Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1221: Restore the truth

No one knows what Ye Shikai said when he announced that he would return most of the Hades to the headquarters. Perhaps for most of the people who came from the Hades, this time was just a work trip to China. For Ye Shikai of the year, this was a life-long unforgettable experience. What happened this year is more memorable than the years when he went to Europe.

Of course, now that he is married to Chen Yuxin, he is naturally destined to stay in Yanjing and worry about things. This is why he has already searched for a successor in the Hades.

Hey, hey, hey.

"My guest is here." Ye Shikai murmured, got up from the chair on the balcony, turned and went downstairs, Ji Qian and Shihun also followed him downstairs. The location provided by Zheng Ye was extremely hidden, as The choice of location for the command bases of the Hades and the Moon Goddess is important. Therefore, generally no one will come to visit, unless ... Ye Shikai revealed the address.

"Master Ghost."

"Master Ghost."

Before Ye went downstairs, Ye Shikai heard several dark guards honoring the name of the ghost, yes, the guest he was waiting for was the ghost.

"Boss, long time no see."

With a long absence, Ye Shikai, who has always disliked emotions, almost burst into tears. This time, there are twists and turns, and the ghost experience can be written into a movie script.

"Brother, you are finally back." The two hug together, and Ye Shikai greets the ghost to sit down.

"Haha, ghost, I know that your kid is fine." Soul Slayer and Demon Screamed excitedly when they saw the ghost.

"You, so many things happened this time, I'm giving trouble to the Hades." The ghost seems to have known all kinds of things that Hades went through during this time. From Ji Qian led the team into Baishan, nine lives, until they came The experience of the East China Sea and the Zheng family, the loss of the Hades and the Temple of the Moon was enormous.

"How is it, brother and sister are okay." Ye Shikai didn't dare to call his brother arrogantly before the ghost recovered his memory. Now that he has restored his memory, Ye Shikai is also polite and directly refers to "Gu Xin" as his sibling. They all praised Gu Xin. If nothing else, Ghost and Gu Xin should get married soon.

"She is very good, but ... I didn't tell her about the memory recovery." The ghost was a little hesitant to speak. The gap between the two experiences before and after the amnesia was too big, as if "water" and "fire" were generally mutual. Incompatible, on the one hand, the "Military Division" who is working in the underground world, and on the other hand, the young man who lives in security at the Tokai Hospital, is totally two different people. To be honest, after the ghost restores memory, It took a long time to accept "reality."

"Yeah, I think it's better not to let her know." Ye Shikai murmured.

Suddenly, everyone fell into silence. For some reason, everyone didn't have a common language after a month or two. Perhaps it was because no one wanted to mention "a topic."

"How's it, think about it?" Finally, Ye Shikai raised this topic, and everyone's heart raised, all watching the ghost, waiting for his answer.

"Boss." Suddenly, the ghost knelt down on one knee and put his arm on his chest. This was the saluting posture of the Hades, but at this time, the always strong ghost started to choke.

"Boss, I'm sorry for the Hades." Ghost said choked, he knew how important a position he held in the Hades, and naturally he knew how much he would suffer if he left, everyone All his efforts from the moment of his memory loss were lost.

"Come on, stand up." Ye Shikai personally pulled him up. To be honest, he never expected that everyone would follow his example, and followed him desperately. If he could help him in times of crisis, this is a brother and a noble. Ye Shikai and the others helped the ghost to restore memory, and it was not for him to continue to play for the Hades, it was just out of affection.

"Actually ... we already thought about it." Ye Shikai comforted.

"Ghost, you are our brother, in fact, we all bless you and your siblings." Soul also echoed "As long as the wedding day, don't forget to call us."

"Yes, by then, I must have a big red envelope." Mo Ji also said.

Everyone said one sentence after another that the atmosphere was finally a lot easier. Although the ghost planned to live in the East China Sea and Gu Xin, now that he has restored his memory, Ye Shikai can also get a lot of answers from him.

"Ghost, do you remember what happened when the rental house was in the first place?" Ye Shikai raised a question that everyone was very puzzled. In that case, in addition to the ghost, there were more than twenty moon guards. Even if it is attacked by someone, it should not be all killed, Ji Qian is also concentrated, after all, Yue Wei is the person under her hands.

"Oh ... I remembered all of them." Ghost recalled his teeth, seeming to be a bit painful ~ ~ Suddenly he yelled and patted his hands on the table.

"Twenty months of guards who performed the task at the time, some people rebelled." The ghost language was amazing, and now she really surprised Ji Qian.

什么 "What, there is a traitor in Yuewei."

"Yes, yes, and there is more than one, it seems like there are ... seven or eight." The ghost seems to have a vague memory of this piece.

There are a total of twenty people, of which seven or eight are traitors. Everyone looks at each other. No wonder ... even the ghosts will capsize in the gutter. Imagine that half of your people are undercover who want to take your life at any time. If you think about it terribly, if it wasn't for the ghost to have discovered it, it might not be just amnesia.

"We were fighting in the rental house, and then ... something went wrong." Some details of the ghost have not remembered clearly, but the general situation, everyone already knows.

Wu Jiqian's face was iron-blue, and everyone could feel the anger emanating from her. If it wasn't Ye Shikai and the Hades who were present, but Serena, Ji Qian would have been angry and scolded.

Yuewei is her confidant. However, among the twenty Yuewei who acted with the ghost, half of them are traitors. Ji Qian is naturally furious. Of course, this may be the intention behind the scenes forces to deal with the ghost, but Who can guarantee that there is no traitor in the current Yuewei team.

I also have the most critical point. After learning the truth, Ji Qian feels guilty. If there is no traitor in Yuewei, the ghost will not be injured and amnesic.

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