Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1356: Stand up

"Alas." Several sergeants immediately escorted this person. Tonight, such a big thing happened. Even the county magistrate heard about it. Shangguanjian still has a lot of things to do, first of all, to ensure the safety of these forages, and then Report this to Han Hao.

"Lao Ye, it ’s really thanks to you this time. I thought there were dozens of gangsters harassing me at all. I never thought that there would be hundreds of robbers all at once. If you were n’t here to direct these grains and grass, as well as my men. There are many brothers, but I am worried. "Shangguanjian gasped, if the grass was burned, according to the Qin law, he may not escape the crime of death. Of course, he is not afraid of death, but there are more than a hundred brothers under his command. He came from Shangshui Village. He didn't want to see so many people involved. If Ye Shikai wasn't here today, the grain and grass wouldn't be able to keep it, but when he saw the crowd and the grass were intact, his heart was calm.

"Now aren't they also my brothers." Ye Shikai patted Guan Jian's shoulder.

"By the way, why are you carrying so many people and so many cavalry." Ye Shikai pointed to the cavalry in front of him, good guy, full of fifty or sixty cavalry, and about two or three hundred soldiers.

"It's too late to inform the garrison in the county, so I asked the garrison in several nearby townships for help. They were all my own. They all gave me face, so we came over together." Shang Guanjian nodded, Shang Guanjian was The red man in the eyes of Han Hao, the other chiefs of the garrison in the township pavilions, naturally wanted to end him. This is part of the reason. Ye Shikai once heard that there was a decree in the Qin Dynasty. The rescuer is guilty, and still punished severely. Although I do not know whether it is true or not, the purpose is very clear. It is to prevent the situation where the death is not rescued. This is even more true in the military. In the event of a major event, they themselves will be in big trouble.

"It turned out to be that way. If you don't arrive in time, we might as well be smoked to death in the cave." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly, and now his throat and lungs still feel pain.

"This time you held the granary and assisted in catching so many robbers. One of the best things, Master Han will definitely reward you. Maybe, you will be promoted to the governor immediately." Shang Guanjian patted his shoulder. Indeed, not only is Shangguan Jian, it seems that the sergeants here are not only concerned about surviving on the battlefield, they are also concerned about the reward of the battle. Perhaps they are not only for themselves, but also to improve the lives of the young and old.

"Okay, let's go back quickly." Ye Shikai didn't pay much attention to the merit of the fight. After so long killing, he was tired, and now he just wanted to sleep.

"I'm afraid tonight. With such a big incident, I have to take someone to the prisons in the county and keep them under strict supervision." Shang Guanjian left 30 more sergeants and let Ye Shikai stay here to guard the food. Ku, if that person is really a fine work of the wolf, then they have been planning for a long time, and they must be carefully supervised if they want to burn grain.

"Well, you have been so busy tonight, let's go to sleep. We now have so many brothers here on patrols, and I don't think there will be any more bandits." After this battle, the sergeants I was even more impressed by Ye Shikai, and Li Tunchang also "fifth body".

"Okay, then there is Mr. Lao Litun and your brothers." Ye Shikai walked into the cave, lay directly on the long table, took a grain bag as a pillow, and slept over.


Modern, holy mountain.

"Just ran away in such a few moments. I thought how capable Doris and Aphrodite were." Wang Kai looked at the escaping crowd and couldn't help spitting.

"Che, Ares, don't put gold on your face, they are afraid of this guy." Athena sneered, pointing at the beast behind the crowd, lazily basking in the sun, the beast almost I have played against all the main gods present, whether they are teaming up or heading up, but they do not work, and they cannot even let this monster go all out. If this is not good, this monster will these main gods "Dangling."

Of course, humans and beasts are originally two species, not to mention that the animals in front of them are not ordinary animals. This is a giant beast that is suspected of being a "Kirin". If you bring out the holy mountain, it is a "monster". Comparison of combat power is a bit unfair.

"Speaking back, where did the old Yeren go?" Wang Kai has asked how many times, but unfortunately there is no "human-beast translator", and they simply don't understand what a giant beast means.

"Looking at the appearance of Doris and Aphrodite, they must not have found the old leaves, otherwise Hadith would have died if they were found, and they would have no need to go up to this mountain and leave the ruins long ago. "Athena analyzed.

"So, Lao Ye must still be in the ruins, and he has no internal force, but at most it is ten miles away. We hurried to find it." As soon as the three men were preparing to go down the mountain, they saw a group of people going up the mountain, and the two sides met.

"Destroy the soul, magic girl, nightmare ~ ~ magic fox, how are you." Lao Ye said excitedly, when he saw dozens of dark guards behind him, he suddenly understood, it seems, Ji Qian It was sent back safely.

"The moon **** has been sent to Daizong, we came to the boss with the dark guard and supplies to find the boss, how about it, did you find it?"

"No, only this one was found." Wang Kai smiled bitterly, pointing at the giant beast on the mountain, and everyone took out a weapon subconsciously.

"Relax, it seems to have a good relationship with us. It didn't attack us, but scared Aphrodite away." Wang Kai quickly explained, "OK, we have n’t had anything for three days, so give it quickly." Eat it. "

After half an hour.

"What about your wound, I will help you change the bandages." Magic Fox asked with concern. Nightmare was still injured, but he was in a good spirit. He had a fight with a werewolf, and was covered with injuries, but Fortunately, no bones were injured. After eating and drinking, these wounds will soon heal.

"Thank you," said Nightmare, but his eyes kept looking at the map in his hand.

"Where do you think the grown-up is now, will you ... be eaten by that giant beast?" The magical fox pointed to the beast beside him, and looked lazily as if it were full. Already.

"No, its mouth is not enough to swallow a person. If an adult is really eaten by him, there should be blood on the ground, but we have been searching for a long time, and there is no blood at all nearby."

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