Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1350: He Linghan came

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"You are also an officer now. You can have some rights. For example, you can go home and rest without having to stay in the camp. It is also a village anyway, and you will come tomorrow morning." Shang Guanjian and everyone returned to Shangshui Village. Some soldiers were sent to patrol the village. Among the Qin Army, naturally, the more they went up, the more rights they had. Most of these soldiers were young people in Sheung Shui Village. If they could go home and rest, who would refuse.

"But I don't have a house here. Besides, I don't have any relatives here." Ye Shikai suddenly thought of He Linghan and Mr. He, who crossed the Qin Dynasty by himself. In addition to Shangguanjian, his fraternal brother, The two of them were thinking of Ye Linghan. Ye Shikai's mind was the memories of Su Qingyu and Su Qingyu. The two of them were so much like each other. Ye Shikai always reminded himself that they were two people in two eras. When I saw He Linghan, he still had a strange feeling in his heart. He wanted to go back to Uncle He's home, but ... after all, it was not his home.

"You are now from Sheung Shui Village. The village owner has a lot of vacancies. You can choose one and report it tomorrow." Shang Guanjian waved his hand and left. Ye Shikai felt a little embarrassed and went to the east of the village.

"You all follow me." Ye Shikai turned around and saw a few soldiers following him, quite curious.

"Well, if you don't order, your subordinates won't be disbanded."

"That's it." Ye Shikai slammed his head and almost forgot, he was already so long, and his men were carrying several sergeants.

"Are you all young people in Sheung Shui Village?" Ye Shikai asked.

"What a long time, we are all."

"Let ’s do it, you all go home and go to sleep. The training ground will be concentrated tomorrow morning." Ye Shikai looked at everyone exhausted and didn't want to make it difficult for them. Moreover, these soldiers were all young people in Sheung Shui Village. It will inevitably leave a bad impression on the villagers.

"Really, thank you very much, thank you very much." The crowds thanked each other and turned to leave.

"Okay, I should go back to sleep." Ye Shikai found a suitable room in the east of the village. Fortunately, there are quilts and pillows, and even one or two sets of clothes, presumably also arranged by Shangguanjian in advance. Ye Shikai took off the armor and placed the bronze sword by the bed. It is now a rush hour, that is, from 7 to 9 in the evening. For modern people, this time is not too late, but in the Qin Dynasty, this time should be rest.

Ye Shikai searched in the room for a long time, and found another good thing. A large round tub should be used for bathing, but the hot water must be slowly burned.

After half an hour.

"Comfortable, cool." When Ye Shikai was lying in the hot tub, he couldn't help but praise it. This was the most relaxing moment in this period. No wonder so many people like to take a bath.

Hey, hey, hey.

Suddenly, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Ye Shikai's thoughts, and finally he relaxed the moment and was disturbed again, but then again, he didn't know many people in Shangshui Village, it was so late, who else Visit at the meeting.

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai quickly stepped out of the tub, hurriedly dried her body, and took a long piece of cloth as a bathrobe.


As soon as the door was opened, both of them were shocked. Ye Shikai never expected that the visitor was He Linghan, but she did not expect that Ye Shikai was dressed like this. Perhaps in the ancient conception, there was no such thing as a bathrobe. Now, women in this era are extremely conservative, even if Ye Shikai is tightly wrapped, she still can't help screaming.

Ye Shikai's eyes were stricken and she quickly covered her mouth. Now the villagers are all asleep. If they shout, half of the villagers can be awakened, and it will be difficult to explain.

"You wait a moment." Seeing that He Linghan calmed down, Ye Shikai was relieved, released his hand and explained immediately, then closed the door violently.

After three minutes.

"Oh, Linger, I'm really sorry, but I'm in a bad state." Ye Shikai changed into a suit, and then opened the door for He Linghan to enter the door.

"Ye son, you were bathing before." He Linghan looked at the large tub beside him, and then he realized.

"Yeah, as soon as I get out of the tub, you come over." Ye Shikai was a little embarrassed. She quickly picked up some peaches and pears. These were the ones he just brought from Han Hao's banquet. He just arrived at the "home" "In less than an hour, with the exception of some daily necessities, it would not be an exaggeration to use the words" family walls ". Fortunately, I brought some fruits, otherwise I would not be able to entertain them.

"Come, have some fruit." Ye Shikai passed the peach over.

"Ye Gongzi, I heard the old man in the village say that you have risen so much." He Linghan asked suddenly.

"Yes, Lord Han just promoted."

"Congratulations, Ye Gongzi, you got a reward as soon as you first joined the army." He Linghan smiled with a smile, really happy for Ye Shikai.

"It's just luck." Ye Shikai seemed to suddenly think of something and took out the dry food that He Linghan gave in the morning.

"Linger, I'll give these back to you. Both you and your boss have a difficult life, and the food is not enough to eat ~ ~ I appreciate what you have done for me, but I am already very old now, I do n’t have to worry about food and clothing. ”Ye Shikai ate a meal at her house last night. She can also analyze the situation of most of the villagers. There is not much food left, just enough to eat. If you encounter a famine, I ’m afraid you will not survive. Ye Shikai did not want to reject her good intentions, but also considered the actual situation. Qin Chao was no better than modern times, as long as he had money, he could buy food.

The most important thing is that the front line war is about to come, and the rear naturally needs to raise military rations. Then the old He family who had only enough food and clothing may be even worse off. Ye Shikai thinks that God can let him encounter He Linghan, it must be a fate, He won't give up what he says.

Although He Linghan was a little hesitant, he took the dry grain bag over, and his heart was inevitable.

"You go to the training ground today, is there any news?"

"Linger, I don't want to lie to you. We just got the news that we are going to the front line with the team that escorted the grain ordnance. Maybe we will return after the delivery, or we may ... stay there to fight." Ye Shikai hesitated. After a while, I still decided to tell the truth. Most of the people around him were young people from Sheung Shui Village. If there was a **** battle there, who can guarantee how many people can come back alive, maybe, they will never come back ... The latest chapter of the president ’s wife of Wang Address: The wife of the president of personal soldiers Full address: The wife of the president of personal soldiers txt Download address: The wife of the president of personal soldiers Mobile phone reading: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the following \ " Favorite \ "Record this time (Chapter 1328 He Linghan visits) read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "President's Wife", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! !! ()

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