Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1273: Get caught

The "Shadow" organization is a top secret unit of the Chen family. It only takes orders from Chen Yuxin. Its four leaders, Fenghuaxueyue, each has not only a strong strength, but also a scheme. Since Chen Yuxin has sent Ye Shikai to the Temple of North American Gods, she is sent out. The security guards are by no means idle. The four leaders have their positions within the organization according to "wind", "flower", "snow", and "month". The "wind master" in the black population is also the leader of the four leaders. According to Chen Yuxin's order, they called "protecting Ye Shikai's safety." In fact, they wanted to "control" him.

Ji Qian took Ye Shikai's hand and walked into the woods. There were many dark guards and moon guards around him. There were no inhabitants around the temple of the God King. Even if the battle was fought here, no one would notice. A forest is the best hidden object.

However, the forest as a hidden object is also the best place to hide and kill.

"Up." A black windy "Wind Lord" sighed softly, countless figures fell from the tree, blocking everyone, and there was a faint tendency to surround.

"Huaxia people." Ye Shikai was a bit shocked when he heard this. He has seen too many such scenes. Ambush has always been the most effective attack method, but this is in North America. Why are there so many practitioners from Huaxia? This is not under the control of any Lord God.

"Why is it a woman?" Ye Shikai saw the leading man in black, and although she could not see her face, she could basically judge that she was a woman from her figure and ponytail on her back. This happened to Ye Shikai before Xue Xue and Li Mei are similar, but they should not be them.

"What kind of people are you?" Ji Qian was so embarrassed that she couldn't think of a retreat and she was ambushed. In fact, the elders and guards of the Chen family accompanied Ye Shikai to enter the Temple of the Moon, and the people of the "Shadow" agency all arranged Out there.

There was no leader around Ji Qian, and Serena was not there either. They all blocked the guard of the God King's Palace in front.

"Hands on." The man in black didn't have any extra action. He directly came up to surround the attack. Ji Qian saw the situation was not good, and quickly asked the dark guard to protect Ye Shikai's regiment and greeted him in person.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Silver light shot from the gem staff, fell like a meteor in the sky, and exploded among the crowd.

"Catch Ye Shikai." The woman who was called "Master Feng" said coldly, and the eyes of all men in black also fell on Ye Shikai. In the past, even if there were many people surrounded by him, he was unhurried. But now that there is no internal force, he is just like watching the "fighting of immortals". The dark guards around him are desperate to protect each other, but the fighting power of the men in black is not inferior. Soon, the ground is already "over the ground."

Ye Shikai picked up a dagger from the ground and saw a familiar sign on it.

"It really is a shadow agency." Ye Shikai's complexion changed, indeed. After the last time he played with someone in Donghai and the shadow agency, he found the mark, and Xue Xue also had the same tattoo on his arm. In this way, this is undoubtedly the "shadow" agency.

No wonder it can mobilize so many practitioners.

"Sir, please step back." Several dark guards were standing next to him, but the situation is not very good now. The number of "ambush" surpassed them. Zeus in front, shadow agency in the back, and the three temples. Although there are many, they can't care about each other.

On the other side, Ji Qian held the wand in one hand and the short dagger in one hand, facing the surprise attack of "Wind Lord". Although the power of the staff is great, Ji Qian also has a water element body around her, but once she is left, she faces "Master Feng" 's extremely fast posture and severe double-knife offensive, Ji Qian is still slightly in a disadvantageous position. Ye Shikai can only look anxious, and the internal force is strong, but if you let the assassin close, even if you just swipe gently at the neck That is also a must-death.

"You don't care about me, please help her." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, but the dark guard beside him showed an embarrassed expression, standing still, Yuewei had already played almost, and Ye Shikai had no internal strength. If true He didn't even have the ability to protect himself. All of the dark guards were carefully selected. Loyalty to Hades is the creed of action. If they leave, what should happen to Ye Shikai's safety.

"What are you trying to do, I am Hades, just to order." In the end, under Ye Shikai's "forced order", several dark guards around also went up to help Ji Qian fight off the "Master Feng" offensive.

This is the time.

"Master Feng", who has been busy fighting, suddenly sneered, her mouth slightly raised, Ji Qian keenly observed her strangeness, and immediately felt an ominous premonition in her heart, and suddenly turned to look at Ye Shikai, sure enough, in a state of chaos, Ye Shikai's side was empty, standing alone, staring with four eyes, Ji Qian's expression changed dramatically.

"Get out of there soon." Ji Qian shouted. As soon as the voice fell, Ye Shikai felt a palm resting on his shoulder, and a powerful force dragged him away without waiting for him. When you see who it is, it becomes dark.


In the early morning, a forest ten kilometers away from the Temple of the King of Gods.

"Haven't found it yet?" Serena asked, but looking at Devil's gray-faced face, the expectations on her face suddenly became lost again ~ ~ It's been all night, After Ye Shikai was arrested, and the members of the "Shadow" organization, they seemed to have evaporated and disappeared completely in the forest.

"We have too many human casualties. We can send them all out." Soul killer sat in the mud, panting lightly. The people in the Three Temples were killed and injured more than half, and few were left. Except for the manpower in charge of treating the wounded, all others are looking for someone in the forest, and even the guarded manpower is not left. If Zeus comes now, they will not have the power to fight back, but the temple of Zeus ’king is also injured. It is heavy and should not come.

Even a cultivating master like Soul Destroyed, who experienced hours of **** battles and searched in the forest all night, was still so tired to sit on the ground, drink saliva, eat bread, and recover his strength.

"What's the condition of Lord Luna." Soul biting the bread, pointing to the inside of the tent.

"Very bad, Master Hades has been depressed and mentally decadent since the incident last night." Selina shook her head, Ji Qian's feelings for Ye Shikai, everyone in the Three Temples knew that Ye Shikai was captured and her location was unknown. , Life and death is unknown, Ji Qian is naturally uncomfortable in her heart.

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