Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1264: Anti guest

"But ... Grandpa's personality is stubborn. I'm worried. After all, it's more than seven months. In case Grandpa has any ideas, just ..."

"Well, Ruoya, don't say it anymore, I don't want to talk about this topic anymore, please give me a cup of coffee." Chen Yuxin was sitting in the position, the plane was about to take off, and her face did not look very good, maybe in In everyone's view, Chen Yuxin's move was ridiculous, puzzling, and even irritating, and she also understood, but now that things have been done, she has no room to regret.

Perhaps it was only her extreme personality that made this decision. Chen Yuxin looked out the window, and a light rain began to float in the air, just like her mood at this moment, rainy, dark clouds ...

"Now that the plan with Zeus has begun, we should return to Yanjing." Chen Yuxin muttered to himself, "It won't be long before the end of Ji's family. When I bring the lower case back, Yanjing will never go again." No my opponent. "

"Yes, the Ji family has lost some of its power now, and Ji Qian cannot return in a short period of time. Coupled with the master's strategic plan, the raid on the Ji family will surely achieve results." Chen Ruoya nodded in response.

"No, the point is, I still have two trump cards in my hand."


After a week.

Ye Shikai was in the secret room of the King of God's Palace. He had a very comfortable life. In addition to eating, he was entertaining and sleeping every day. Zeus' treatment was pretty good. Basically, every meal was at the "big meal" level, which was expensive. One by one, of course, this is not difficult for Zeus. He even installed a game console in the room. These are for Ye Shikai ’s entertainment. Except he ca n’t leave the Temple of God, Ye Shikai is almost at "Holiday" here, just one week later, his weight began to "rise".

The most important thing is that Ye Shikai was free of mental pressure. He even "forgot" the existence of Chen Yuxin as if ... he had never been married.

As for the brothers of Ji Qian and Hades, Ye Shikai didn't think about them, and there was no movement in these temples of the gods, indicating that they didn't come. Of course, seven days is enough for them to go to any place in the world. They are not Can't come, but waiting for something.

I have to admit that Ye Shikai is now a very negative emotion. It can be said to be violent and give up. In retrospect, in the past few years, he has failed Ji Qian and abandoned Su Qingyu. Now he is treated this way by Chen Yuxin. Maybe, this It's called retribution.

In spite of the retribution, Ye Shikai fully acknowledged that in the process of becoming the Pluto, he also had countless blood on his hands. Those people used to be "decades of unforgiveness" and died in the hands of Ye Shikai. Now his Dantian Destroyed, maybe, there really is a causal cycle.

It doesn't matter if Zeus is under house arrest or killed. It doesn't make sense to him now. Will anyone who is not interested in life fear the death?

Ji Qian may be planning a rescue plan, but Ye Shikai has no interest in guessing her mind.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Hadis, it seems your life is very leisurely." Zeus slowly walked into the room, and he was also very clear. Although Ye Shikai was not as hostile as before, he still looked at each other uncomfortably. This is also normal. Zeus used to Su Qingyu's life has to kill Ye Shikai. No man should allow anyone to use his own woman as an essay. Therefore, it is basically impossible for two people to "smile with gratitude". Zeus does not usually appear in front of Ye Shikai, but this time, he is a bit "sit up".

"Yeah, thank you for your hospitality. By the way, give me an abalone banquet at noon. How about it, can you do it in North America?" Ye Shikai teased, eating these big meals every day, he could Don't you gain weight?

However, helping Ye Shikai to nourish his body is also one of the agreements between Chen Yuxin and Zeus. After all, Ye Shikai has no internal strength and his spirit is so depressed. In the long run, he will definitely get sick.

"Of course, if you are willing, I can even get your Huaxia" Full Man "dinner, whatever you want to eat, there is nothing." Zeus did not refuse, Ye Shikai nodded and lay directly in bed to play the game, although now he was Under house arrest, but it appears that the Temple of the Gods “confesded” him as if for his ancestors.

"Thank you so much." Ye Shikai lay on the bed and said leisurely, a look of "landlord master" enjoyment.

"Why, Hades, you're not curious, why isn't the moon **** yet?" Ye Shikai's appearance actually caused Zeus to start frowning. This week, the two were completely different states. Ye Shikai had a comfortable life, and his clothes came out to open his mouth to open his mouth, but Zeus was different. Ji Qian and Wang Kai took people to "walk around" in the city, as if they were a "large tourist group". Of course, they could not be Really traveling, but waiting for the opportunity, waiting for a moment, assault on the Temple of God, so Zeus did not leave the Temple of God for a week, always guarding against the assault of Ji Qian, making him and Ah Florette was a bit mentally fatigued. When he planned with Chen Yuxin, Zeus thought that he had picked up a bargain and held Ye Shikai in his hands, which was a threat to the Temple of Moon and the Temple of War, but now it seems that Ye Shikai's "Big God" is easy to come in ~ ~ It is difficult to send it out.

"Why should I be curious. I'm just a waste person now. Will it be necessary for her to use my staff for me? Besides, I can't reach her again. You ask me for nothing." Ye Shikai Haha, it is a "different" attitude. If Zeus asks, he will not answer. The needle cannot be inserted, and the water cannot be poured.

"Hades, but then there are a bunch of your brothers, don't you care about it at all." Zeus is still not reconciled, perhaps Ye Shikai and their tacit understanding for many years, should be able to find some news.

"Zeus, if you are in doubt, you can go to her directly. I think your intelligence staff already knew her location." Ye Shikai waved his hand impatiently. "OK, I'm going to bed, you Don't bother me. "


"Master Zeus, have important information, please come here." At this time, a member of the Temple of the King hurried outside the door and reported to Zeus urgently. After waiting for a full week, there was movement and Zeus stood excitedly. Get up and leave quickly.


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