Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1250: Arrive early

"In the East China Sea, almost no one dared to be like Miss Gu." On the way to the Zheng Family Mansion, the Zheng family member suddenly teased.

"Haha, you say she, she has always been like this." It seems that this person should also appear in yesterday's hotel. As for directly showing Zheng Ye's face, this kind of thing, at least few people in the East China Sea dare Do this.

"I see Mr. Gu is somewhat face-to-face. I should have stayed in the East China Sea for a long time." The Zheng family members seemed to be talking nonchalantly.

"Yeah, that's just more than two months." Ghost nodded. From the time of that operation to the time when he recovered his memory, the period of time was long or short. He hasn't been to the East China Sea, but after living here for two months, he feels faintly integrated into the city, of course ... Thanks to Gu Xin, otherwise he should be a tramp now.

"I spent many years in the Zheng family, but I rarely saw Zheng Gongzi being so kind to young people." The man continued, "Zheng Gongzi is a dragon and a phoenix among the people. In the entire East China Sea, there are not a few peers. There are enough Capital makes him look good. "

"Gong Zheng is indeed awesome." Ghost nodded slightly. In addition to him, who else has such great ability in the East China Sea, not only that, his strategy is far more than his peers, and cooperates with Ji's family, Hades, and Luna Temple Using external forces to help consolidate the status of the Zheng family, the ghost has been in the Hades for many years and served as a "think tank" for many years, but he still gave a high evaluation to Zheng Zheng.

"Mr. Gu, we're here, Zheng Gongzi has been waiting for a long time."

"Okay, I'll go in myself."


Two weeks later.

Yanjing, the airport.

"Look, that young lady in hanfu."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't know which star it is."

Silently looking at the crowd around, his face was full of disdain. For a long time, Zong Zong was “isolated from the world”. Except for doing business with the local medicinal drug dealers in Yuncheng, he basically did not talk to people and lived “I do n’t know With Han, regardless of the Wei and Jin dynasties, of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but at least in terms of clothing, it is very traditional, so that when speechless appears at the airport, it seems out of place.

An 18-year-old girl in charge, an absolute big beauty, had just spent ten minutes at the airport, and a few "confident and confident" men approached him. Of course, they all returned without success, speechless. Although it is beautiful, the aura is real. Approaching her is like sticking her body on the iceberg ...

"Head, why are these people so weird?" The maid next to her seemed to resent these men, and her expression was rather unpleasant. It seems that these maids are 17 or 8 years old. Of course, there are men in Xi Zong. Disciple, but going out without words will only take female disciples.

"I'm so sorry, speechless, I've kept you waiting for a long time." Not long after, another beautiful woman walked into the speechless, as the two beautiful women "meet", the crowd around them more, At any time, beauties like to go in groups, one is wearing a silver-white OL outfit, and the other is wearing a light blue hanfu, which seems to be the airport's "landscape".

"Miss Ji, we've met again." Yes, it's Ji Qian who came, Wuyan doesn't often come out of Yanzong, and often doesn't come to Yanjing, but every time she comes, it seems to be related to Ye Shikai, or She said that every time she came, it was for Ye Shikai.

"This is my real estate in Yanjing. Da Lao Yuan invited you over, and I apologize for the inadequate hospitality." Ji Qian will be silent and a manor brought by the waiters.

"Miss Ji, have you been so polite anytime." Wuyan said faintly. Compared with the "pastoral life" of Xun Zong's bland water, Ji Qian's treatment is almost "Presidential" treatment.

"No words, let's open the door to see the mountain, how is the plan?" Ji Qian asked.

"Of course no problem." Wuyan took out a small box from his pocket, which was lying with a few "white tender" large bugs. After a while, these maggots took shape. By that time, he would help Ye Shikai to restore Dantian. There will be protection.

"Mute, I still have something to say to you alone." Ji Qian said suddenly.

"A few of you, get out of the car and wait for my order." Muyan nodded slightly and motioned a few female disciples to get out of the car. This car is specially made, bulletproof and soundproof, and it is impossible to install eavesdroppers inside.

"What's so mysterious, I think, if it's not important, you won't rush me over."

"You're right." Ji Qian nodded.

"I have found all the masters you need, yes, the seniors of Dugu are also in the manor house, and you can meet them later."

"Miss Ji, you have everyone else, you should have something to say, it's better to be calm." Wuyan seems to penetrate Ji Qian's thoughts. In fact, it is not difficult to guess that Chen Yuxin is absolutely unwilling to Ye Shikai. To restore internal force, then, Ji Qian must act "quickly" if she wants to act. Calling speechlessly too early will only increase the possibility of exposure. Ji Qian is not stupid. Chen's "shadow" agency Its intelligence search capabilities are comparable to those of "spy" Ji Yu.

"We may have to act in advance." Ji Qian said coldly.

"What's the matter."

"These days, my sister discovered the anomaly of the Chen family, and Chen Yuxin seems to be planning to send Ye Shikai to North America." Ji Qian said surprisingly.

"You're kidding ~ ~ With legs on his body, and in Yanjing, there are several warlords in the Hades, as well as your Ji family and the Temple of the Moon, Chen Yuxin is not your opponent. Muyan didn't directly believe that although Ye Shikai had no internal strength, he was all in Yanjing, three warlords in the Hades, and several commanders and dozens of dark guards, and he stayed not far from the Chen family residence. Rental house.

"The problem is here. Her actions are very hidden. Without my sister, there is no clue." Ji Qian went on to say, "North America is not our place, it is the seat of the Temple of the King of Zeus, if Ye Shikai is taken When they get there, members of the Hades will not have an advantage in acting there. Instead, they will be careful to avoid exposure. "

"But ... why is she doing this."

"I don't know, but if he was really taken to North America, we would have a hard time meeting him, so I invited you in advance."

Both women are lost in thought. Ye Shikai's lack of internal strength is equal to the power of a chicken. Although Chen Yuxin is her wife, her behavior is often crazy, even unexpected.


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