Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1164: Concert? 迨? / A>

"But I seem to have a lot of people, so many fans should not be able to squeeze it out." Ghost watching the crowd of excited fans shouting, can't help but be worried, this person is crowded, in case of an internal injury is not good I do n’t understand what happened to these fans, it ’s like playing with chicken blood.

While talking, Gu Xin's eyes stared at the ghost's face, revealing a "you know" expression.

"Hey, just talk, this look, looking at the scumbag." The ghost could not help shaking his body, this expression, most likely nothing good.

"I want to sign."

"You won't want it, I'll help you to sign it." The ghost's face suddenly pulled down, and sure enough, it's a blessing or a curse.

If such an avid fan, if they squeeze the signature, they should be able to "thin" ...

"Uh-huh, I'm so thin, how can I squeeze the crowd." Gu Xin is almost coquettish, of course, the ghost can't stand it, and quickly agreed to her request. There is no way, being a boyfriend, you need to do the physical labor awareness.

"Okay, then you'll wait here, I'll come to you when I get my signature." Ghost nodded and agreed.

"Hee hee, alright, the concert is about to start."

"The concert will begin immediately. With warm applause, please invite the home of the Rose Band, Miss Li Mei, and other members of the band." As the host's voice fell, the spotlights on the field all fell on the stage. On the body of a woman in red, a long red gauze dress, very classic style, tall, white skin with big red gauze dress, full of charm, eyes fixed, like two crescents, charming, extremely no wonder They are all male fans, and even the other members of the band are all beautiful women.

After a few songs came down, the audience began to "crazy" and kept yelling Li Mei's name. Objectively speaking, Li Mei's singing was really good, and the treble was "hook", but those fans May not be so excited, maybe Gu Xin already has Gu Xin in his heart, so after listening, he didn't have much excitement.

"Below, I want to invite a lucky audience to come up and interact with me." After a song, Li Mei suddenly made a suggestion. Interaction with fans is actually very common. Some stars will choose some during the concert. " "Luck fans" came to participate in the interaction, so as to appear more intimate with the fans.


"Choose me."

When the voice fell, there was a restless voice from the audience. Even many male fans wanted to rush to the stage, but all were stopped by security. To a certain extent, the level of security can also reflect the star's Popularity.

"Well, do you want to go up?" Ghost turned and looked at Gu Xin, just like other fans. Gu Xin also fell into "madness" and kept shouting Li Mei's voice.

"Of course, but with so many people here, how could I be chosen." Gu Xin was very excited, but she has not "lost reason". After all, it was only a small probability event. Turning around, here is dense. They are all people, and the probability of selection is lower than that of the lottery.

"I have to raise my hand to try it, I will help you raise it." During the talk, the ghost raised his hand, Gu Xin nodded, and raised his hand. The spotlight above the venue kept sweeping the crowd, everyone They are all looking forward to becoming the lucky one.

"Let's see which fan will be selected, three, two, one, stop."

"Hisse." Suddenly, Youshen felt a strong light in front of her, so that he could not open his eyes, and quickly blocked his hands in front of him.

Slowing down to God, the ghost finally saw it. It was the dozens of spotlights over the sky that hit him at the same time, and it was like a "light man".

"Ali, you have been selected." Before the ghost adjusted to the bright light, his arm was pulled by others, turning his head, Gu Xin was shaking his arm excitedly.

"What, I've been selected." The ghost knows it later. "Great, you can go up."

"Great, it seems that the lucky fan has already been selected, please ask the gentleman in the second row to come up." Li Mei's mouth slightly tilted up, picked up the microphone to point in the direction of the ghost, and as the spotlight fell, everyone present His attention also fell on the ghost, with a look of envy and jealousy, several staff members walked towards the ghost and motioned for him to step up.

"You misunderstood. I didn't want to go on stage. I did it for my girlfriend." Ghost quickly explained that he didn't want to go on stage, and his personality was low-key. If he came on stage, he would be a fan of Rose Band tomorrow. Mission "exposure".

"Sir, please come up, don't delay everyone's time." Several staff members kept the ghosts explaining and insisted on getting him on stage. Just now Li Mei also said, if you ask a gentleman, if you let Gu Xin come, I'm afraid it's about to make a joke ~ ~ I said, the one who wants to go is my girlfriend. The ghost said as he pulled Gu Xin over.

"Okay, or forget it, Ali, you go up for me, this is your chance." Gu Xin saw this, for fear of conflict between the two parties, she had to make a concession. Although she wanted to interact on the stage, but She didn't want to see her boyfriend embarrassed in the public.

"This ... but."

"It's okay, but you need to get a signature for me." Gu Xin pursed his lips and gently pushed the ghost out.

"I think this gentleman seems a bit shy. How about everyone applauding?" Li Mei said with a smile, alleviating the embarrassment at the scene. In the end, the ghost had to walk on the stage, shake hands with Li Mei first, and take a closer look. Limei looked even more charming.

"What is your name, sir?"

"Gu Li."

"Do you usually listen to any songs?" Li Mei asked casually. During the concert, the singer will choose the audience to sing a chorus. Generally speaking, a more knowledgeable audience will choose a singer's original work to sing together, but For the ghost, he really didn't know what song Li Mei had sang.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what song is there." As soon as the ghost's voice fell, everyone in the room couldn't help exclaiming. Even Gu Xin was anxious to get into the seam. Look, come to the concert, but haven't heard one of her songs. I don't know if I thought it was a deliberate hit.

"Don't get me wrong. Actually ... I just raised my hand for my girlfriend. She wanted to come on stage, but it turned out to be me, and those staff didn't listen to me, so I was forced to come up." Ghost also Realizing that he embarrassed Li Mei, he immediately explained to everyone.

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