Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1157: Visit the group

Ye Shikai was secretly pleased that with this elixir, the ghost's memory may be restored, and everyone was all in danger. Fortunately, no one had an accident, and finally it was a big deal.

"Let's go quickly." Ye Shikai received the good news, and his heart seemed to be clear from the clouds. All of a sudden, his spirit refreshed, and a smile filled his face.

"Homeowner, Auntie, I have prepared a special car. Should I go directly to the mansion or ..."

"Go to the group first, there are some things to deal with." Chen Yuxin glanced at Ye Shikai and said lightly.

"Okay, how about it? Come with me."

"No problem, I'm idle now, anyway." Ye Shikai said that it doesn't matter. He was also an idler. Chen Yuxin rarely went to the group. Only some major events, such as the shareholders meeting, she invited Ye Shikai to this time. You may still want to persuade him to come to work in the group. Unlike Su Qingyu, if Ye Shikai really agreed to work in the Chen Group, Chen Yuxin would never allow Ye Shikai to be a small employee. One, the marriage of the two is not only Everyone in the group knows it, even in Yanjing's business community. If Ye Shikai went to the Chen Group as a small employee, wouldn't he have lost Chen Yuxin's own face, so he is at least a ministerial status. In the beginning, in fact, neither ordinary employees nor executives are suitable for Ye Shikai. The starting point is low. He loses his face and Chen Yuxin's face. If the starting point is high, he will inevitably be talked about. Only one person will be relative and Ye Shikai will Labeled as "walking the back door" and "eat soft rice", it will be even more shameless.

In fact, Chen Yuxin didn't take this into consideration. However, she wanted to be with Ye Shikai so much that she didn't consider Ye Shikai's feelings. Therefore, Chen Yuxin had a strong possessiveness. In particular, she had lost Ye Shikai once. So this time, she will never let go.

The Chen Group is one of the top-ranked groups in Yanjing, and a well-known multinational company. A company occupies a whole building, and the equipment in it is more comprehensive. It seems that it is more elegant than the Tianya Group, but ... Ye Shikai doesn't catch a cold at all. If he wants to buy a building or something, he can still do it.

"Xiao Kai, here is the front desk, and then there is the cafe." Chen Yuxin introduced Ye Shikai in detail. The two held hands and showed affection in the company. In the company, I am afraid they are still the first couple. The staff coming and going are hurried, and the fast-paced pressure of the city puts many young people in a "deep water". Top-level groups like the Chen Group have even more employees in it. Grass-roots employees are working hard. Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin are young people. They seem to be about the same age as those at the computer desk. Then ... the status is so different that it is inevitable to make people envious.

For example, the beauty lady at the front desk doesn't seem to be over 25 years old. When she sees two people beside Xiu Enai, her face is full of surprise and shock. Chen Yuxin rarely comes to the company. She may not know her, but Chen Ruoya But everyone knows that no one in the company dares to disrespect her, but now, Chen Ruoya also walks behind her with her head down, which shows that their identity is special.

It's no wonder that almost all the leaders of the group are middle-aged people. No one can think of it. A 25-year-old woman is the leader of this group.

"The 35th to 46th floors are the office of the company's executives." Chen Yuxin introduced to Ye Shikai. Everyone saw the chairman coming, all of them "sincere, sincere and horrified." That "man" introduced the company, and thought what leader was here.

Ye Shikai felt a little impatient. It had been an hour and a half before Chen Yuxin's office. It can be seen that the treatment of executives and employees is indeed different. The fitness and leisure rooms on the 47th and 48th floors, including the swimming pool Only people at the ministerial level can enter.

"Xiao Xin, how many floors are there?" Ye Shikai asked awkwardly.

"A total of fifty-one floors, my office is on the top floor." Chen Yuxin took Ye Shikai's hand into the elevator, went directly to the top floor, and motioned for Chen Ruoya to leave.

Chen Yuxin pushed open the wooden door of the office, but Ye Shikai was stunned by the interior decoration. This is almost a hall. It is dominated by gold and dark red, with a lot of antiques and decorations. This is in a simple style with Su Qingyu. The office contrasts.

"You are too luxurious here, too." Ye Shikai sat on the sofa and saw that the furniture was imported from Europe. Besides, her office was not only exquisitely decorated, but also a large area, with more than 400 square meters. It was a poverty limit. Imagine.

"Yeah ~ ~ This office was renovated after I became the owner." Chen Yuxin nodded, Ye Shikai looked down the position of the office chair. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, most of Yanjing can be overlooked. , As if the monarch's puppet.

"Then you have to come often, otherwise such a luxurious office would be wasted." Ye Shikai lamented.

"Lower case, would you like to come with me."

"Why did you get around this problem again, didn't I say it, let's just forget it, and I don't want others to say that I came in with soft rice." Ye Shikai's face suddenly pulled down.

"They dare ... they definitely dare not say this about you, but you are my husband. Who dares to say that you are eating soft rice, I will let him go immediately." Chen Yuxin said, "Domineering Husband". I can't help but touch it, but in Ye Shikai's view, he can only answer with "haha".

"Forget it, I have other things. Let's go first. You will go home quickly when you are pregnant. Now that you are pregnant, you should pay more attention to your body." Ye Shikai said lightly, and did not wait for Chen Yuxin to speak. Out of the office.

"Lower case, wait, don't leave."


Yanjing, Hades Palace.

"Master, you are finally back." When Ye Shikai stepped into the door, everyone almost cheered, but there were also some cold noises, such as ...

"We almost lost our lives, you just came back now." Zi Yan never saw Ye Shikai as a superior, and the two were brothers and sisters of righteousness.

"Everyone, I'm late, I'm sorry." Ye Shikai looked at the crowd. They almost died for the Hades. Ye Shikai, as the Pluto, was on vacation in Europe. This is indeed unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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