Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1366: Leave overnight

"Tun Chang." When he came to the camp, Ye Shikai was surrounded by everyone.

"We can wash away the shame today and re-enter the battlefield to realize our ambitions. Thanks to the chieftain, please close the warehouse."

"Okay, okay, let's all get up and do these things." Ye Shikai quickly beckoned everyone to get up. He helped Mancang. First, he respected him for being a man with courage and martial arts. Secondly, it is to find a military officer with full combat experience and a high level of martial arts, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the troops. He is the spiritual pillar of the soldiers. As long as he is there, the soldiers behind him will bravely advance and die. If he falls, the entire army will fall apart and there will not be more soldiers. On the contrary, the larger the number, the more difficult it is to control once it collapses. This is like shopping on the road. If everyone on the entire street goes Everyone goes in one direction when everyone goes in one direction.

"In the future, the lives of our brothers will be long. You will let us go east, we will never go west."

"Your life is yours. In fact, I don't want war to break out. There is no soldier in the world. People live and work in peace. This is my dream. When the war is over, you will be rewarded and returned to the village. Let ’s have a birthday. ”Ye Shikai can understand the psychology of these people. When they were in Longya, all the players wanted to build their careers, and they were belligerent and impetuous. Ye Shikai was also the same at the beginning. Now, in retrospect, he was a young man.

报告 "Report, Lord Han has orders, and let you and Shangguan Baijiang quickly get into the account, it seems that there are important things to discuss." At this time, a commander rushed to report.

"Will we just go, or all officers?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"I only let you and Shangguan Baijiang go. As for the content, the villain does not know."

"OK, you go down first."


"Master Tun, this time you command properly, Master Han must reward you." Mancang said excitedly.

"Yes, lord, you are the celebrity of han, he will definitely entrust you with a heavy responsibility."

"Okay, you stay where you are. I'll go into the camp first.



By the time Ye Shikai came to bring the camp account, Shang Guanjian had arrived. There were only him and Han Hao in the camp, and even the guards had withdrawn. Obviously, there was "confidentiality" to say.

"Brother Ye, you're finally here." Han Hao greeted him personally. "I prepared fine wine and venison. Let's eat first."

"Mr. Han, is there anything you want us to do?" Shang Guanjian's "workaholic" is not uncommon, he is only interested in military affairs.

"First of all, congratulations to the two. The county guard has already learned about the battle. After obtaining such a major military achievement, when you return, you will have your own field house." The new 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https : /

"Thank you, Lord Han."

"Master Han asked us to come, I'm afraid it's more than that simple." Ye Shikai was not very happy. He was convinced that sooner or later he would go back. These things are "floating clouds." Starting

"Of course there is military sentiment." Han Hao's face changed slightly, and it was not so simple. I saw him slowly stand up and put down a huge map.

"Please look here, two people." Han Hao pointed at a road on the map with a wooden stick.

"Master, isn't this our march line." Shang Guanjian asked curiously.

"Exactly, look here again." Han Hao moved the stick and pointed to a narrow road next to it.

"This is the path to Yandu. I received the military information. The attack time of the frontline wolves is ahead of schedule, which is half a month earlier than expected."

The wolves attacked half a month in advance. This is not good news. If the frontline rushes and allows the wolves to break through the Great Wall, the iron hoofs of the wolves will be covered by the army and driven straight into the army.

No wonder, today ’s victory was won, but Han Hao is not happy at all now. It turned out that the front line was in a hurry.

"Sir, do you already have any plans?" Ye Shikai opened his eyes and asked directly.

"Well, I plan to divide the troops in two ways. The two of you will lead 2,000 people. Starting from the path, taking the half-month dry food day and night, and going directly to the front line, I will take 3,000 people to continue to send food and grass to the escort."

The imprisonment for the delivery of grain and grass was carried forward on foot, and it was necessary to carry such a heavy forage, which was only 50 miles a day. If only the troops were allowed to leave, they could travel for more than 100 miles a day, and half a month was enough to reach Yanjing.

"Sir, if we kill 2,000 people, then if we encounter another sneak attack by the wolf, this should ..."

怎么 "Why, my brother Shangguan can't believe me? With the bow in my waist and the big sword in my hand, these wolf clans can't help me." Han Hao waved and handed a soldier amulet to Shangguanjian.

"Brother Shangguan is the chief commander, Ye Ye is the deputy commander, and he is the leader of these two thousand people. The only thing that matters is that you rush to the front as soon as possible.

"Well, Shangguanjian is ordered."

"Since it is Lord Han's military order, I naturally have no opinion."


怎么 样 "How is it ~ ~ Tun Chang, what kind of official has Han rewarded you for?"

Qi Ye Shikai glanced at the excited crowd, they are still immersed in today's small victory, they do not know what the real war is.

"Everyone, let's get out of here." Ye Shikai cried and laughed, and made a decision that was unexpected to everyone.


"Tun Long, what happened?" Mancang asked with a doubt.

"Shangguan and I were ordered by the army to command two thousand people, and all the cavalrymen, and immediately set off to the front line of Yandu." Ye Shikai explained a little bit, according to the process, if the front line felt pressure, the general would send a letter of help to Xianyang. Wait until the court discusses and then let the counties and counties send troops to help each other. However, if the situation is urgent, the letter will be written directly to the county guards, but it needs to be explained to the Xianyang court.

Looking at this form, I am afraid the situation belongs to the latter ...

"That's the case, that's good, his subordinates go immediately." Mancang Zuo said, then turned and left the camp.

"Bring sufficient dry food and water, and cavalry to bring forage."

After an hour.

Twenty thousand sergeants lined up neatly in the camp, except for the necessary weapons and half-month supplies, they threw away everything.

"Lao Ye, the military situation is urgent, we must set off immediately, so we can't rest tonight."

"Well, let's go immediately and march overnight. After daybreak, we find a village to take a break and eat some dry food to replenish our strength."


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