Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1232: loose the temper

"Miss Ji, this is my business. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." Chen Yuxin said coldly, because of the recent events, her mood was very unstable. In the past, she was happy even if she was facing someone. Anger is invisible, and it is for this reason that no one can understand her temper, but in the face of Ji Qian, she seems uncharacteristically unpleasant, and her words are full of gunpowder.

"But it's related to the Hades." Ji Qian countered that Ye Shikai's affairs had become known to both Hades and the Temple of the Moon. Chen Yuxin's behavior was indeed a bit radical. Even a couple could not do that kind of thing. One more thing, when she stabbed a dagger into Ye Shikai's Dantian, I don't know if there was any trace of remorse in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't tell the matter in front of everyone, otherwise ... with Ji Qian's personality, once she heard It is said that Chen Yuxin almost killed Ye Shikai, and she would be furious.

"That has nothing to do with you," Chen Yuxin said coldly. "Miss Ji, because you are the youngest lady of the Ji family, I don't want to quarrel with you, I don't care what you have done with him before, I want to remind you, now he It's my husband, please don't move your mind. "

Chen Yuxin slowly walked towards Ji Qian, her tone was almost "intimidating". In Chen Yuxin's heart, she and Ye Shikai separated because of her not saying goodbye eight years ago. This was a mistake entirely. When Ye Shikai suffered huge spiritual damage, she came into marriage by virtue of her beauty, and almost married together. The most important thing was that Ye Shikai and Ji Qian were not only in love, but also experienced life and death together. This relationship is It is very subtle, saying that true love needs to be tested by "fire". Once it has experienced life and death, the hearts of both sides are almost frank.

And Ji Qian is now not only the moon god, she is also the young lady of the Ji family, and it is not surprising that she will be the head of the Ji family in the future. Compared with Chen Yuxin, she is better than Chen Yuxin. Because of the sense of crisis in marriage, she will naturally be hostile to Ji Qian. After all, she still has no sense of security in her marriage. After all, she "snatched" Ye Shikai from Su Qingyu's hands, and by virtue of not Deep affection, but the unborn child in the belly.

Chen Yuxin is too paranoid, especially after becoming a homeowner. Although she is weak and in front of Ye Shikai, her heart is domineering and stubborn. She never gave up on the identified goals. Ye Shikai is her biggest goal. She was not wrong in one point. In the eight years apart, she could not forget Ye Shikai in her heart every day and night. The name, everything of this man, was deeply in her mind.

But after she and Ye Shikai got married, this "dedication" did not dissipate. After marriage, she did not feel fortunate and could renew her fate. On the contrary, her desire became deeper and deeper. Not only did she want to get this marriage, she Also get Ye Shikai's feelings, get all of him ... [... love strange literature ¥¥ fastest update]

Her possessiveness was too heavy, and in her heart, Ye Shikai was gradually defined from "the person you like" as a "lottery", and those who participated in the "bid" with her were Su Qingyu and Ji Qian.

She also paid a lot for this marriage. For example, the interests of the group, if Ye Shikai's wife is Su Qingyu, he has no doubt at all. Even if she becomes pregnant in the future, Su Qingyu will bear the big belly but be in the group. At work, however, after Chen Yuxin became pregnant, she was willing to sever the connection with the outside world, and was happy to raise her baby at home. Every day, she ate the meals that the nutritionist didn't make for her.

If she compares her energy to a big cake, then she "feeds" a whole piece of cake to the marriage and children, while Ye Shikai, he divided his "cake" into several pieces, "Hey "I gave it to the Hades," Hey "to the brothers," Hey "to the friends, and of course," Hey "to the marriage. However, Chen Yuxin was wrong and she gave everything to her marriage. She also asked Ye Shikai devotes all of her life to marriage. The gap between desire and reality has gradually deteriorated her personality and become extremely sensitive. She will speculate on every move of Ye Shikai. Once she is not satisfied or does not meet her expectations, she will lose control of her emotions. , Make radical behavior.

"Chen Yuxin, you are really a poor woman." Ji Qian heard it suddenly and sneered. "You paid so much for your marriage, but it was just wishful thinking."

"You lie." This time, Chen Yuxin shouted hysterically, regardless of the existence of others.

"Xiao Kai is in love with me, and you are all defeated by my men."

"You love him deeply, but you must be sure that he loves you deeply." Ji Qian mocked. "If this is the case, he should have taken the initiative to divorce Qingyu, married you, and married with Fengzi." ."

"You shut up for me." After listening, Chen Yuxin could no longer control it, picked up pure Jun sword, and waved sharply at Ji Qian.


Ji Qian took out the jewel staff, the two weapons collided together, and the two energies collided fiercely, and everyone around them couldn't help taking a step back.

"Well, do you want to show your fangs?" Ji Qian seems to be motivating Chen Yuxin intentionally. Seeing that the situation has worsened, instead of stopping it, she continues to ridicule her.

"Homeowner, please calm down." Chen Ruoya rushed forward and protected Chen Yuxin behind her, and both sides took a step back to avoid "all-out war ~ ~ Miss Ji, if the homeowner's body is in an accident, then It ’s your responsibility. Can your Ji family afford it? ”Chen Ruoya, the loyal guardian, naturally could n’t watch Chen Yuxin and Ji Qian fight, not to mention, she is now a pregnant woman. Excessive internal force is harmful to her unborn baby. Useless.

"Everyone has eyes, she's obviously the first to do it." Ji Qian snorted coldly.

"Homeowner, please be calm and calm, or go back first." Chen Ruoya asked a few maids to help Chen Yuxin to go back. This is the Chen family, not that they just want to enter.

"Master Luna is really domineering." The magic **** the side raised his thumb excitedly.

"What's the matter?" Mengyun whispered softly, her face was heavy, her brows froze, no matter how Chen Yuxin was Ye Shikai's wife, and there was Ye Shikai's child in her belly, if something really happened, it would be the most uncomfortable in the end. It is Ye Shikai himself. The two women's identities are very special, and they must not mess around. The first encounter between the two women just now has made him scared.

"Master Luna, what should we do now." Nightmare stepped forward and asked.

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