Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1161: Crisis of Confidence

"If you don't want to go to work in the group, it doesn't matter, but you don't need to be angry and depressed." Chen Yuxin thought Ye Shikai was still upset about the "work at work" and worried that he would be angry.

"Xiao Xin, I'm not angry with you, but there is something else." Ye Shikai said, shaking his head, looking at the ceiling, his two eyelids were as heavy as lead.

"Then you talk to me." Chen Yuxin picked up a fruit from the table, peeled it, and handed it to Ye Shikai.

"Forget it, these have nothing to do with you." Ye Shikai turned to her side and turned her face to the inside, ignoring them.

"Xiao Kai, you are angry and depressed, it has nothing to do with me, you can't spit your breath at me." Chen Yuxin's expression was low, and she looked a little wronged.

"Sorry, I'm not in a very good mood right now." Ye Shikai knew that her words made Chen Yuxin a little unhappy and had to explain to her.

"Well, that's okay. Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask. By the way, I just learned how to make creamy mushroom soup. You can wait for a while and I will help you make something."

"Xiao Xin, don't need it." Ye Shikai quickly stopped her, and Ji Qian's painful criticism "deeply pierced" his soul, making him not human on both sides, and thinking of Zi Zi again Then, Ye Shikai couldn't help staring at Chen Yuxin, his eyes staring, looking a little embarrassing.

"Xiao Kai, why are you staring at me like this? I'm a little embarrassed." Chen Yuxin's complexion changed slightly, even though the two already had skin relatives, but Chen Yuxin's psychological age regarding male and female love seems to be still Staying in middle school is the era when boys who are secretly in love will stare and blush and say two "smelling words of love" will be ashamed for a long time.

"Xiao Xin, do you know what happened to them in Baishan?" Ye Shikai murmured.

"Well, I generally understand that they are in danger. I asked Jayton to send someone into the mountains to find them, but I have no news. If you don't believe it, you can ask.

"You misunderstood. I am not distrusting you, but they said that they had not heard of reinforcements, so I wanted to ask ..."

"Xiao Kai, you are still doubting me." Chen Yuxin's face suddenly gloomed, and she suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"Did I just say that, I didn't doubt you, just doubt ..."

"You are clearly doubting me." Chen Yuxin yelled suddenly, shocked Ye Shikai on the sofa.

"Why do I doubt you, don't make trouble out of reason, okay." Ye Shikai turned back and quickly got up from the sofa.

"I know, Destroyer and Magic Girl, they don't wait to see me, but they can't frame me." Chen Yuxin's eyes were red, tears swirled in her eyes, and there was a feeling of dyke.

"You ... OK, Xiaoxin, I was wrong, and I shouldn't say anything wrong." Ye Shikai was helpless. He also knew that he was misunderstood, and even felt framed. He did not believe that Chen Yuxin would do the "those things" that Ziyu said. The Soul-Killers were all happy people. They were also impulsive to do things and think about problems. Emotions dominate the subject, and judgment is irrational.

"Xiao Kai, you have to believe me, I didn't do those things." Chen Yuxin suddenly pounced on Ye Shikai's chest, crying loudly.

"Of course I believe in you, we are both husband and wife now, of course, we must trust each other." Ye Shikai quickly comforted.

"Well, don't cry, how old are you? It's always like this." Ye Shikai has some headaches. He is a sibling and a wife. He is sandwiched in the middle, and it is difficult to reconcile. Chen Yuxin is also rigid and soft. And the soft side in her heart will only reveal to Ye Shikai.

"Xiao Kai, I knew you would believe me." Chen Yuxin was crying and it was quite distressing. If Chen Yuxin would be insecure like this, then Ye Shikai would give her a sense of security.

"Okay, wipe your tears and wait for someone to see a joke." Ye Shikai picked up a napkin and gently wiped her tears, her eyes were pretty red, and she looked very sad.



In the eastern suburbs, this is the "shantytown" of Yanjing, where most of the migrant workers gather. The rent here is cheap. Although the order is poor and the environment is poor, it is also "a sparrow that is small and complete." Factory, recruitment is very convenient.

"Poison Ji, how's the investigation going?" Boss Xing was sitting in a low-rent house, with peanuts and beer cluttered on the table. If he went to the "attractive" mask, Boss Xing's temperament It is very suitable for the current environment.

"Master, the investigation has been completed, Zheng Zheng did not take a plane, but returned to the East China Sea on a cruise ship." Du Ji said on one knee, respectfully.

"Where are those people? They didn't succeed. Where is it now?" Boss Xing looked a little nervous.

"They ~ ~ also left in chaos, but the scene has been cleaned up by Ji's family. No one found it and the police did not intervene."

"Abominable, all the old things in the Zheng family are useless things." Boss Xing suddenly became furious and smashed the glass bottle on the table to the ground.

"Master, those people are the grass on the helm of the rudder, which is useless. Our plan is to think of another way." Poison Ji seems to be a bit jealous of the boss, knowing that he is on his head and his tone is softer.

"Also, Zheng Zheng's kid was quite resourceful. He came out of the harbor with a golden cicada, and left the port. In this way, the manpower we arranged at the airport was wasted." The boss was quite depressed, and his plans were frequently missed. Youths in their early teens "played".

"The master doesn't have to worry. Zheng Zheng is just a little clever. If he wants to get rid of him, we can dive into the East China Sea."

"No, the mission is not that simple. If the suspect of killing Zheng Ye cannot be transferred to Ji's family, then killing him is useless, not to mention, he has already returned to the East China Sea. With this incident, he must be It is impossible to shrink back. "Boss Xing sighed, grasped his fist, and hit the table heavily.

"Master, just now those of the Zheng family talked again, and they still wanted to cooperate, how should we reply." Du Ji took out a document and put it on the table.

"This ... it's better to report to the Lord first, you have to rush to assemble a manpower to prepare for the East China Sea."

"Master, do you think the Lord will continue to cooperate with those people." Du Ji tempted.

"As long as there is a common purpose, there is still the possibility of cooperation. To deal with the father and son, Zheng Li and Zheng Zheng, it may not be enough to rely on the outside, but also need to have an internal response."

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