Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1395: Private Trade Ordnance

"As a soldier of Daqin, it is natural to defend the territory, not to mention this wolf is a sharp blade on my Daqin head. Once they enter the Central Plains, it is a disaster, so there is nothing hard and hard." Ma Peng grinned. Tao, perfectly returned to Ye Shikai's words. If viewed from this perspective, if Ma Peng is placed in a modern enterprise, he should belong to those dedicated middle-class, meticulous, but he has not been able to meet the opportunity for promotion. You can get superior appreciation.

"Yes, Brother Ma, we are new here, and we do n’t know as much about the wolf as you are. I have a few questions, and I hope that Brother Ma can enlighten me." Ye Shikai's words turned, and he hoped to find out from Ma Peng's words Some flaws came out.

"Brother Ye, just ask, as long as I can answer, I will never hide it."

"I have fought with the wolf tribe before, of course, but only a few times, and I still fight with some of their guerrilla forces. I don't know what their regular army is, what weapons they have, and how powerful they are."

"Presumably Brother Ye has also seen these days. The wolves are known for their bravery. They are good at riding and shooting. Their cavalry is fast and fierce. Once they launch a collective charge, it is unstoppable. At this time, our army will use The strong bow and crossbow hit the wolf cavalry's feet, interrupted their charge, and then met the enemy with a spear line. This was the way to win the battle, so General Montgomery repeatedly warned the army to be diligent in practicing the army, otherwise ... "

"Yes, you said earlier that the wolves are good at riding and shooting, right?" Ye Shikai interrupted Mapeng's words.

"What ... what happened."

既然 "Since our army has a strong bow and crossbow, and the wolves are also good at shooting, so why do the wolves charge against the arrow rain instead of shooting at us?"

"Brother Ye has no idea. Although the wolf clan is good at archery, the arrow feathers used to make arrows are scarce. They do not have arrow feathers. The arrows produced are not stable and the direction is difficult to maintain. The production level of the arrows of the clan is not high. In addition, the wolf clan does not have our armor casting technology and it is difficult to produce iron armor. Therefore, once the arrow is hit, it is difficult to resist the leather armor alone. "Mapeng said in detail. The wolf is located on the grassland. In addition to the large number of horses, cattle, and sheep, there is really nothing that can be more abundant or advanced than the Qin Dynasty in the Central Plains. Especially the food and the lack of food on the grassland. Every winter, some people will starve to death. They salivated to the fertile land of the Central Plains.

"Brother, I have heard a little about Bianguan. If it wasn't during the war, when the Bianguan was opened, there should be a business relationship between the Wolf and Daqin." Ye Shikai said lightly, indeed, there is nothing wrong with this. Although the Great Wall was repaired, it did not mean a complete blockade. The merchants of the Qin Dynasty brought food, metal utensils, medicinal materials and other materials to the grassland, and the merchants of the wolf tribe also brought animal fur, cattle, sheep and horses to the Central Plains, but It was this sentence that made Mapeng look a little restless, as if ... it was about his heart.

"This is indeed the case. The merchants of the two sides do have a lot of trade, but for military supplies such as arrow feathers and armor, the border checks are strictly checked. These things are forbidden from flowing into the hands of the wolves. Open, all borders of Daqin have been sealed. "

"That's the case. No wonder, I thought the wolf had arrows but didn't use them. That was the reason." Ye Shikai slowly stood up, patted Mapeng's shoulder gently, and said softly, "I'm leaving, Brother Brother eats slowly. "


He returned to the barracks, and Ye Shikai saw Xue San sitting beside him. The other side saw Ye Shikai coming in, and suddenly stood up from his chair.

怎么 样 "Well, is the investigation clear?"

"Captain Qian, what you have entrusted to me, of course I will fulfill my mission." Xue San took out a bamboo slip from his clothes.

"This is the information you want." Xue San passed the bamboo slip to the past.

"How did you find these materials so quickly?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Ma Peng's family members are all in Jixian. He is also a military commander. It is easy to find his home. As for this bamboo slip, he put it in his study and got it easily." Xue Sanyi said.

"I didn't think this Mapeng was really superficial and behind the scenes. It's no wonder that being a thousand captain in this desolate fortress is not wronged at all." Ye Shikai opened the bamboo slips, and even after reading, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if What a good thing happened.

"Captain, what the **** is it, is this kid uneasy?" Xue San asked curiously.

"It's not uneasy, but ... it's evidence that he sold his arrows to the wolf without permission." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"What." Xue San was shocked after hearing it, and couldn't help shouting. Even in normal times, the quartermaster was strictly controlled, and it was forbidden to circulate to the wolves. Not to mention it is still sold privately. The key is that now The war has begun, and these arrows will soon become the "killer ~ ~" to kill General Qin. This is a capital crime of beheading. This Mapeng is really tired of it. Although Xue San is a thief Born, I also did a lot of stealing chickens and dogs, but I heard that Ma Peng turned out to be a private trader of arms, even sniffing, and even irritated.

Maybe, this is "there is a way to steal".

"I can't think you'll be so angry." Ye Shikai teased.

"Captain, although I am not a good person, and I have stolen the money of many people, I still understand the principle. If it is because of these ordnance that the wolf tribe has broken the fortress, I do n’t know how many people will die." Xue San It's rare to show righteousness in the righteousness, but it makes Ye Shikai stand out.

"There is a saying in us that having money can make ghosts grind. As long as the profit is high enough, most people will be tempted. If there is a huge profit, then someone will be risky." Ye Shikai said, He originally only suspected that Ma Peng had a problem. Now it seems that this is true. If he hadn't guessed wrong, the assassin eavesdropping outside the barracks that day was his subordinate, but unfortunately he couldn't hold his breath. Ye Shikai found that the assassin, perhaps he would not be suspicious at all. Sending someone over there to eavesdrop on such a "blatant" is undoubtedly not self-recruiting, first exposed his guilty conscience. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Captain Qian, we should immediately report to Master Han and take the felony of Mapeng. He did not expect him to be diligent and diligent on the surface, but behind the scenes, he was secretly communicating with the wolf tribe."

"Now that we have the evidence, we should really grab Mapen, but his 2,000 sergeants are a bit tricky."


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