, in case Chen Yuxin asked in the future, all the money was also taken from his personal account, although he was divorced. At that time, he went out of the net, but as long as there is a Hades, he will definitely not lack 30 million in this area.

"What you want, I will let people get lucky, hum." Ye Shikai was helpless, but the people in this oriental pity were not weak, and even hurt him.

"It's pretty much the same. Boss Ye is really easy to handle things." Dongfang Lian accepted the check politely.

"Yo, now I'm" Boss Ye ", don't you want to kill me before?" Ye Shikai said scornfully.

"Hee hee, I know the grandeur of the Pluto King is magnanimous, and I would not care about the little girl's behavior." Dongfang Qing smiled facelessly, Ye Shikai smiled awkwardly, and did not know how to be such a "personality", how to be a teacher of.

"Okay, okay, you're asking for the money and taking things, I can go." Ye Shikai said impatiently.

"Wait a minute, You Xijian, can I have a look."

"What, you still want to see You Xijian." Ye Shikai couldn't help but yell this time. This You Xijian is the biggest harvest and the biggest treasure in Bai Qi's ruins. The number of Chinese families, regardless of their size, is right. You Xijian salivated, thinking about it for a while, and you can see that the power of this sword is not Ye Shikai's bragging. If You Xijian is acting here, this cafe will be "gone with smoke".

"Impossible, beautiful."

"Don't be so stingy, if there is such a treasure, I will be able to avenge my father." Dongfang Lian said to himself, as if You Xijian was already holding it.

"You want to be really beautiful." Ye Shikai shook his head ~ ~ don't say how many people in this You Xijian are staring at it. With the power of You Xijian, Dongfang Lian can't even control it, and there is even danger to life.

"Cut, can I just talk about it? Really, stingy." Dongfang muttered in disdain. "I'm leaving now, and I'll come to you if I have difficulty." After that, I left the cafe.


Ye Shikai could not help but slap himself.

"Ye Shikai, Ye Shikai, why did you provoke this" beauty of evil "?"

"Sir, this is the bill, Teacher Dongfang said, it's left to you." At this time, a waiter handed over the bill, and it looks like it should be a student from our school who works part-time at this coffee shop.

"I depend." Ye Shikai couldn't help complaining, took out a banknote and put it on the table.


Northeast, Baishan.

"Master, look there." Late at night, just as everyone was down the mountain, Soul Killer suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted loudly. Everyone picked up the telescope and looked into the distance. Indeed, in the darkness, it was emitting blue light. This is the characteristic of Baishan Snow Lotus.

"It's Baishan Xuelian, sir, let's go." Mo Ji looked particularly excited, and finally, "one snow before shame".

"Isn't Baishan Snow Lotus growing on a mountain peak?" Ji Qian looked at the blue light in the distance and couldn't help but be curious. They are now on the mountain peak, and the blue light source is obviously below. , But flat.

"Xuelian just has a high probability to grow on the mountain peak, because the temperature here is lower, but it is not impossible to grow on the flat ground." Zhang Lin explained, putting down the telescope in his hand. "In my opinion, this should be Baishan Snow Lotus . "

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