Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1446: title

In the next few days, the two were inseparable and often appeared together at the bazaar. Together with Ye Shikai's special identity, it spread quickly in Heyang County. Those bullies who did not have long eyes were naturally afraid to entangle again. He Linghan, but maybe because of his shy and restrained character, He Linghan always avoided him deliberately when the two people approached.


On this day, a group of sergeants in armor came here. The leading officer, Ye Shikai, knew that he was a subordinate of Han Hao, and now he was in the county. He didn't know what he was doing today.

"Brother Ye, Brother Shangguan, I haven't seen you for a long time." Natural people don't need to be polite when they meet, not to mention they are still brothers in the same robe now.

"Chen Junhou, is there anything you are doing in the county this time?" Ye Shikai asked with a smile.

当然 "Of course, and it's still a good thing." Chen Junhou took out a bamboo slip from the back. "The general's order of praise given by Brother General Ye to Brother Ye personally sealed you as a wing general."

"Wing ... General, what is this?" Ye Shikai was confused, and Qin Jun's military system should not have this item.

"Lao Ye, this is a special title given to you by General Mengda. Indeed, this title has no real power, but it is a commendation for the heroic performance of soldiers." Shang Guanjian explained to this, Ye Shikai also understood that this was given to him by Meng Tian Although it has no real power, everyone knows that if a general can receive Meng Tian's personal award, will he be an ordinary person, glorious, rich, and powerful, but sooner or later.

"Brother Shangguan, you will be the Vice Admiral of Brother Ye." Chen Junhou added that, speaking of Ye Shikai's entry into Qin Jun, it was the door that Shang Guanjian led in, and it won him the favor of Han Hao. Help, but now let Shangguan Jianlai be his lieutenant, Ye Shikai is a bit worried, for he is not convinced.

"Of course, Lao Ye is courageous, has strategy, and martial arts is better than me. I am willing to be his lieutenant general." What Ye Shikai did not expect is that Shang Guanjian agreed very simply, and it did not seem to be saying " Irony ".

"Ye Jun, oh no, it should be said to be General Ye. Today is your day of ascension. As a rule, shouldn't you give a reward to the army?"

当然 "Of course, I'm going to have a banquet, and Chen Jun will stay for a few drinks at night."


Shang Guanjian asked the army to buy some wine and meat from the bazaar to celebrate Ye Shikai's ascension. This is indeed a day worth celebrating. Sometimes, he is also thinking about it. He joined the Qin Army for only four or five months. The speed of promotion is so fast. The essential reason is that he encountered a battle with the wolves, and his strategy made the defending army wipe out tens of thousands of enemies. He was also appreciated by Meng Tian. At this moment, he can understand why There are so many sergeants in the Qin army who are warlike.

"Brother Ye, congratulations on your promotion, and toast you."

"Military is polite." Ye Shikai paid a drink in return.

"Xue San, come here for a moment." Suddenly, Ye Shikai thought something, and suddenly said something.

"Sir, what do you want to do?" Xue Sanxin grasped it, immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand and trot to him.

"Last time I asked you to investigate the news of Hua Liandie. Have you made any progress?" Ye Shikai asked.

"This ... lord, that woman is not ordinary." Xue San heard the name of Hua Liandie, and his face immediately became embarrassed.

"What do you mean."

"These brothers have spoken to me these days. This woman is not easy to deal with." Xue San said softly, seemingly afraid that others would hear.

"Who is she?"

"A big mysterious businessman, I heard that her family has industries in all seven countries, and they are all very large. The average businessman has never heard of her, and of course, she did not know she was a woman." Xue San continued "The power of this woman is not ordinary. Many of my brothers who went to inquire were obstructed, so the progress of the inquiry was delayed." ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

听说 "I heard that Hua Liandie, a woman, has connections with all major powers in the Seven Kingdoms. She also often leaves between the Seven Kingdoms, so she is unpredictable."

"That being said, it was an accident to meet her in Yang County that day." Ye Shikai murmured, thinking that Hua Liandie had only monopolized the food of Yang County, but unexpectedly, she was so hidden, no wonder she took it casually With thousands of dollars, it turned out to be rich.

Su Yeye Kai suddenly had a "deep" conjecture. The flower love butterfly she saw that day would not be just a stand-in ...

"Hua Liandie is indeed the woman we met that day, but few people have seen her true face, so there are more and more legends about her on the rivers and lakes."

"Stop and stop." Ye Shikai said impatiently. "I was asking if you know where she is, and the rest need not be said."

"She ... didn't find it."

"Oh, forget it, I met her just meeting each other, it doesn't matter if I can meet again."

"Sir, is it just meeting each other ~ ~ But that woman followed us all the way to Xianyang, and adults ... you seem to care about her." Xue Sanfan asked, but he immediately realized that he talked a lot. Now, step down immediately.

Actually, Ye Shikai couldn't figure out why he could never forget this woman, perhaps because she was too mysterious. If any man saw her, it would be hard to forget.


Late at night, Ye Shikai did not return to the village. It was already late. He lived directly in the military camp in the county. He Linghan had a close friend arranged by him. He would be relieved.

"General, actually, this time, I have other things." At this time, Chen Jun came to the barracks and found Ye Shikai. Although they drank a lot, neither of them was drunk. They talked about the business and Ye Shikai. The son was serious.

"Brother Chen, if you have anything, just say it directly, you don't need to be so polite."

"Since you are now the leader of the county's garrison, you should go to the county from time to time. Just next month, the county will review the garrison of each county. Lord Han means that you should also bring your troops and make a good appearance. "

"This ... Of course, since it is the order of the county, I will definitely go." Ye Shikai nodded and said. Han Hao hoped that he would make more appearances in the county and know more people. In this way, he was greatly appreciated and received With the support of the county guard officials, he will soon be promoted. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Okay, that brother, I'm going back to my life and say goodbye."


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