Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1293: Resolve competitors

"You still have a little conscience, but it doesn't matter if you don't think about it. I believe Martin will have a solution." Avril Lavigne saw Ye Shikai thinking and thinking for Martin, and she showed a reassuring look on her face. She was also worried that Ye Shikai was a kind of mixed life People, it looks like he really wants to help Martin.

"It's not that simple. It's not that easy to convince Liu Ye. The key is to know how important Martin is in Liu Ye's heart." Ye Shikai shook his head. Liu Ye, the old churros, is by no means easy to handle. In addition, time is also not good for Martin. The opportunity to "dominate the city west" this time lies in the sudden death of Zeus, which caused the reshuffle of all forces. In the final analysis, it is "the hero is created by the current situation." Martin wanted Taking advantage of this opportunity to expand his power, he must "cut the knife" before the situation stabilizes. If he delays like this and waits for the situation to stabilize again, he will have no chance.

Avril Lavigne once said that Martin had a dozen competitors, and that was really troublesome.

"A dozen competitors, how can there be so many." Ye Shikai murmured, can not help but feel a headache.

"You said that if there were no competitors, then Liu Ye could only choose Martin." A complaint by Ye Shikai seemed to wake up Ai Weier, and if she wanted to plan to start, she might not have to start with Liu Ye. If not, With competitors, Liu Ye has no choice but to promise Martin.

"Hey, you wouldn't want to ..." Ye Shikai had a vague feeling about this, but there are more than a dozen forces, what does Ai Weier want to do.

"If we solve them, Martin won't have competitors."

Sure enough, this woman really wanted to kill them. Ye Shikai shuddered. He didn't want to help Martin, but he was not a "good man". He would make fun of his life. After all, Martin gave him gold bars and diamonds, but also Want to use him, the two are "employment relationship", Ye Shikai is also selfish, he will help Martin, but will not bet on life, clean up these dozens of leaders, instead of killing a few ants, Ye Shikai now There is no internal force in the body, and if you are hit by a knife and hit a bullet, you will also be in danger of life. In case you ca n’t go back ...

Ye Shikai couldn't imagine what the result would be. He was not a fairy, he didn't want to die, and he had people he wanted to see, so he didn't want to mix in the muddy water.

"Why, you still want to kill them." Ye Shikai wanted to persuade Ai Weier to dispel this idea, and said 10,000 steps, even if Ye Shikai was unafraid, just rushing forward, it would be tantamount to death, even his life Now, what else to fight.

"Of course, do you think I'm joking?" Avril was serious. "Well, let's go together."

"You are innocent or stupid, do you think it would be so simple to solve it?" Ye Shikai called out directly, A silly woman, Ai Weier, he suddenly began to admire Martin, and every one of them was loyal, even Ai Weier So is this woman.

"You can't even try, how can you know?" Avril pursed, seemingly dissatisfied with his response.

"Crap, don't you think they're unprepared, and you're just going there, aren't you looking for death."

"If I'm alone, of course, I can't do it, but ... Isn't there still you?" Ai Weier slowly leaned over and said softly in Ye Shikai's ear, but with you, it's not necessary. . "

"How about ... would you like to go with me?"

"Cough, of course, but you can put the knife down first." Ye Shikai looked at the dagger on his neck. This woman ... was really "cold-blooded".


In a bar in North America.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Ye Shikai was brought into a bar by Ai Weier. In the evening, many young men and women gathered in the bar, including Chinese people. Ye Shikai did not know the details of the bar. , But roughly guessed, the boss behind this bar should be a competitor of Martin.

"What do you think? Of course you deal with him." Avril gently lifted her blouse, and sure enough, a dagger was pinning her waist. Sure enough, she came to do it.

"Why don't you use a gun." Ye Shikai's face was black and she was so bold on other people's territory. This woman is really crazy.

"Of course it is for concealment, and I have no life under the sword." Avril said, and suddenly laughed, picked up the glass, drank beer, and looked like a harmless woman. A killer.

"The boss of this bar, called Steven, is one of Martin's competitors. Most of his industries are bars, KTVs, and some restaurants. There are a lot of people at hand. This time, I want to start with He started. "Ai Weier's tone was firm, not at all joking, Ye Shikai looked inside and outside the bar, there were security guards everywhere, there were seven or eight people at the door, and he looked carefully. There was no second one except the gate here. The entrance and exit, once Avril hands them, they will either become "the stunner", or they can only protrude from the main entrance.

Ye Shikai really wanted to know if Ai Weier was crazy. This time the two of them came. Ye Shikai had no internal strength. How did she want to escape.

"Hey, there are so many people here, how will you go out." Ye Shikai held Ai Weier's arm and asked.

"That's your business, aren't you able to hit it ~ ~ After the meeting is over, you keep the door." Avril said lightly.

"Hey, you just believe me, so many people here, what if I ca n’t fight." Ye Shikai almost "kneeled" after hearing this, Ai Weier, do you think she has any other cards in hand, the original is Ye Shikai dragged those men down.

"Of course I believe in you. With your ability, even if you kill Steven here, you can easily leave this bar."

Ye Shikai heard a black line on his face. For the first time in his life, he didn't want anyone to praise him. He was not Zhao Zilong.

"How can you be sure, Steven will definitely be here today." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Every Sunday, he will come to this bar to inspect, but he would not think that this time ... this is the last time he came to this bar." Ai Weier stood up after speaking, and walked towards the central dance floor.

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