Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1288: Until the point

This is actually a dismissal. Ye Shikai sneered. This chair is made of solid wood and reinforced with steel bars. As a result, he couldn't take a punch from Hans. However, Ye Shikai naturally has a solution. He saw the fatal weakness of Hans. In order to achieve maximum power, he exposed his fatal position to his opponent when he punched.

Seemingly fiercely carrying crickets, in fact Ye Shikai can defeat him with only one move.

"Boy, come on." Hans beckoned and motioned Ye Shikai to call.

"You come first." Ye Shikai counter-sneered, Hans was furious, and fisted towards Ye Shikai.

"Silly man." Ye Shikai snorted coldly, avoiding Hans's boxing on one side of his body, came to his side, kicked and stepped on his knee, Hans fell to his knees all at once, because of his body After losing his balance, Hans fell directly to the ground and rolled several laps. He was so embarrassed that the onlookers couldn't help laughing.

How did Hans understand Huaxia's "four or two pounds", in fact, this is where he found the fatal point of Hans. Once Ye Shikai uses it a little, even if the fist is fierce, it will not help. In the simplest way, a fist, even if you have strength, Big, can't hit the opponent is useless.

"Abominable boy." Hans stood up and saw everyone laughing at him. He was naturally embarrassed and angry, and planned to grab Ye Shikai first, and then hit with his fist, but this time, his hands had not touched Ye Shikai, and his chest was Ye Shikai hit a kick, as if he had been stabbed by an awl. Hans stepped back a few times, and his chest had a sharp pain, and this pain was not the pain of "stopping on the surface" and then "deep into the bone marrow."

"Okay, good martial arts." The onlookers all applauded, this kick kicked cleanly and did not drag the water, although in terms of size, Ye Shikai was a few smaller than Hans, but when he played, his momentum was even better One chip, and Hans, like a stupid bear rushing on, except for his movements and posture, did not cause Ye Shikai a little damage.

After a few rounds, every time Hans attacked, he ended up with a "dog eating mud". He even fell a dozen breathlessly. The most important thing is that he really lost his face. After all, he lost , Two times, maybe excusable, but this has already fallen a dozen times. The most important thing is that whenever Hans fell, Ye Shikai did not fight back, just silently watching him stand up next to him, it seemed ... Ye Shikai had no desire to attack.

"You can only dodge. You have the ability to fight one-on-one with me." Hans was frustrated. Perhaps in his concept, the two of them fight hard to the end. You don't need skills to fight for your life. This is called a duel, like Ye Shikai. At best, it is speculation.

"That's good, but you need to pay attention, because I only make one move." Ye Shikai slowly raised his index finger, this is what he said to Hans and everyone.

"He's kidding, just one trick."

"He should be a foe. Hans' strength is not something he can afford."

Everyone was talking and worried about Ye Shikai. After all, the physical differences between the two were too great. If they dodged, Ye Shikai might win by ingenuity, but if it was hard, it would be difficult, let alone a hit. However, in the impression of everyone, no one can beat Hans by ten strokes.

Ye Shikai saw everyone's anxiety, but well, they were really worried. Hans yelled, rushed straight forward, stretched his fist, Ye Shikai looked for the right time, kicked hard, just kicked in Han On Si ’s fist, the so-called “the end of the crossbow cannot wear Luhan”. Hans ’fist was extremely tough, but Ye Shikai stepped back first. When he reached the front of Ye Shikai, he had already gone out, and his power was far less than the moment he punched. Ye Shikai's legs were very good. In the middle of Hans' fist, he stood strong, and Hans couldn't move forward by one point.

"It's my turn now." Ye Shikai looked for a chance, took advantage of the situation, kicked back, hit Hans's chin, and hit him hard enough.

When Ye Shikai was playing the underground boxing match, he used small to large and many experiences to hone his fighting ability and reaction ability. He was heavier than him by four or fifty pounds and was a head higher than his opponent. Not to mention the use of legs now.

Ye Shikai landed, and did not give Hans a chance to breathe. A series of punches hit him on the chest. With each punch, Hans took a step back until he retreated to the wall. There was no way back ...

"You lost." Ye Shikai hit a punch, but the punch just stopped as soon as it fell to the tip of Hans's nose. Hans was unable to step back. Ye Shikai won, and there was no need to hurt him. After all, Making enemies everywhere is not a wise decision.

"Yeah ... I lost." Hans hadn't even reacted yet. Looking at Ye Shikai's decision, and then looking at the fist, he only gave up. He was convinced. He took no more than a dozen rounds. He didn't. It hurts Ye Shikai a little bit, and just that, he has already lost.

"Looks like you've made a lot of money these days." Martin handed the diamond to Ye Shikai, first a box of gold and then a diamond, which ordinary people can't get in their lifetime.

"You asked Hans to come and provoke me." Ye Shikai's words were startling, and Martin stunned first, turning to a bitter smile. "How did you see that?"

"Since I was invited by you ~ ~ Then seeing Hans make me difficult, you should avoid our conflict, but you just perfunctory a few words, on the contrary, you seem to want me and Hans very much Discuss it, even at the cost of blood. "Ye Shikai picked up the diamond and shook it before his eyes.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." Martin shook his head. "So ... I offended, this diamond, even if it was made up."

"Yeah, I didn't even care about it." Ye Shikai waved his hand, Martin didn't know, this kind of thing, he has experienced since the age of eighteen, the boxing match at that time was not "to the point."

Everyone began to applaud, applaud Ye Shikai's extraordinary skills, and applaud his character. After all, Hans repeatedly tried hard, but Ye Shikai was "to the point," which requires a generous person to do .

"Everyone continues to drink at the bar, and there will be a show at the meeting." Martin waved his hand, and the crowd disappeared. The bar returned to its original lively appearance, and nothing seemed to have happened.

"You were really amazing just now. Although Martin knew that you were better than ordinary people, but he didn't expect that you were so strong." At this time, Ai Weier went to Ye Shikai and said softly in his ear.

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