Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1209: Restore memory

"Do you have anything else to come to?" Gu Xin said coldly.

"Xin'er, you go out first." The ghost signaled Gu Xin to calm down, pretending that he wanted to eat, and let her go out to buy food.

Originally, Ye Shikai hoped that this explosion could awaken the ghost's memory. As the investigation progressed, the ghost's memory was lost and the truth of Yue Wei's death was restored. At the beginning, Ye Shikai suspected that the power of the gas cylinder explosion was not enough to blast The whole rental house was flattened, and after investigation, traces of strong explosive residues were found on the scene, then the situation can probably be deduced.

Then this time the hospital exploded. When the ghost saw the original scene, it might stimulate the nerves and restore memory, but now it seems that this is just Ye Shikai ’s wishful thinking. The elixir made by Baishan Snow Lotus is still in use today. In the storage ring, maybe as the fortune teller of Dugu Tianke said, everything is fate, the ghost has its own destiny, and Gu Xin is the one destined to meet in his destiny.

"The crisis in the hospital is obviously aimed at Xin'er." The two remained silent for a long time, and the ghost finally spoke and broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, that's obvious." Ye Shikai understood the situation, too. The two explosives hidden in the hospital were all powerful explosives. The one tied to Gu Xin was smaller and hidden in the ceiling. Yes, it is the real killer.

Gu Xin was called to Ward 601 by a mysterious person and installed a balance bomb. Instead of targeting Gu Xin, it was more about ghosts. One, so many nurses in the hospital, chose Gu Xin. The other person was obviously intentional because The relationship between Ghost and Gu Xin is well known in the hospital. If Gu Xin is in danger, the ghost will be reckless and tying the bomb to Gu Xin is far more effective than tying Ghost himself. Both, Gu Xin is just a little nurse, and Although the ghost was renamed Gu Li, his identity as the "second-middleman" was bound to reveal something, and he was a "big fish."

I will do this, only the boss Xing, or Li Mei and Xue Yan, they and the Hades are deadly opponents, now there is no dark guard around the ghost, and no sense of vigilance, is the best time to start.

Two big men, one lit a cigarette, and chatted without saying a word. After this incident, although the ghost had great joy for the rest of his life, he also had anxiety for the future. This time, he rescued Gu Xin. Yes, but next time, in just one month, Gu Xin was abducted because of him, and this time he was again bombed.

Then next time, maybe it will be directly dead.

Ghost couldn't imagine, if one day, he heard Gu Xin's death, he would certainly collapse.

So, the only way to ensure the safety of the two is to figure out everything, and even ... eliminate the threat.

"Okay, you go first, you should take good care of yourself." Ye Shikai suddenly stood up and went out of the door.

"Mr. Ye, please wait." Suddenly, the ghost stopped Ye Shikai.

"You still have business."

"I heard that there was the elixir of Baishan Xuelian last time, I don't know if you have it there."

After half an hour.

"Ali, I made you your favorite braised pork ribs." When Gu Xin returned again, there was only one ghost in the ward, and Ye Shikai seemed to have left.

"Xiner, put the rice aside." The ghost raised his head, his eyes seemed different from usual.

"What's wrong, is it physically uncomfortable?" Gu Xin felt the anomaly on the ghost and stepped forward to support him from the ward.

"Relax, I'm fine, just rest." The ghost shook his head, got up from the bed, opened the knot of the bandage, and actually took it off in front of Gu Xin.

"What are you doing, the bandage has just been put on, and you are so anxious to remove it." Gu Xin quickly stopped.

"Rest assured, I'm fine." Ghost shook his head. After the bandage was removed, Gu Xin was surprised to find that the back, which was originally full of scars, was almost better, even some of the original small scars were completely Gone.

"This ointment is really amazing." At this moment, Gu Xin finally understood Ye Shikai's good intentions. It seems that the ointment he gave really worked wonders.

"Xiner, we will be discharged from the hospital after a while. These are minor injuries. You can also recover from injuries when you return home." Ghost said lightly.

"Oh, okay, but the hospital has to be renovated, so this time is like a holiday."

"Let's go on a tour then."


East China Sea, Hades base.

什么 "What, the ghost has regained memory." Everyone exclaimed, even Ji Qian, who had always been calm, looked at Ye Shikai with a look of shock.

"Yes, he took Baishan Xuelian's elixir, and he has restored his memory." Ye Shikai looked calm and nodded slightly.

"It's ... great." Mo Ji exclaimed excitedly. "Now we can all get together ~ ~" Ji Qian was also relieved after hearing it, and the "think tank" of the Hades came back. As a result, the pressure of the crowd was suddenly reduced. The most important thing is that the ghost is absolutely loyal to Ye Shikai, and the power of the Hades will not be sidelined. Moreover, at the time Ji Qian took someone to Baishan in person, she almost lost her life, OK? Baishan Snow Lotus was easy to obtain. As a result, the ghost didn't want to restore the memory at all. I thought it was a trip for nothing. Now it seems that it is a worthwhile trip.

"But ... others." Soul-killer asked curiously, and everyone quieted down at once, yeah, where did people go, and if the ghost restored its memory, it should hug everyone with excitement.

"What's the matter, has he recovered his memory?" Seeing Ye Shikai hesitant to answer, Ji Qian slowly sat beside him and asked.

"Restoration is restored, but that doesn't mean that the memory between him and Gu Xin is gone." Ye Shikai sighed and said, "Yes, people with amnesia find their memories, but it doesn't mean they forget the current memories. It is conceivable that when the ghost recalls everything before, and remembers this life experience with Gu Xin, how will he feel.

His love for Gu Xin has long been unforgettable, but he also remembers that he is the "think tank" of the Hades, and he must fight with his brothers. This conflicting and contradictory experience must be difficult for him to accept.

"What do you mean by this?" Ji Qian continued to ask.

"I gave him the choice. If he is willing to return, I welcome it at any time. If he does not want to return and wants to live a good life with Gu Xin, I will not interfere."

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