Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1438: Xianyang City

In any case, Ye Shikai would never say that he came from modern times more than 2,000 years later. Of course, even if he said it, I am afraid nobody would believe it, but just in case, he only said to He Linghan This thing, other people, he never said.

"Maybe, maybe I overestimated my men, but ... you did hide very deeply." Hua Liandie waved her hand, Ye Shikai was very clear, with Hua Liandie's seemingly "human and animal harmless" but again She should continue to investigate the "deep city" personality, and the more mysterious Ye Shikai's identity is, the more curious she becomes.

"You are not going out yet, if I will let the sergeant find you in my barracks, how can I explain it?" Ye Shikai said quickly, but he did not dare to speak loudly, it was deeper in the middle of the night. People heard that he was a big man, and Hua Liandie was only a weak woman in the eyes of everyone. If it was discovered that Ye Shikai had a weak woman in his camp, what would they think.

I am afraid that everyone will regard Ye Shikai as a "beast".

"Cut, really, a big man is twitching, it's not decent." Hua Liandie gave a cold cry, stood up and planned to leave.

"and many more."

怎么 "Why, what else do you want to say in the military?"

"Do you know the practitioner, since you can sneak into my barracks so secretly, you won't be, you are a practitioner." Ye Shikai opened his eyes and asked very directly. It is impossible for people like Hua Liandie to have a city palace. Knowing the practitioner, at least, she must have known it.

"This ... you'll know it later." Hua Liandie walked out of Ye Shikai's barracks after she said it, and as expected, there was no guard call from the outside, which means that she "dive out" again. Military camp.

I am really an elusive woman.

The next day.

Han Mancang and the guards were as usual. There was nothing unusual. Sure enough, Hua Liandie's move yesterday did not attract their attention.

Ye Yekai did not blame them. If Hualiandie is really a cultivator, then if she wants to go out, she can't stop it.

"Master, how are you resting?" Mancang asked, Ye Shikai almost came out with two dark circles, tossed by that woman, he was almost asleep all night.

"OK," Ye Shikai replied lightly.

大 "Master, we are about to be promoted. According to the arrangement of Lord Han, our cavalry team is behind."

Ye Yekai's attention was all focused on the flowers and butterflies not far away. Among the black guards, her white clothes were very obvious. Like a princess, the stars held the moon.

"Everyone hurry up and set off." Ye Shikai put on his armor and rode on a war horse. The crowd went west all the way to Xianyang.

Along the way, Hualian Butterfly had a lot of peace, and she was next to the cavalry all day long, riding a sedan slowly forward, and did not come over to "harass". In just seven or eight days, the troops came to Xianyang city.

"Wow, this is Xianyang City."

看着 "Looking at the wall, it's taller than the fortress."

The Li Zhongjun are curious about everything in Xianyang City. Most of them are children of Heyang County. Where they have been to Xianyang City thousands of miles away, this time they came to see the world.

Even Han Hao, Shang Guanjian and Ye Shikai have passed Xianyang in the future, but it ’s a pity that the phone is not on their body, otherwise Ye Shikai really wants to take all of them.

"General is Han Hao, General Han?" As soon as the army arrived at the gate, a general guarding the city came out and asked. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"It is under the command of the General Meng, who led the army to Xianyang to accept the reward of His Majesty the First Emperor." Han Hao nodded.

"The general Meng has already informed the lieutenants. Please go to the city, the barracks have been arranged."

"Thank you."

Han Hao ordered the troops to slowly enter the city, Ye Shikai turned his head, and saw Hua Liandie entering the city with a guard from the side door in advance. Perhaps, her power was not limited to the small Yangxian County, and even had her power in Xianyang Maybe, as early as the Warring States Period, there were already many famous businessmen who had industries in the Seven Kingdoms and exchanged profits among them.

"Sir, we should enter the city." Mancang reminded, Ye Shikai was slowed down.

"The cavalry is obedient and enters the city."


"Captain Han, Ye Junhou, Shangguan Junhou, His Majesty the Emperor will meet three tomorrow, and ask them to be ready." Soon after arriving at the barracks, he saw a person wearing an official uniform came over, Look at this, it should be someone in the palace.

"thanks for reminding."

"The three must be here for the first time in Xianyang City. Your compassionate soldiers will allow you to play in Xianyang City and experience the local customs."

"Thank you Xia Longen." Han Hao knelt on the ground, thanking his head.

"I heard that you broke the wolf clan at Shifeng Fortress, Your Majesty, and these gold and silver cloths are also a reward to your three." The visitor pointed to the box on the carriage behind him and said.

"Thank you."

After an hour.

"In the end is the capital of Xianyang ~ ~ This reward is much thicker." Shang Guanjian looked at the boxes of gold and silver, and couldn't help sighing. Since the six countries were destroyed, I do n’t know how much gold and silver are constantly flowing. Sended to Xianyang, these rewards are really nothing.

"It seems that General Mongolian has spoken for us before the First Emperor, thanks to Brother Ye." Han Hao nodded and said that the gold and silver alone were enough to stand up to their five years.

Ye Yekai took some gold and silver and gave it to relatives who were beside Xuecang Xue. Since he was allowed to "play" in Xianyang City, he did not intend to waste this opportunity.

"My lord, you can't think that this Xianyang City is so prosperous. By contrast, we in Heyang County are just the countryside." When I came to the market in Xianyang, many businessmen gathered here, including many foreign businessmen. It seems quite lively. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

当然 "Of course, Xianyang City is the capital city, and all the good things in the world are here. When I was a thief, I didn't know how many valuable treasures I got in Xianyang." Xue San proudly said.

"Cut, then why are you so miserable, you have to rely on the chaos." Mancang retorted.

这 "This ... I have the ability to steal it, but it does not mean that I have the ability to keep it. Those robbers have lives in their hands. I am not the kind of person who doesn't even want to be greedy for money." Xue San explained.

"This is also, for money, there is nothing the robber can do." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Fortunately, I'm following the army now, and I won't have to worry about the robbers anymore."


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