Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1172: Luo Shiqi comes to Donghai

The Hades is never neutral, and Ye Shikai is not the character of a peacemaker. One thing is worse than the other. It is never Ye Shikai's style. His attitude is that people do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend people, and if people offend me, After three points of courtesy, people committed me again and cut off the roots. Although Ye Shikai is not a troublemaker, he is not afraid of things. He came to Huaxia for almost nine months. He also went to many cities, Yanjing, Hong Kong City, Changan, and then To the present East China Sea, once he clarifies his position, he will inevitably provoke enemies, but in the same way, he also gains allies. If Ye Shikai was assassinated nine months ago, he would be 100% guessed that it was from Zeus. Killer, but now he can't guess who it will be. There are too many people trying to kill him in Huaxia and abroad.

"Relax, the person who can kill me has not yet been born. You can help me investigate it." Ye Shikai smiled slightly, or the old saying, "How can people not be attacked if they are floating in the rivers and lakes?" Isn't that the enemy? If you have the strength to dare to fight face to face with the Hades, why not use the assassination method.

"No problem, leave it to me."

As soon as Ye Shikai hung up the phone, he found that he was blocked by two men in black. He wondered, wouldn't ... these people just started to work on the street in such a fair and honest manner.

"Mr. Ye, Chairman Luo has invited me." One of the women in black suddenly bowed, really surprised Ye Shikai, and looked intently. This woman seems familiar, this woman ... not Luo Shiqi The confidant bodyguards usually follow at any time, protect herself, and combined with the "Chairman Luo" in her mouth, it should be Luo Shiqi, but what she did, Ye Shikai was full of doubts, but she stopped on the street. In the luxury business car on the side.

"How did you come to the East China Sea?" Ye Shikai closed the door, and Luo Shiqi was sitting next to him. There was a lot of space in the business car. Luo Shiqi tilted her legs gracefully, her eyes were full of charm, as if she could talk. Scanning her whole body, she felt uncomfortable.

"I'm not like you. I killed and killed all day. I'm a serious businessman. Donghai is the economic center of Huaxia. Is there anything strange when I come to talk about business?" Luo Shiqi said lightly, missing for many days She became even more charming. Ye Shikai looked at her dress, big red cheongsam, and white long legs. Walking on the street can make men nosebleed, and it seems a bit uncomfortable to wear business for business. Okay.

OKanyway, Ye Shikai admits that Luo Shiqi is rich and willful. When it comes to business, she can wear whatever she wants. This is her freedom. I have to say that she is the most intellectual and mature woman Ye Shikai has ever seen. .

"Looking at you like this, you must have encountered something tricky again." Luo Shiqi can see through Ye Shikai's mind at a glance. Speaking of it, she is just a few years older than Ye Shikai, and she is definitely a young man in terms of age. , But his mental conversation is like a forty-year-old woman, Ye Shikai beside her, all seem a bit childish.

"Rest assured, I can handle it." Ye Shikai looked like a rebellious teenager, looking away from the window.

"It's not my fault that you caused. You can't spit your breath at me." Luo Shiqi smiled sweetly, even reaching out to pinch Ye Shikai's face.

"I'm not angry, but I'm just talking about it, it's complicated, and I don't want to get you in."

"So, you still do it for me." Luo Shiqi held her head with her hands and stared at Ye Shikai.

"You have helped me so many times, but this time it's different.

"Is it so evil?" Luo Shiqi snorted coldly. Although she was only about thirty years old, Luo Shiqi was used to strong winds and waves. Don't forget her other identity, the queen of the underground of Yanjing.

"Do you think I'm joking? Even my most trusted confidant has been planted." Ye Shikai rubbed his temples.

"That doesn't look easy."

"Well, so I want to solve it myself, Shi Qi, don't you mix it up, okay."

"Well then, let's change the subject, the head office." Luo Shiqi was good at checking words and seeing that Ye Shikai was upset and very "cleverly" switched off the topic.

"You came to Donghai really to talk about business." Ye Shikai asked suddenly.

"It's part of the reason. The bottleneck period of the Rockwell Group's development can only be broken through through development. There are some very good activities in the East China Sea recently. I came here for a trip, and may meet new partners." Luo Shiqi explained Dao is indeed at the helm of tens of billions of companies. If Ye Shikai comes, I am afraid that within two years, the company will go bankrupt. He is not a talent who is good at managing business.

"That's partly why," Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Because of you." Luo Shiqi's eyes were frozen, Ye Shikai had understood her meaning, and unexpectedly Luo Shiqi was also paying attention to Hades ~ ~ Oh, it should be said that he was focusing on his own every move.

"If it's part of the reason, then you can go back now." Ye Shikai was "ruthless" at all.

"This time when I came to the East China Sea, there was another purpose, to find the Zheng family, and I heard that the Zheng family has started to take over the events of the Zheng family.

Luo Shiqi's words reminded Ye Shikai, yeah, and Zheng Ye. Speaking of them, Zheng Ye and the people in the Hades Palace can be regarded as having a relationship. In the East China Sea, the Zheng family covers the sky with one hand. If Zheng Ye is willing to help It would be much easier to find the ghost and Gu Xin.

However, how can I persuade Zheng Ye to help? If Ji Qian is here, it may be possible, but she still has things to do at Ji's house. Moreover, Ye Shikai doesn't want to owe any more to Ji Qian's kindness, just like Luo Shiqi, Both women helped Ye Shikai many times.

"Shi Qi, can you do me a favor." Ye Shikai asked suddenly, hesitantly.

"Yo, you didn't want me to join in just now. Why do you want me to help now?" Luo Shiqi teased.

"Actually, it's not a help. I want you to help me to bring him into the Zheng family." Ye Shikai knows that if Luo Shiqi went to the Zheng family, in her status, she must be the "guest of the family" of the Zheng family. Ye Shikai just wanted to "mix in" with Luo Shiqi. As for how to talk to Zheng Ye, he had his own intention.

"You're going to the Zheng family, why." Luo Shiqi asked curiously.

"Look for Zheng Ye and ask him to help." Ye Shikai said to her heart.

"It's that simple. Otherwise, I'll do it. If it's my status, please ask Zheng Zheng to find two people in the East China Sea, he should have no reason to refuse.

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