Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1404: Meng Tian arrives

"Master Han will not punish you at all, and you will definitely be rewarded for your current abilities and military skills." Shang Guanjian is very clear. Ye Shikai is now very prestigious. He is also a red man in the eyes of Han Hao. If his The success of the plan is a great achievement. Even if the plan fails, no one can give a better opinion, so Ye Shikai will not be punished, let alone the consequences.

But Shang Guanjian is also curious. What can Ye Shikai have to do to allow the Sergeant of the Wolf clan to serve the Qin Army, and seeing him so confident, it should not be nonsense.

"Come." Ye Shikai clapped his hands and walked quickly into the barracks.

"Captain, what are you commanding?"

"The food in the captive camp should be distributed according to Qin Jun's standard of the commander of the army. In addition, insults and insults are not allowed, and they are allowed to move around the camp." Ye Shikai's words were shocking, and Mancang held him directly. The rations are limited, and Ye Shikai should even treat the captives of the wolf tribe. This is the first time in the Qin army.

"Captain Qian, those soldiers fighting with us in blood are living on glutinous rice porridge, but they have to give good food to these prisoners of war. The end ... is really unpredictable." Mancang is a straight man, and he has a relationship with Ye Shikai. Okay, let me straighten out my doubts.

"Only steamed rice porridge, but people can still survive, but if people die, even if the mountain and sea taste are in front of them, it is useless." Ye Shikai said lightly. "If this cavalry can be formed, the infantry can reduce at least thousands. With the loss of people, thousands of brethren will be able to go home. What are these wines and meats for in order that more people can be reunited with their families? "

"Oh, my subordinates understand, so go down and order." Mancang nodded, and turned to leave.

"Lao Ye, are you sure this is really useful?" Shang Guanjian still hesitated. Not only did he not punish the prisoners of war severely, but he also offered to provide them with wine and meat. I am afraid that only Ye Shikai was alone.

当然 "Of course, I will not trade at a loss." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder. As soon as he wanted to leave, Han Hao brought in a few generals.

"Shangguan, Brother Ye, you are all here, and I happen to have a big thing to tell you."

"If Han is talking about the cavalry team, there is no need to say more. Give me some time and I will let you see the results."

"Brother Ye has misunderstood, you are the commander of the cavalry team, how to train you to decide, I'm not here for this matter." What Ye Shikai didn't expect is that Han Hao came here not for this, but he really It is unexpected why he came here suddenly.

"This is really a big event." Han Hao said solemnly. "After I reported the situation to the general, General Mongolian recognized it very much, so he will personally bring the guards over tomorrow to reward him, so we will all come to meet tomorrow."

"General Meng Tian is coming." Ye Shikai was quite shocked. He did not expect Meng Tian to come here in person, but speaking, he was not the first time to see the general of Qin Guo. He was in Bai Qi's relics. He I have communicated with the "energy body" left by Bai Qi. Bai Qi has deep internal forces. Although the physical body is not present, he can still immortal his soul by virtue of cultivation. He even gave Sabre Youxi to him, but unfortunately, Youxi Jianfang In the storage ring, while Ye Shikai has no internal force on his body, he cannot start the storage ring at all.

"Yeah, I can't believe it, but this is really true, and we can see how great this battle is."


The next day.

"The Meng family has always been the gatekeeper of Daqin, destroying the Six Kingdoms, and expanding the territory for the Qin Dynasty. General Mengda is even more famous for his meritorious service. His reputation is very high among the wolves. He will come this time, Lao Ye. It seems that you are not far away from the promotion. "Shang Guanjian teased, Meng Tian is distinguished. Although he often comes to front-line inspections, Han Hao naturally brought people out of the city to meet him.

别 "Don't talk nonsense, the wolves are plotting to collude with Mapen and want to seize the fortress. General Mongolia must be worried that he came here."

The matter of Mapeng was a reminder to Meng Tian. Who knows how many people like Mapeng are in the Qin Army. If there is another "Mapeng" and the frontier is dedicated to the wolf, the defense line of hundreds of thousands of people Wouldn't it be self-defeating.

"Come here, come, you all be quiet." Han Hao kept urging, Meng Tian slowly led the soldiers and guards closer to the fortress, and saw his general flag in the distance.

"Get off and greet."

When Meng Tian approached, Han Hao immediately dismissed the generals, and he even greeted him personally.

"General Han Hao, led the fortress army waiting for the general of Mongolia."

The last time Ye Shikai saw Meng Tian far, but the distance was too far, and he saw it very dimly. This time, he could see clearly. Meng Tian was ten steps away from him. Sure enough, his posture was bright and his majesty trembling.

"Okay, let's go ahead." Meng Tian waved his whip, and led the soldiers behind him directly into the fort.

"Everyone, go back."

Among the camps.

"The fortress is a place of bitter cold ~ ~ There is nothing good, and the general will be asked to atone for his sins." Han Hao asked the sergeant to prepare wine and meat cuisine, and even found a few cooks from Jixian County, although not as good as Xianyang Palace But for sergeants off the books, this is already a rare treasure.

"The frontier is hard, so there is no need to fight so much." Meng Tian waved his hand. "I'm not hungry now, I'll give all the wine and meat to the sergeant and let them eat first."


"This ..." Han Hao did not expect that Meng Tian would do this, but he did not dare to complain. He could only let the sergeant go to cook again. When Meng Tian was hungry, he brought the dishes back.

"I heard that this time a general named Ye Shikai gave a plan, and then beheaded and killed the horde warrior Helian and wiped out 4,000 enemies, didn't he?" Meng Tian opened the door and asked directly.

"General Hui Hui, that's exactly what happened." Han Hao poked Ye Shikai with his elbow, motioning him to reply quickly.

"Look at how young you are and how long you have been in the army." Meng Tian looked closely at Ye Shikai. The young man looked very energetic, and had a strong murderous look in his eyes. Although it was covered up, the long-term experience of Meng Tian It can be seen that this is a bloodthirsty killing intention.

"Back to General Mongolian, only more than a month."

"In such a short period of time, it is so promising to build such a great feat." Meng Tian nodded. "Tell me how you came up with this strategy."

"In fact, there is nothing, but to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. The wolves can ride on the grasslands, relying on their war horses, but if they are in the city, they are useless."

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